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Solid Waste Topics

Click on one of the topic headings below for information on the Region 7 Solid Waste Program and solid waste programs in the Region 7 States of Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska.


What we do
What is Solid Waste and What is EPA's Role in Regulating Solid Waste?
Basic Facts
Solid Waste Hierarchy
Solid Waste and Greenhouse Gasses

Information Sources

Collection of Solid Waste Resources on CD-ROM
EPA Call Center
Recycled Commodities
EPA Publications
State Resources

Contact Us

Waste Disposal

Landfill Overview
State Landfill Permit, Inspection and Enforcement Programs
EPA Land Disposal Facility Regulations
Bioreactor Landfills
Combustion and Incineration
Landfill Methane Outreach Program
Industrial Waste Management
Medical Wastes
Scrap Tires
Full Cost Accounting (FCA)
Collection Efficiency
Federal Resources
Other Resources

Illegal Dumping Prevention Project
How To Report Illegal Dumping
State Illegal Dumpsite Cleanup Programs

Reduce Waste: Consumers Resources
Consumer Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste
Reduce Waste: If not you, Who? Campaign
Environmental Footprint Calculator

Reduce Waste: Business Resources

Waste Wise
Waste Minimization Program
Additional Voluntary Partnership Programs
Resource Management Contracts
State and Local Resources
Waste Exchange and Re-use Programs
Pollution Prevention Resources

Reduce Waste: Community Resources

Pay As You Throw

Source Reduction Program Potential Manual


State Resources



Recycled Commodities

Buying Recycled Products and
Environmentally Preferable Products

Recycling Information for Citizens

How Can I Recycle?

Where Can I Recycle?

  Aluminum & Steel Cans


Cars Oil, Tires, Antifreeze

Junk Mail


Mercury & Mercury-containing products

Computers & Electronics

Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris

Yard and Food Waste

How Can I Do More To Support Recycling?

State and National Organizations

America Recycles Day

Recycling Information for Business and Communities.

Jobs Through Recycling

Economic Impacts of Recycling

Recycling Measurement

The Universal Waste Rule

State Resources

Household Hazardous Waste


Virtual House

Household Hazardous Waste Topic Hub

State and Local Programs

Additional Resources


Construction and Demolition (C and D) Debris

Scrap Tires
Electronics Recycling

Funding for Waste Management and Recycling

Federal Programs

State Programs

Waste Management, Waste Reduction and Recycling Award Programs

EPA Region 7 Pollution Prevention Awards

EPA National Waste Wise Awards

State Environmental Award Programs

Other Awards

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