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Energy Analyses
Current Situation and Trend Analysis

NETL's multidisciplinary team assesses current parameters, near term trends, and futuristic scenarios as related to energy production, distribution, and use. With respect to the long term, analytical results are developed that are relevant to energy demand and which may influence the choice of fuels and energy production technologies after 2025. Overall, these activities require extensive data gathering; networking with key professionals within government, industry, and academia; conducting robust analyses; and communicating findings and conclusions throughout the stakeholder community.

These analyses are used for planning of DOE's fossil energy related R&D program ensuring that it is comprehensive, well balanced, and framed to yield significant contributions to the country. Analytical results also provide valuable information and data to leaders whenever [energy] policy is being developed. Cooperative relationships are maintained with industry, regulatory agencies, and consumer and public awareness groups.

The analyses fully support an evolving energy paradigm to ensure options for the U.S. – and the world – as we respond to new challenges and requirements that will have to be addressed through innovation. Analyses include:

  • Impact analyses
  • Technical assessments
  • Economic/market analyses
  • Forecasts, and
  • Gap analyses.

Energy Security Studies and Legislative Proposals:
Recent focus on U.S. energy price, availability, and security has resulted in publication of a number of studies and proposals for legislative action. Click here to read more about this issue.



Fact Sheets:

Key Analyst: Timothy Skone 412-386-4495