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Environment, Safety and Health Division (SC-31.1)

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance

The Office of Science has a NEPA Compliance Officer on staff to coordinate all NEPA compliance and support matters at its laboratories. Responsibilities include managing the review and approval of NEPA documentation of Office of Science HQ programs, and working with DOE Science programs and other DOE Headquarters Program Offices conducting research at Office of Science facilities. The Office of Science takes a proactive approach in meeting the environmental and decision-making goals of NEPA and associated CEQ regulations by developing and implementing:

  • policy and management expectations
  • NEPA guidance and procedures
  • training programs (Brochure, 22KB)
  • a NEPA Quality Awards program to recognize achievements.



SC-83's NEPA Guidance, Procedures & Other Publications

List of Major NEPA Documents Prepared by SC Sites and Laboratories


National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

DOE NEPA Web Site Office of Environment, Safety & Health

DOE National Env. Research Parks

SC Grants & Contracts

Council on Env. Quality NEPANet 

Council on Env. Quality Web Site