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Environment, Safety and Health Division (SC-31.1)

Success Stories Televideo

Success Stories: Achieving SC Injury Rate Reduction Goals
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The agenda is as follows:

1. Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Construction Project. The $2 Billion SNS construction project was recently completed on schedule and under budget, while maintaining injury rates within the best 25th percentile for construction. With a DART rate of 0.20 in 2004, the SNS had the lowest DART rate of all SC laboratories and projects. Les Price, Doug Paul, and Frank Kornegay will share with us their approach and experiences in achieving low injury rates for construction subcontractors.

  • Les Price, DOE Oak Ridge Office Project Manager, Spallation Neutron Source Project
  • Doug Paul, DOE Oak Ridge Office Safety Engineer, Spallation Neutron Source Project
  • Frank Kornegay, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Safety Manager, Spallation Neutron Source Project

2. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). In 2001, PPPL had the highest DART rate of all SC laboratories at 4.35. By 2005, PPPL had reduced its DART rate to 0.23 and has not had a DART case since November 2004. Jerry Faul, Leif Deitrich, and Jack Anderson will share with us their experiences in reducing their DART rate over 90% during a four year period.

  • Jerry Faul, Manager, Princeton Site Office
  • Leif Detrich, Safety and Occupational Health Manager, Princeton Site Office
  • Jack Anderson, Environment, Safety and Health Director, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory