Designated Driver Photo Montage
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How to Implement a Community-Based Designated Driver Program

  Program Planning
  Program Marketing

Tips for Specific Groups


  Educators/College Groups
  Criminal Justice
  Medical and Health Care Community
  Hospitality Industry and Retailers
  Armed Forces

Publicity and Promotion
  Working with the Media
  Calendar of Year Round Ideas
  Media Q&A

  Partners and Resources


Medical and health care professionals are among the first to see the consequences of an impaired driving crash. Partnering with them provides a means to promote positive messages and prevent the crashes to which they respond. Medical, public health and emergency service organizations you can contact include:

  • Local hospitals,
  • Fire departments,
  • Physicians and nurses,
  • Local health department,
  • Emergency medical service providers,
  • Local American Red Cross chapters and
  • Veterans Hospitals (VA).
Traffic Photo with Motion Blur
Activities that incorporate medical and health care professionals into your program might include:
  • Confirming that hospitals or clinics have standard policies regarding the release of intoxicated individuals.
  • Making sure that physicians and pharmacists inform patients and customers that alcohol and certain prescription drugs do not mix, especially when driving.
  • Partnering with community groups that organize Designated Driver programs.
  • Contributing funds or providing volunteers to Designated Driver programs.
  • Writing a column for the local newspaper about the consequences of drinking and driving.
  • Setting up a program to identify and measure the cost to the community of caring for those injured by impaired drivers.
  • Speaking to community groups about the effects of impaired driving, as well as alternatives to impaired driving such as designating a sober driver or taking a safe ride home.
  • Responding to a mock crash at a local high school, in cooperation with law enforcement and community and student organizations.
  • Hosting tours of the emergency department for students and other groups.
  • Incorporating impaired driving issues into the curriculum for first year medical students, giving future doctors greater insight into both the societal and medical problems related to impaired driving.
  • Using your community's emergency department or rehabilitation center as the background for Designated Driver news conferences. Besides providing a highly visual backdrop, the site is a reminder of the real-life consequences of driving after consuming alcohol or drugs.
  • Distributing impaired driving prevention and Designated Driver promotional materials in waiting rooms, admittance desks or cash registers.
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