
JUSFC A Guide to Customer Service Revised January, 2009
Creating a Better Commission

Our Purpose

The Japan-United States Friendship Commission, an independent federal agency established by Congress in 1975 (P.L. 94-118), is dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and cooperation between the United States and Japan. The purpose of the Commission, as defined in the Japan-United States Friendship Act, is to provide "aid to education and culture at the highest level in order to enhance reciprocal people-to-people understanding and to support the close friendship and mutuality of interests between the United States and Japan." It administers grant programs in the following areas:

Help and Information

Commission staff members will provide general assistance and information about our programs over the telephone or in person.

Commission staff members are also available to speak to groups of individuals at appropriate public forums to present Commission programming priorities to interested audiences.

Our Service

The Commission's program areas, listed above, have become the basis for evaluating requests, making grant decisions, and stimulating new activities in both countries, in the interest of Japan-US communication and cooperation. These areas have been chosen on the basis of the Commission's considered judgment that both highly-trained specialists and a much broader public understanding and cultural involvement are essential to a stable foundation for the Japan-US relationship in the years ahead.

Our Standards