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International Trade:

Estimating California’s Agricultural Exports
In 1997, AIC formed a partnership with the California Department of Food and Agriculture, Agricultural Export Program to develop estimates of California’s agricultural exports.
(see also AIC Issues Briefs for previous years below)


EU Support Reductions Would Benefit California Tomato Growers and Processors
(October - December 2006 California Agriculture, pdf, 5.75 mb) Bradley J.Rickard and Daniel A. Sumner. Simulation model results from a 50 percent reduction in European Union trade barriers and subsidies.

Supply and Demand for Commodity Components: Implications of Free Trade versus the AUSFTA for the U.S. Dairy Industry.
(2006, pdf, 152 kb) by Julian M. Alston, Joseph V. Balagtas, Daniel A. Sumner, and Henrich Brunke.

Assessing the Role of NAFTA in California Agriculture: A Review of Trends and Economic Relationships
Henrich Brunke and Daniel A. Sumner investigate the impacts the North American Free Trade Agreement on California agriculture. This is a study the Agricultural Issues Center conducted in collaboration with the California Farm Bureau Federation thirteen years after an agreement for free trade with Canada and eight years after Mexico was added to create the North American Free Trade Agreement.

University of California Executive Seminar on Agricultural Issues, "The WTO and International Trade Prospects"
This link contains presentations from the executive seminar on the WTO and international trade prospects.

China agricultural production, trade, and cost of production data.
This site contains China agricultural data on production, cost of production, and trade. The information was created by Scott Rozelle, Hengyun Ma, and Lan Li from the department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Davis.

Agricultural Policy Negotiation Issues between the European Union and the United States (pdf)
This file contains the power point slides for a symposium organized by AIC for presentation at the annual conference of the American Agricultural Economics Association held in Chicago in August 2001. It features presentations by AIC director Sumner and colleagues from Begium, Italy and France.

Economic Consequences of European Union Processing Tomato Subsidies (pdf)
Daniel A. Sumner, Bradley J. Rickard, and David S. Hart analyze the impacts of EU processed tomato industry export subsidies, import barriers, and domestic subsidies on EU producers, consumers and taxpayers and on processed tomato market participants outside the EU.

Agricultural Exports for California
This link provides information on the history, methods and resulting data from the AIC effort to develop methods that result in more accurate statistics for international exports of California agricultural products.


California International Agricultural Exports in 2007
(AIC Issues Brief #35, December 2008, pdf, 350kb). William A. Matthews and Daniel A. Sumner.
The value of California’s 2007 agricultural exports reached an all time high of $10.9 billion, a 12 percent increase from the 2006 total. The data reported in this AIC Issues Brief describe the international agricultural exports for 2007 and revisions for 2006 and are the product of a collaborative effort between the AIC and the California Department of Food and Agriculture to develop estimates of the value of California agricultural products shipped to international markets.

Data used in creating this brief (Excel file)

California International Agricultural Exports in 2006 (AIC Issues Brief #32, pdf, 360kb)
by Omid Rowhani and Daniel A. Sumner
This year was the fifth consecutive year that California witnessed increases in agricultural export value to foreign destinations. California exports increased by 5 percent in 2006 and reached a record high with total exports nearing $9.8 billion.

California International Agricultural Exports in 2005 (no.31, 2007,pdf)
by Omid Rowhani and Daniel A. Sumner
In 2005 California’s agricultural exports surpassed $9 billion for the first time. The $9.3 billion in exports is a new record and represents a 13 percent increase from 2004.

California International Agricultural Exports in 2004 (no.30, 2005, pdf)
José E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner
In 2004 California’s agricultural exports surpassed $8 billion for the first time. This represents a 9 percent increase over 2003 and a 25 percent increase over 2002. The data reported in this AIC Issues Brief describe international agricultural exports for 2004 and revisions for 2002 and 2003.

California International Agricultural Exports in 2003 (no.28, 2004, 88kb)
by José E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner
The data reported in this AIC Issues Brief describe international agricultural exports for 2003 as well as revisions for 2001 and 2002.

An Assessment of Market Shares of California Agricultural Exports in 2002 (Brief no.24, March 2004, pdf)
José E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner.
This study estimates California's share of selected agricultural commodities in selected markets for 2002. California’s main export market is the United States, but 18 percent of the state’s agricultural production is shipped overseas. We selected the most important foreign markets, analyzed the principal destinations, and generated an estimate of the California share in each market.

California’s International Agricultural Exports in 2002 (no.23, 2003, pdf)
José E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner. The value of California’s agricultural exports in 2002 remained unchanged from 2001 at about $6.5 billion. The data reported in this AIC Issues Brief describe international agricultural exports for 2002 as well as revisions for 2000 and 2001.

Role of NAFTA in California Agriculture: a Brief Review (no. 21, 2003, pdf)
Henrich Brunke and Daniel A. Sumner summarize the results of a study the Agricultural Issues Center conducted in collaboration with the California Farm Bureau Federation thirteen years after an agreement for free trade with Canada and eight years after Mexico was added to create the North American Free Trade Agreement.

California's International Agricultural Exports in 2001 (no. 19, 2003, pdf)
Jose E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner examine California's year 2001 international agricultural exports using new data from the continuing AIC effort to produce accurate export statistics for the state.

California's Year 2000 International Agricultural Exports (no 17, 2001, pdf)
Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Jose E. Bervejillo, and Daniel A. Sumner examine California's year 2000 international agricultural exports using new data from the continuing AIC effort to produce accurate export statistics for the state.

California's 1999 International Agricultural Exports (no. 13, 2000, pdf)
Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Daniel A. Sumner and Justin Tamony provide updated export data for 1999 and present highlights from the five years of data compiled by AIC through its effort to develop more accurate methods of producing agricultural export statistics for California.

Data on California's 1998 Agricultural Exports (no.10, 1999, pdf)
Nicolai Kuminoff, Tiffany Bunney, David S. Hart and Daniel A. Sumner provide updated export data for 1998 from the continuing AIC effort to develop methods for producing more accurate agricultural export statistics for California.

Agricultural Impacts of the Asian Economic Turmoil: A California Focus (no. 9, 1999, html)
Daniel A. Sumner and JooHo Song examine the Asian economic situation and the implications for California agriculture.

Improved Data on California’s Agricultural Exports (no. 8, 1998, html)
Daniel A. Sumner, Heather Benson, David Hart and Nick Kuminoff summarize results from a larger AIC project that provided a more solid statistical basis for conclusions about the state’s agricultural exports from 1995-1997.

International Trade and California Agriculture (no. 3, 1997, html)
Colin A. Carter and Daniel A. Sumner discuss how international markets and trade policy affect California agriculture.


(You may have to browse the Quarterly to find the indicated article.)

Volume 17, No. 1, 2003 (pdf)
Food labeling lacks consistency
Analysis shows another difficult year for exports

Volume 16, No. 4, 2002 (pdf)
AIC sponsors trade forum

Volume 16, No. 2, 2002 (pdf)
2002 Farm Bill raises trade concerns
AIC and CFBF review NAFTA impacts
Korean agriculture studied

Volume 15, No. 3, 2001 (pdf)
Executive seminar features international trade officials, stakeholders and other experts
International exports rebound
International Trade Executive Seminar registration form

Volume 15, No. 2, 2001 (pdf)
State's Ag Trade with China is Examined

Volume 15, No. 1, 2001 (pdf)
Center Study Examines EU Tomato Subsidies

Volume 14, No. 3, 2000 (pdf)
Center Updates State Ag Export Statistics

Volume 14, No. 2, 2000 (pdf)
Symposium Reports on Effects of Dairy Trade Liberalization

Volume 13, No. 4, 1999 (html)
Biotechnology and the World's Poor

Volume 13, No. 3, 1999 (html)
Another Year's Data Added to State Ag Export Estimates
Executive Seminar Looks at Trend to Global Retailers

Volume 13, No. 2, 1999 (html)
China Symposium
Sumner Speaks at WTO Session

Volume 13, No. 1, 1999 (html)
China's Role in Agricultural Trade is Topic of Conference

Volume 12, No. 3, 1998 (html)
New Export Statistics Reported by AIC

Volume 12, No. 2, 1998 (html)
AIC-Generated Export Statistics

Volume 12, No. 1, 1998 (html)
Export Project Continues

Volume 11, No. 4, 1997 (html)
Where in the World Are the Markets?
AIC Director Heads Trade Research Group

Volume 11, No. 3, 1997 (html)
New Center Publication Spotlights State's Foreign Agricultural Markets
Export Data Project Teams AIC and CDFA


Analyzing Vertical Market Structure and Its Implications for Trade Liberalization and Market Access (pdf)
A working paper by Sexton, R.J., I. Sheldon, S. McCorriston, and H. Wang. University of California, Davis, June 2004.

International Trade Policy and Negotiations (pdf)
This chapter for the Handbook of Agricultural Economics, by Daniel A. Sumner and Stefan Tangermann, looks at the history, results and analysis of international negotiations on agricultural trade, with an emphasis on the GATT and in particular on the Uruguay Round.

International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, "China Working Papers" (pdf)
This link contains twenty-one academic papers presented at the June 1999 International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium: China's Agricultural Trade and Policy: Issues, Analysis and Global Consequences.

STE Workshop (html)
This link contains ten academic papers presented at the November 1998 North American Forum: Workshop on the Role of the State in International Trade.

Dairy Policies and Trade: Implications for the Next WTO Negotiations
A Special Issue of the Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Co-edited by John Beghin and Daniel A. Sumner. Copies can be ordered from the CJAE website


AIC Director Daniel A. Sumner's University of California, Davis, Agricultural and Resource Economics Faculty Webpage

AIC Associate Director Colin A. Carter's University of California, Davis, Agricultural and Resource Economics Faculty Webpage

International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium

United States International Trade Commission Online Trade Database

Statistics Canada Online Trade Database

United States Department of Agriculture

United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


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