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Agricultural Policy

The direct economic effects of a policy to provide government subsidized price discounts for the purchase of fruit and vegetable by food stamp recipients.
January 2008 (pdf, 88kb) Karen M. Jetter.
This study evaluates the direct benefits and costs to consumers and producers from changes in prices, consumption and production, of a policy to offer government price discounts on fresh fruit and vegetable to food stamp recipients.

A Framework for Assessment of California Agroecosystems
Tom Tomich, Kelly Garbach, Canter, Agricultural Sustainability Institute, UC Davis (pdf, 2400 kb, 2007)

Modeling Agroecosystem Services for Policy Analysis
John Antle, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University  (pdf, 190 kb, 2007)

Evaluating Regulation and Conservation Policy for California’s Agri-environmental Externalities
Nicolai V. Kuminoff,   Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech. (pdf, 575 kb, 2007)

Using Biophysical Information in Policies for Agroecosystem Services in California
Louise Jackson, Department of Air, Water, and Land Resources, UC Davis (pdf, 440 kb, 2007)

Effects of Price Premiums for Multiple Product Attributes on Product Quality: California Processing Tomatoes (Nov. 2006, pdf, 81 kb) by Corinne Alexander, Rachael E. Goodhue, Sandeep Mohapatra, and Gordon C. Rausser.


California International Agricultural Exports in 2006 (AIC Issues Brief #32, pdf, 360kb)
by Omid Rowhani and Daniel A. Sumner
This year was the fifth consecutive year that California witnessed increases in agricultural export value to foreign destinations. California exports increased by 5 percent in 2006 and reached a record high with total exports nearing $9.8 billion.

California International Agricultural Exports in 2005 (AIC Issues Brief #31, pdf, 92kb)
by Omid Rowhani and Daniel A. Sumner
In 2005 California’s agricultural exports surpassed $9 billion for the first time. The $9.3 billion in exports is a new record and represents a 13 percent increase from 2004.

The 2002 Census of Agriculture: A Wealth of Useful Data (no.26, Aug. 2004, pdf)
by Daniel A. Sumner, Henrich Brunke, José E. Bervejillo
The recently released 2002 Census of Agriculture provides a wealth of new information that will help frame production, marketing and policy decisions about American agriculture

California’s International Agricultural Exports in 2002 (no.23, Nov. 2003, pdf)
José E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner. The value of California’s agricultural exports in 2002 remained unchanged from 2001 at about $6.5 billion. The data reported in this AIC Issues Brief describe international agricultural exports for 2002 as well as revisions for 2000 and 2001.

County Right-to-Farm Ordinances in California: An Assessment of Impact and Effectiveness (no. 15, May 2001, pdf)
Matthew Wacker, Alvin D. Sokolow and Rachel Elkins perform a comparative study of county-adopted ordinances and their implementation in 15 agricultural counties in California's Central Valley and coastal regions.

Management Changes and Impacts of the 1996 Farm Act (no. 5, March 1998, html)
Warren E. Johnston and Lyle P. Schertz summarize the findings of a 1997 panel of professional farm managers on the impact of the 1996 Farm Act in the Sacramento Valley.


(You may have to browse the Quarterly to find the indicated article.)

Volume 19, Number 2, of the AIC Quarterly 2005 (pdf, 263kb)
This AIC Quarterly summarizes 15 of the presentations given at the two-day California Agricultural Symposium held in Sacramento on March 24 and 25, 2005.

Volume 18 No.2, 2004 (pdf)
California food production outpaces population growth

Volume 17, No. 1, 2003 (pdf)
Food labeling lacks consistency
Long-term scenarios for California agriculture explored

Volume 16, No. 3, 2002 (pdf)
Study generates cost expenditure data for crop insurance programs

Volume 16, No. 2, 2002 (pdf)
Study relates income with vegetable consumption

Volume 15, No. 3, 2001 (pdf)
Production input expenditure studies will help improve crop insurance
USDA grant will boost value-added agriculture

Volume 15, No. 1, 2001 (pdf)
Right-to-Farm Ordinances Reviewed

Volume 14, No. 3, 2000 (pdf)
The Federal Role in Farmland Conservation
Commission Director Outlines Farm Policy Issues

Volume 14, No. 2, 2000 (pdf)
Extended Crop Insurance for California Horticultural Crops

Volume 13, No. 4, 1999 (html)
Bruce Gardner Guest Speaker


Domestic Support and Border Measures for Processed Horticultural Products (pdf) by Bradley J. Rickard and Daniel A. Sumner. This study models reform of agricultural policies that apply to different stages along the vertical supply chain and show the importance of even limited input substitution between raw materials and other inputs. April 2007.

United States South Korea Free Trade Agreement: What it Would Mean for California Agriculture (pdf) by Hyunok Lee and Daniel A. Sumner. This study provides detailed information and analysis of the potential effects of a South Korea United States Free Trade Agreement for California Agriculture on a commodity-by-commodity basis. March 2007.

Hurricanes and Invasive Species: the Economics and Spatial Dynamics of Eradication Policies (pdf)
Albert K.A. Acquaye, Julian M. Alston, Hyunok Lee, and Daniel A. Sumner.
This paper examines the economic impacts of citrus canker in oranges and the eradication policy in Florida, taking into account the relationship between costs and benefits of eradication and the spatial and dynamic aspects of infestation.
Chapter 7 in A.G.J.M. Oude Lansink (Ed.), New Approaches to the Economics of Plant Health. Springer Publishing. Forthcoming in March 2007.

Are Agricultural Policies Making Us Fat? Likely Links between Agricultural Policies and Human Nutrition and Obesity, and Their Policy Implications (pdf, 240kb, Fall 2006) by Julian M. Alston, Daniel A. Sumner, and Stephen A. Vosti. This paper addresses the likely effects of agricultural subsidies on obesity both in the United States and abroad.

Political Market Power of Milk Producers Reflected in U.S. Milk Pricing Regulations (July 2006, pdf, 1.06mb) by Byeong-Il Ahn and Daniel A. Sumner. This paper assesses the political market power of milk producers relative to buyers in two ways.

An Analysis of the Private Costs and Benefits to Californians from Eating the USDA Recommendations for Fruits and Vegetables (pdf)
Karen M. Jetter, James A. Chalfant, and Daniel A. Sumner discuss the potential costs and benefits to producers and consumers in California, should Californians increase their intake of fruit and vegetables to meet recommendations for a cancer prevention diet.

Economic Impact of the Canadian Cattle and Beef Industry of a Disruption of Exports of Boxed Beef to the United States (doc)
Daniel A. Sumner and José Bervejillo. This report evaluates the potential damage to the Canadian cattle and beef industry if legal challenges were to halt exports of boxed beef from Canada to the United States in the near future. August 2005.

Commodity Policy and California Agriculture
(pdf, 38kb)
Sumner, D. A. and H. Brunke. Jan. 2004. Chapter 6 in "California Agriculture: Issues and Challenges." Jerome B. Siebert (ed). University of California, Giannini Foundation.

Wine on the Web, Susanne Stricker's thesis (in English.) (pdf) Institut für Agrarökonomie der Christian- Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. December 2003

The Agricultural Policy Outlook (pdf)
Slides from the presentation by Joseph W. Glauber on the U.S. agricultural policy outlook, October 26, 2000.

Agriculture in Urbanizing Communities (pdf)
Outline of the presentation given by Alvin D. Sokolow to the USDA Policy Advisory Committee on Farmland Protection during the July 21, 2000 listening session at UC Davis. Also available in pdf format from the listening session is testimony by Solano County farmer and rancher, Albert G. Medvitz.

Ex ante Economics of Exotic Disease Policy: Citrus Canker in California (pdf)
Draft paper by Karen M. Jetter, Daniel A. Sumner and Edwin L. Civerolo, prepared for presentation at the Conference: “Integrating
Risk Assessment and Economics for Regulatory Decisions,” USDA, Washington, DC, December 7, 2000.

Food Security Papers and Briefing Materials (html)
This site contains brief papers discussing world food security. They are written by scientists from multiple disciplines and universities. .

Value of Improved Data for Agricultural Commodity Policy Analysis, with Emphasis on Food Security (pdf)
Revised paper from a seminar presented by Daniel A. Sumner at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, Rome, Italy, September 4, 2000.



Voices of California Farmers: Effects of Regulations--Analysis of a Survey (1996) $15.00
Publications and videos may be ordered from Agricultural Issues Center, University of California, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616, with check (made out to "UC Regents") or credit card. Orders may also be called into 530-752-2320 or faxed to 530-752-5451. All prices include shipping and tax.


AIC Director Daniel A. Sumner's University of California, Davis, Agricultural and Resource Economics Faculty Webpage

AIC Associate Director Julian M. Alston's University of California, Davis, Agricultural and Resource Economics Faculty Webpage

AIC Associate Director Colin A. Carter's University of California, Davis, Agricultural and Resource Economics Faculty Webpage

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

United States Department of Agriculture

United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service

United States Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service

United States Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency

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