Organizational Priority #1

Improve infrastructure and develop new services for intramural clinical research program to support growth in clinical activity.


David Henderson


NIAID, NCI POB, Clinical Bioethics, Diagnostic Radiology, NCI Urology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Transfusion Medicine, CC/OD Duke Program, Outpatient Department, Office of the Director


A primary goal of the Clinical Center is to provide the services necessary to support the intramural clinical research activities of the NIH. The Clinical Center has developed a comprehensive portfolio of services and products to meet this goal -- many of the services are traditional hospital functions; however, many of the services provided by the CC departments are unique to the clinical research environment and responsive to the unique needs of our Institutes' customers. In an effort to enhance customer knowledge of and access to this wide range of services, a formulary of available clinical services will be developed and maintained. This formulary will be closely linked to the activity-based costing system under development.


  • Survey distributed to all CC departments requesting detailed listing of clinical and research support services
  • Draft list of services and products linked to ABC system
  • Template for responses created and distributed to departments

FY2000 Goals

  • Develop and maintain currency of Clinical Service Formulary
  • Review with CC Advisory Council
  • Integrate formulary into protocol and resource planning processes

For more information about the Clinical Center,
e-mail, or call Clinical Center Communications, 301-496-2563.

Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7511