Organizational Priority #6

Plan for activation and occupancy of new Clinical Research Center.


David Henderson, Laura Lee, Elaine Ayres, Laura Cearnal


Clinical Center Departments, NINDS, NICHD


The unavoidable and substantial vibrations caused by the ongoing renovation of the ACRF parking garages and the constriction of the new Clinical Research Center preclude the safe conduct of microscopic neurosurgery in the existing ACRF operating suite. In an effort to avoid disruption of the NIH neurosurgery program, the Clinical Center sought to identify an alternate site to perform these microscopic procedures. Suburban Hospital was selected for the relocation because of proximity to the NIH campus and because of the existing formal clinical and research collaboration between NIH and Suburban Hospital. This relocation will require the transportation of staff, equipment, and patients back and forth between the two facilities twice weekly for approximately 18 months.


  • Identification of a suitable site for relocation
  • Identification of clinical and operational resources requirements (anesthesia and surgical support staff, transportation support, contractual arrangements, etc.)
  • Charged a multidisciplinary and cross-institutional workgroup to manage the planning and implementation of the relocation
  • Completed lease and other contractual arrangements
  • Developed a detailed flowchart of the process of transporting staff, patients, and equipment between institutions
  • Identified date for initial surgery

FY2000 Goals

  • Implement relocation
  • Identify optimal time for transfer of program back to the NIH based on construction variables
  • Facilitate ongoing collaboration among CC departments, NINDS, NICHD, and Suburban Hospital during the relocation

For more information about the Clinical Center,
e-mail, or call Clinical Center Communications, 301-496-2563.

Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7511