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Environment, Safety and Health Division (SC-31.1)

Accelerator Safety

The Office of Science (SC) operates particle accelerators throughout the United States. SC's Office of High Energy Nuclear Physics Fermilab, which houses the largest accelerator in the world and the only one capable of creating the top quark, is operated by SC's Office of High Energy Nuclear Physics. SC's Office of Basic Energy Sciences operates numerous "light sources" such as the Advanced Photon Source which is used to study materials under intense high-frequency beams.
eraccels.gif (8100 bytes)

The map shows the DOE laboratories that have accelerators and provides links.

Accelerator Safety Workshops

Although hazards at accelerators are magnitudes below those of nuclear reactors, the complex technologies associated with accelerator operations and the dynamic nature of the experimental environment require attention to safety awareness and planning. SC's Environment, Safety and Health Management Division has developed guidance (which can be downloaded from this page) and provides onsite assistance in the implementation of DOE Order 420.2, Safety of Accelerator Facilities. To provide a consistent approach for achieving safety, the Office of Science developed the Accelerator Safety Order Implementation Guidance, which delineates specific safety requirements for commissioning and operating of accelerator facilities. Please note this guidance is currently being revised in accordance with the new DOE Order 420.2


DOE Order 420.2B
Safety of Accelerator Facilities
(PDF Format,39 KB)

Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR) Guidance (PDF, 71 KB)

Accelerator Safety Order Implementation Guidance (PDF)

Background (Bases and Rationale) to Guidance for an Accelerator Facility Program (PDF, 32KB)


Particle Accelerators Around the World --Accelerator facilities (with links) sorted by location and type.