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Asbestos Expert Panel Report

2.0 Comments on Topic 1: Physiological Fate of Asbestos and SVF Fibers Less Than 5 Micrometers in Length

This section summarizes the panelists' discussions on the physiological fate of asbestos and SVF fibers less than 5 µm in length. Two panelists— Dr. Lippmann and Dr. Oberdörster—were designated discussion leaders for this part of the meeting, during which the panelists responded to the three specific charge questions regarding physiological fate of small fibers (Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3) and addressed topics not identified in the charge (Section 2.4). Panelists also commented on the toxicity of asbestos and SVF fibers; these comments are summarized in Section 3. This section also summarizes observer comments made after the panelists completed their discussions (Section 2.5). Overall, this section presents a record of discussion of topics mentioned during the meeting, and it should not be viewed as a comprehensive literature review on the role of fiber length in the physiological fate of inhaled fibers. Dr. Lippmann's post-meeting comments (see Appendix E) also summarize these discussions.

Although the panelists focused their initial discussions on fiber length, several panelists stressed that length is not the only factor affecting fiber toxicity. These panelists noted that toxicity is rather a complex function of the fiber dose, dimensions, and durability, as has been widely documented in the scientific literature.

2.1 Depositional Pattern in the Lung

The first charge question asked the panelists: "What is the expected physiological depositional pattern for less-than-5-µm fibers in the lung?" When responding, the panelists provided relevant background information on lung physiology, reviewed what researchers have established for depositional patterns of particles, and then addressed what is currently known about depositional patterns for fibers:

2.2 Lung Clearance and Biopersistence

The second charge question asked the panelists: "What is known about clearance/biopersistence of less-than-5-µm fibers in the lung?" The panelists identified several mechanisms by which asbestos and SVF are removed from lung tissue. As Section 2.1 explains, fibers depositing on the conductive airways are cleared, typically within 1 day, by mucociliary transport; this clearance mechanism is not discussed further here. The panelists' comments focused primarily on phagocytosis and dissolution, but panelists considered several additional factors when discussing lung clearance. All of the panelists' comments are summarized below; Section 2.3 addresses clearance of fibers by migration to other tissues.

2.3 Migration of Fibers Deposited in the Lung

The third charge question asked the panelists: "What types of migration are expected within the body for less-than-5-µm fibers?" Both in their premeeting comments and during the expert panel review meeting, the panelists offered various perspectives on how fibers of different lengths migrate within the lung and from the lung to other organs. One panelist, for example, indicated that fibers with diameters less than 0.5 µm can penetrate through lung epithelia and be transported through lymph channels to lymph nodes, blood, and distant organs. However, most of the discussion focused on the extent to which small fibers translocate into the pleura. Three reviewers' perspectives on this matter follow:

First, one panelist indicated that several researchers have attempted to characterize the distribution of asbestos fibers in samples of human pleura. Although it has been reported that only short chrysotile fibers (average length <0.2 µm) translocate to the pleura, this panelist found these studies to be of questionable quality because they lacked matched controls or sampled tissue (such as tumors) other than the pleura. This panelist then reviewed two preliminary studies of fiber translocation, one in humans (Boutin et al. 1996) and the other in goats (Dumortier et al. 2002), which were based on more robust methods using controls. He noted that one study found that 22.5% of fibers detected in the pleura were longer than 5 µm and that the pleural samples had far greater amounts of amphibole asbestos fibers than chrysotile asbestos fibers (see Dr. Case's premeeting comments in Appendix B). The studies did not examine how fibers translocate to the pleura, though the findings suggest that lymphatic drainage paths may play an important role4. The authors of these studies hypothesized that the translocated fibers might contribute to formation of pleural plaques and mesothelioma.

Second, another panelist summarized the findings from a study of rats exposed via inhalation to kaolin-based refractory ceramic fibers with geometric mean length of 4.5 µm (Gelzeichter et al. 1996). The study reported that the fate of the fibers depended on fiber length: fibers in the pleural tissue 32 days5 after exposure had a geometric mean length of 1.5 µm and geometric mean diameter of 0.09 µm, while fibers in the parenchymal tissue were much larger with geometric mean length of 5 µm and geometric mean diameter of 0.3 µm. Thus, the study indicates that very thin fibers smaller than 5 µm—fibers that would not be counted by conventional phase contrast microscopy (PCM) asbestos sampling methods-are capable of translocating to the pleural tissue (see Dr. Lockey's premeeting comments in Appendix B).

Third, a panelist reviewed findings of a rat inhalation study that investigated whether co-exposure to non-fibrous particles affects translocation of fibers to the pleura (Davis et al. 1991). The study found more amosite asbestos fibers translocated to the pleura in rats that were co-exposed to non-fibrous particles (quartz or titanium dioxide), as compared to rats that were exposed to amosite asbestos alone. The panelist noted, however, that the exposure doses of titanium dioxide (10 mg/m 3 ) might have overloaded the rat lungs and impaired alveolar macrophage clearance processes. If the observed fiber translocation to the pleura was caused by these overload conditions, the relevance of this study to environmental exposures is questionable.

The panelists noted that the extent to which fibers translocate to the pleura is not fully understood, but is likely an important consideration when evaluating pleural plaques, diffuse pleural thickening, and mesothelioma. For instance, if fibers must actually enter the pleura for these outcomes to occur (a hypothesis that has not been verified), then understanding fiber translocation into the pleura is critical. If, on the other hand, fibers localized toward the lung periphery beneath the pleura can cause disease, perhaps through chemical mediators that cross into the pleural space, then translocation of fibers is less important. Therefore, without a more detailed understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity for pleural reactions and other outcomes, the significance of fiber translocation into the pleura is not fully known. The panelists revisited fiber translocation issues when discussing the role of fiber length, if any, in causing pleural abnormalities.

2.4 Open Discussion Among Panelists

After summarizing the panelists' responses to the three charge questions, the discussion leaders invited the panelists to provide comments on additional topics relevant to physiological fate of inhaled fibers. The panelists raised the following issues:

2.5 Observer Comments and Ensuing Discussions

After the panelists finished addressing the first topic area, observers were invited to provide comments. The panelists were not required to respond to the observer comments. However, some comments led to further discussion among the panelists, as documented here. The observer comments are summarized in the order they were presented:

Comment 1: David Bernstein, consultant in toxicology

Dr. Bernstein presented findings from a chronic inhalation study that investigated the influence of fiber length and biopersistence on toxicity in rats. The study was conducted for the European Commission, but findings from the study have not been reported in the peer-reviewed literature and a written summary of the study was not provided to the expert panelists. Dr. Bernstein indicated that this study found that long fibers were more biopersistent than short fibers. He further noted that exposure to fibers up to 20 µm long were found to be uncorrelated with toxic response, and only those fibers longer than 20 µm were correlated with toxicity. These findings were reportedly derived by comparing a toxic endpoint at 24 months following exposure to the distribution of fiber lengths retained in the rats' lungs. The toxic endpoint considered was collagen deposition at bronchoalveolar junctions—a precursor to pulmonary fibrosis. Dr. Bernstein claimed that the panelists can draw from this study's findings to make definitive statements on the toxicity of fibers shorter than 5 µm.

Panelists' Discussion: When discussing this study, one panelist asked if preferential deposition of long fibers is expected to occur at the bronchial-alveolar junctions, and Dr. Bernstein said yes. This panelist noted that the apparent correlation between fiber size and toxicity might simply result from studying an endpoint where short fibers do not preferentially deposit. Another panelist encouraged Dr. Bernstein and his colleagues to publish these results.

Dr. Bernstein also presented data from an animal study on biopersistence of chrysotile fibers mined in Brazil. He explained that chrysotile fibers have a somewhat unique molecular structure, because more magnesium atoms are in the fiber surface; in amphibole fibers, on the other hand, these atoms are more concentrated internal to the fiber, away from the surface. Due to this unique structure, Dr. Bernstein argued, the chrysotile fibers are more readily dissolved in the lung. He reported that long chrysotile fibers (>20 µm) have a biopersistence half-life of only 1.3 days, while amphibole amosite fibers of similar length have a half-life of 466 days. He also showed a series of images depicting the fate of different length fibers in the lung as a function of days following exposure. Dr. Bernstein did not provide a reference for the data he presented.

Panelists' Discussion: One panelist took exception to these studies, noting that his colleagues have published a study (Finkelstein and Dufrense 1999) indicating that chrysotile fibers longer than 10 µm have an estimated half-life of 8 years in the lungs of Canadian miners. Further, he noted that a study of South Carolinian textile workers exposed to chrysotile fibers (Case et al. 2000) also supports a chrysotile half-life much longer than 1.3 days. That study found that the lung content of chrysotile fibers longer than 18 µm increased proportionally with the workers' cumulative exposure, suggesting that these longer fibers are more persistent in the lungs of occupationally exposed individuals than Dr. Bernstein's data imply.

Comment 2: Jay Turim, Sciences International, Inc.

Mr. Turim encouraged the panelists to consider the findings of two studies. First, he referred the panelists to a publication (Berman et al. 1995) that re-evaluated data from previous laboratory animal experiments in rats. This study reported that 99.7% of the potency for mesothelioma was due to asbestos fibers longer than 40 µm, with only 0.3% of the potency attributed to fibers shorter than 40 µm. Mr. Turim suggested that the panelists consider these findings when commenting on the carcinogenicity of short fibers.

Second, Mr. Turim reviewed a recent study (Brown et al. 2000) in which two groups of rats inhaled formulations of different refractory ceramic fibers (RCF1 and RCF1a). The fiber formulations were reported as having approximately the same number of long fibers, but the RCF1 formulation contains much more non-fibrous particles than does the RCF1a formulation. In the study, the rats were exposed for 3 weeks (6 hours per day, 5 days per week), and were followed up for 1 year after exposure ceased. Mr. Turim noted that the lung retention of long fibers did not differ between the two exposure groups, even though the study authors reported that macrophage clearance processes were severely impaired in the rats exposed to RCF1, due to lung overload conditions. Mr. Turim also indicated that the study provides evidence that RCF (and SVFs, in general) behave differently from asbestos fibers in the lung, because the short RCF fibers were largely removed despite the impaired macrophage activity. Finally, because the study found more persistent inflammatory response, as gauged by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) analysis, in the rats dosed with the RCF1 mixture, Mr. Turim argued that the study shows that the presence of non-fibrous particles must be considered when evaluating the toxicity of SVFs.

Panelists' Discussion: One panelist addressed this comment, noting that some aspects of the RCF study were not entirely clear to him. For instance, he did not think the publication adequately explained how lung clearance of short fibers could be similarly effective in the two groups, when macrophage activity was severely impaired only in the rats dosed with RCF1a. Further, he noted that the differences in toxicity between RCF1 and RCF1a were actually relatively minor, based on his interpretation of the BAL data and the histopathology results. Moreover, the panelist indicated that a follow-up study by the same group has found the non-fibrous FCF particles to be of high toxicity (Bellmann et al. 2002; Brown et al. 2002).

Comment 3: Jenna Orkin, 911 Environmental Action Concern

Ms. Orkin asked the panelists to comment on environmental contamination resulting from the WTC collapse, which blew contamination downwind toward downtown Brooklyn, where she lives. Concerned about ongoing exposure to WTC dust, Ms. Orkin indicated that she recently had a carpet sample from beneath a window in her house analyzed for fiber contamination using ultrasonication. She indicated that this analytical technique can detect about 100 times more asbestos fibers than can be found by ASTM MicroVac methods. Ms. Orkin noted that experts have reported that, for ASTM MicroVac samples, 1,000 structures per square centimeter is considered typical for rural homes and 10,000 structures per square centimeter typical for urban homes. However, she said that experts will not specify a safe level of structures measured by ultrasonication.

Ms. Orkin indicated that EMSL Analytical analyzed the carpet sample from her home and found "80,000 structures per square centimeter of asbestos." Seven chrysotile fibers were in the sample, including five long fibers. She indicated that the ultrasonication instrumentation eventually clogged, which she was told might mean that the contamination levels in the sample could not be measured because they were higher than the measurement sensitivity. Ms. Orkin asked if the panelists would comment on the data she presented, such as the exposure levels she and her family members might have experienced.

Panelists' Discussion: Three panelists and an EPA observer responded to the comment. One panelist noted that regulatory agencies have not established "safe limits" for measurements of asbestos fibers on fabrics. This panelist acknowledged that he was unfamiliar with the measurement method identified in the comment, but he did question why any sampling or analytical instrument would clog when analyzing a sample with only seven chrysotile fibers. Another panelist said the key issue for this scenario is characterizing the inhalation exposure, but he noted that no one has established how to estimate airborne exposure levels from asbestos levels in isolated carpet samples. Finally, noting that amphibole minerals make up 7% of the Earth's crust, a third reviewer suggested comparing the sampling results from the Brooklyn residence to measurements using identical methods in other locations that were not impacted by WTC dust.

Dr. Miller (EPA) indicated that EPA struggles with issues like those raised in the comment at many sites: What levels can be considered safe in homes? What fibers should one count when establishing these levels? When should regulatory agencies recommend abatement? He acknowledged that these decisions are beyond EPA's current regulatory guidelines.

Comment 4: Bertram Price, Price Associates, Inc.

Dr. Price's comment addressed asbestosis in Libby, Montana—a topic the panelists had questions about during their earlier discussions. Dr. Price indicated that ATSDR's recent study of Libby residents identified 12 cases of asbestosis: 11 among former mine workers, and 1 in a family member of a former mine worker. He said these findings illustrate the impact of dose on asbestosis, and he cautioned against attempting to distinguish environmental exposures from occupational exposures. Commenting on the influence of fiber length, Dr. Price noted that researchers have established a dose-response gradient between exposures to long asbestos fibers and asbestosis, though he acknowledged that the past studies used measurement techniques that did not count fibers shorter than 5 µm.

Panelists' Discussions: No panelists addressed this comment.

Comment 5: Suresh Moolgavkar, University of Washington

Dr. Moolgavkar's comments also addressed asbestos-related disease among residents in Libby, Montana. Dr. Moolgavkar noted that ATSDR has conducted two epidemiologic studies on Libby residents—the second was necessary after the agency realized that some death certificate data were inadvertently omitted from the initial report. He indicated that the second study reported that lung cancer mortality in Libby was higher than expected when compared to the state of Montana and the United States, while the first study found no excess. Regarding asbestosis, Dr. Moolgavkar summarized the available data on asbestosis cases (see Dr. Price's comment, above), and noted that asbestosis is linked to the most highly exposed individuals, regardless of whether their exposures were environmental or occupational.

Dr. Moolgavkar then commented on results from multiple mortality studies published on occupational cohorts of Libby mine workers (Amandus and Wheeler 1987; McDonald et al. 1986, 2002). He found no indication that asbestos from the Libby mines is more toxic than is predicted from cancer risk calculations using asbestos unit risk data from EPA's Integrated Risk Information System. Dr. Moolgavkar mentioned this to question the suggestion among the panelists that Libby asbestos is more toxic than asbestos from other sites (see Section 3). In fact, Dr. Moolgavkar noted, radiological examinations documented in the previous mortality studies found no evidence (based on prevalence of lung abnormalities) that Libby asbestos poses a greater health risk than asbestos from other sites.

Panelists' Discussions: One panelist indicated that he agreed with the comment, in terms of lung cancer outcomes and lung parenchyma abnormalities, but he noted that mesothelioma cancer risks may in fact be uniquely higher at Libby. Specifically, the risk of developing mesothelioma among asbestos miners in Libby, as gauged by the proportional mortality ratio (PMR), is greater than that experienced by crocidolite asbestos miners in South Africa and Australia (see Section 3.1.1 for a more detailed summary of this argument).

Dr. Moolgavkar questioned this response, arguing that the PMR is not a good metric to use. He indicated that one would expect to see an elevated PMR if the Libby cohort had a strong "healthy worker effect."

Panelists' Discussions: The panelist who addressed this issue agreed with this response, but noted that there is no evidence of a "healthy worker effect" among Libby miners, as demonstrated by the large number of accidental deaths in the cohort. This panelist defended use of the PMR for mesothelioma because it is a rare disease, and use of other cancer risk metrics (e.g., the standardized mortality ratio) might not be appropriate.

1Two panelists had different opinions on the particle sizes that should be cited in this sentence. One panelist indicated at the meeting that particles with aerodynamic diameters less than roughly 2 µm would be expected to be carried by convective forces further into the lung. Another panelist, when reviewing a draft of this report, recommended that the size cut-off for this sentence be 0.8 µm.

2Noting that rat alveolar macrophages have dimensions roughly between 10.5 and 13 µm, a panelist indicated that phagocytosis in rats is less effective than in humans at clearing fibers between 13 and 20 µm.

3This half-life estimate likely understates the clearance half-life for amphibole fibers of the same length, one panelist noted, because more recent studies have shown that chrysotile fibers are cleared more readily from the lung than are amosite fibers of the same dimension.

4A panelist also noted that lymphatic transport has been demonstrated to occur in laboratory studies of dogs that were dosed with amosite asbestos by intrabronchial instillation (Oberdörster et al. 1988). Analyses of post-nodal lymph collected from the right lymph duct found fibers only of shorter dimensions: the maximum length of fiber detected was 9 µm, and the maximum diameter was 0.5 µm.

5When reviewing a draft of this report, one panelist noted that 32 days is a relatively short period of time to examine translocation of fibers into the pleura. He indicated that it may take longer for long fibers to reach the pleura, especially if direct penetration is required for the long fibers to enter the pleura (as compared to lymphatic transport for shorter fibers).

6During this discussion, one panelist cautioned about distinguishing environmental exposures from occupational exposures and instead encouraged scientists to focus on the exposure dose, regardless of whether it was experienced in an occupational or environmental setting. To illustrate this concern, he noted that some “environmental exposures,” such as those experienced by Libby residents, might exceed “occupational” exposures in well-regulated work places.

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