Designated Driver Photo Montage
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How to Implement a Community-Based Designated Driver Program

  Program Planning
  Program Marketing

Tips for Specific Groups


  Educators/College Groups
  Criminal Justice
  Medical and Health Care Community
  Hospitality Industry and Retailers
  Armed Forces

Publicity and Promotion
  Working with the Media
  Calendar of Year Round Ideas
  Media Q&A

  Partners and Resources


Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for military personnel. Impaired

driving, not wearing seat belts and driver fatigue are usually involved. The armed forces include a large number of 21- to
34-year-olds, the age group most likely to be in an alcohol related crash.

Every branch of the armed forces has alcohol and substance abuse programs to assist those in need. Designated Driver programs should include local military communities in their planning and activities. You can work with military bases in your community by suggesting that they:
Photo of Vehicle Car Crash on Display
  • Develop a competition between units to reduce alcohol-related traffic incidents. Reward units that reach certain milestones (six months, one year, etc.) and recognize them at base events.
  • Use base publications, e-mail, bulletin boards, displays, signs and other communication channels to encourage participation in Designated Driver programs, both on and off base.
  • Develop talking points for the base Commander or public affairs officers who may have the opportunity to talk to the media.
  • Contribute a military vehicle for local Lights On For Life Day parades or displays.
  • Contribute guest editorials or columns to local newspapers describing the installations efforts to reduce impaired driving and contribute to the communitys efforts.
  • Hold 3D Prevention Month activities at on-base schools, clubs and exchanges.
  • Invite speakers from the local community (law enforcement, emergency room doctors and nurses, victims) to participate in public information and education efforts.
  • Place the You Drink & Drive. You Lose. and the Friends Dont Let Friends Drive Drunk campaign logos or messages on leave passes.
  • Establish a partnership with a local taxi service to provide Taxi Cards to all base personnel. In the event of impairment, a taxi will give them a ride home. The person using the card would then be required to reimburse the unit within 15 days.
  • Make sure each soldier has been given the bases alcohol and drug policy, as well as any information on Designated Driver programs.
  • Remind personnel about base policies concerning impaired driving.
  • Establish a no questions asked penalty free program to encourage base personnel to use designated drivers.
  • Establish a partnership with base groups such as the medical community, emergency medical service providers, military police, clergy and officers.
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