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Natural Resources and the Environment:

The Value of Tradable Credits for Rice Straw Burning (no. 12, 2000, pdf)
Marc Carey, Daniel A. Sumner and Richard E. Howitt summarize their analysis of the cost savings available to the Sacramento Valley rice industry through trading of burn credits.

Water Transfers and Groundwater Management: An Economic Analysis (no. 7, 1998, html)
Marca Weinberg, Keith Knapp, Richard Howitt and Judith Posnikoff summarize a case study of the potential effects on groundwater and on agricultural production of reduced surface water use resulting from water market transfers with and without groundwater management.

Economic Impacts of Irrigation Water Cuts in the Sacramento Valley (no. 1, 1997, html)
Hyunok Lee, Daniel A. Sumner, and Richard E. Howitt address the question: If a substantial part of the Sacramento Valley's irrigation supply became unavailable, what would be the economic effects on farmers and on communities---and where would the loss hit hardest?


(You may have to browse the Quarterly to find the indicated article.)

Volume 16, No 1, 2002 (pdf)
Energy crisis powers down; long-term effects uncertain

Volume 14, No. 1, 2000 (pdf)
Trading of Rice Straw Burn Credits

Volume 13, No. 3, 1999 (html)
Report Looks at Economics of Irrigation Water Losses

Volume 11, No. 4, 1997 (html)
Grower Survey on Rice Straw Disposal
AIC Program on Resources and Environment


AIC Associate Director Keith Knapp's University of California, Riverside, Environmental Sciences Faculty Webpage

California Department of Pesticide Regulation

California Department of Conservation

California Department of Water Resources

California Resources Agency

California Environmental Protection Agency

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service

United States Department of Agriculture, National Resources Conservation Service

United States Environmental Protection Agency


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