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Environment, Safety and Health Division (SC-31.1)

Radiation Protection

The Office of Science (SC) not only keeps occupational radiation exposures below the administrative control levels and regulatory limits in 10 CFR 835, but strives to reduce them to levels that are "As Low As Reasonably Achievable" (ALARA). The ALARA methodology considers both individual and group doses, and involves a cost/benefit analysis that considers social, technical, economic, practical, and public policy aspects of the overall goal of dose reduction.

The Radiological Control Profile For the Office of Science Laboratories gives managers a current assessment of the performance of the SC laboratories with respect to ALARA. The analysis in this report considers:

  • the total number of individuals who are monitored for dose
  • the number of those who actually receive a measurable dose
  • their average dose, and
  • the group (or total collective) dose for all monitored individuals at all SC laboratories.

Delegation of Approval Authority for Radiation Protection Plans

In a memorandum, SC has delegated approval authority to Operations Office Managers for approval of Radiation Protection Plans under 10 CFR 835, provided that:
  • the Review Team Leader(s) will continue to ensure that the appropriate SC staff participate on the review team for the program documents and significant revisions thereto,
  • program changes that involve increased funding or significant schedule changes must be forwarded to Headquarters for approval,
  • in accordance with 10 CFR 820, all requests for exemptions and/or program documents that contain requests for exemptions to 10 CFR 830.120 or 10 CFR 835 shall be forwarded to Headquarters for approval, and
  • copies of approved PAAA documents are forwarded to SC.

Compliance with 40 CFR 61 Subpart H (NESHAPS)

SC-83 distributes and provides technical support for the personal computer software system CAP88-PC which calculates both dose and risk from radionuclide emissions to air. CAP88-PC is an approved system for demonstrating compliance with 40 CFR 61 Subpart H, the Clean Air Act standard which applies to DOE facilities that emit radionuclides to air.


10 CFR 835 --Occupational Radiation Protection

Delegation of Approval Authority for RPPs


Radiological Control Coordinating Committee

CAP88-PC--a personal computer software system for calculating both dose and risk from radionuclide emissions to air. Approved system for demonstrating compliance with 40 CFR 61 Subpart H, of the Clean Air Act.