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Molten Salt Reactor Virtual Workshop 2020
October 14-15, 2020
MSR2020 Home Page​
Attendee List​

GAIN-EPRI-NEI Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors Virtual Workshop
October 13, 2020
Purpose: To exchange information among advanced nuclear technology developers, commercial instrument ​​​​​suppliers, and sensor researc​​hers from DOE national laboratories, universities, and industry.​​

​* Discuss measurement requirements and sensor needs for advanced reactor concepts
* Understand current national laboratory capabilities and accelerated development approaches for sensors and instrumentation
* Identify gaps to inform applicable DOE research programs
Attendee List​

Fission Surface Power (FSP) System Industry Day
August 20, 2020
     * Share NASA's vision and needs for surface fission power
     *Detail the RFI & RFP processes and purpose
     *Update government on industry capabilities, readiness, and interest
NASA FSP Information Page
Request for Information for Fission Surface Power (FSP) General Information
Attendee List

GAIN-EPRI-NEI Microreactor Program Virtual Workshop
August 18-19, 2020
​Purpose: Inform advanced nuclear technology developers and stakeholders of accomplishments and future plans, as well as solicit feedback on microreactor developer and end-user needs.
Day-1 Presentations
Day 2 Presentations​
Registration List​

GAIN-EPRI-NEI HIgh-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Webinar
(Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this workshop was turned into 2-day webinar.)
April 28-29, 2020
Webinar Objective: Inform stakeholders on the status and challenges associated with HALEU for fuel fabrication and reactor development. The webinar will cover the following aspects of HALEU supply with a focus on the 10-20% enrichment range: anticipated demand and timeline projections for HALEU; enrichment, conversion, and deconversion; transportation needs; and legislative and regulatory issues.
Registration List
July 5, 2018 NEI Letter to Secretary Perry outlining industry’s need for high-assay low enriched uranium

GAIN-EPRI-NEI ENERGY Clean Nuclear Energy for Industry Webinar
(The original workshop "GAIN-EPRI-NEI Energy End-Use Workshop" was postponed and a webinar was created in the place of the workshop.)
April 16, 2020
Purpose: Active engagement between Energy End-Users and Advance Nuclear Developers leading to a credible, shared vision for the use of nuclear-generated heat to meet future heat, steam, & electricity needs.
Workshop Objectives: 
Identify end-user needs for power, heat, steam, etc., including reliability requirements; inform end-users about the capabilities and timelines for advanced reactors; and establish connections between the advanced nuclear technology developers and energy end-users.
Webinar Video

Click on the bulleted links below for additional background information:
Learn More About Advanced Reactors
​Background Technical Info
​Related News Articles

October 2-3, 2019, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
MSR2019 Home Page
Molten Salt Reactor Workshop Agenda
Molten Salt Reactor Workshop Attendee List​

ATOMIC WEEK - presented by Generation Atomic
August 6-10, 2019, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID
Workshop Objective: Build competency in communicating about nuclear energy by connecting with outside organizations, in order to reach constituencies that do not often get to hear about nuclear energy, other clean energy technologies, and the broader climate conversation.
Generation Atomic - Atomic Week Idaho Facebook Link and Video
Generation Atomic - Change of Climate YouTube Video - featuring Eric Meyer

Atomic Week - At-A-Glance
Atomic Week - Climate Chaos Flyer
Atomic Week - Save the Ales Flyer

July 9-10, 2019, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL
Workshop Objectives: See Workshop Summary below.
Fast Reactor Workshop Agenda
Fast Reactor Workshop Day-1 Presentations
Fast Reactor Workshop Day-2 Presentations
Fast Reactor Workshop Summary

GAIN-EPRI-NEI-US NIC Micro-Reactor Workshop
June 18-19, 2019 (Tour, June 20, 2019), Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID
Workshop Objective: Identify the unique needs of the micro-reactor industry along with associated DOE national laboratory capabilities and activities.
Micro-Reactor Workshop Agenda and Presentations
Micro-Reactor Site Tour Agenda
Micro-Reactor Workshop Attendee List
Micro-Reactor Videos and Reports

Nuclear Innovation Week
March 25-29, 2019, Kimpton Hotel Monaco, Washington DC
Nuclear Innovation Week Agenda

GAIN-EPRI-NEI Advanced Fuels Workshop
March 5-6, 2019 - Boise State University, Boise, ID
Workshop Objective: Connecting advanced reactor designers with DOE national laboratory nuclear fuel expertise.
Advanced Fuels Summary Report
Advanced Fuels Workshop Presentations

Advanced Fuels Workshop Agenda
Advanced Fuels Workshop Attendee List

EPRI / GAIN / NEI'S Workshop about Economics-Based R&D for Nuclear Power Construction
January 17-18, 2019 - Nuclear Energy Institute, Washington, CA
Workshop Objective: Present the latest economic-related research on the costs associated with constructing nuclear power plants; and, to spur discussion and solicit input about EPRI's current project titled, Economic Based R&D Roadmap for New Nuclear Power.
Economics-Based R&D for Nuclear Power Construction Summary Report

​Advanced Manufacturing for Nuclear Workshop & Advanced Methods for Manufacturing Annual Program Review

December 4-6, 2018 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, TN
Workshop Objective:  Bring together researchers, nuclear technology developers, industry, and regulators to review and discuss state-of-the-art advanced manufacturing.
Advanced Manufacturing for Nuclear Workshop Summary
Advanced Manufacturing for Nuclear Workshop Agenda

Advanced Manufacturing for Nuclear Workshop Presentations
Advanced Manufacturing for Nuclear Workshop Attendee List

NSUF GAIN Industry Advisory Meeting
October 8-9, 2018 - EPRI Charlotte Office, Charlotte, NC
Workshop Objective: Provide an opportunity for the nuclear power industry to find out what the NSUF is, how it can benefit the industry, and how to get involved.

Molten Salt Reactor Workshop 2018
October 3-4, 2018 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
Workshop Objective: Understanding the opportunities, hearing the objectives, and addressing the challenges.
MSR Workshop Home Page

Nuclear Advocacy & Communication Training / EBR-I After Hours
June 14, 2018 - Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID
Workshop Objective: Leave participants energized to tell today's nuclear power story and be well-equipped with the tools to do so.

Digital Environment for Advanced Reactors Workshop
June 5-6, 2018 - Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL
Workshop Objective: Gather input from stakeholders related to advanced sensors, monitoring, control and human automation interaction technologies needed to support the deployment of advanced reactors. The workshop provided a forum for exchange of information about ongoing I&C research and development for the next generation of nuclear plants.

Symposium on High Temperature Reactors (HTR)
May 10, 2018 - Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID
Workshop Objective: Provide a candid discussion of state of the High Temperature Reactor (HTR) technology and the prospects for, and challenges to, commercialization of HTRs.  Seeking insights from energy 'thought leaders' outside the HTR community.

ANS/NRC Workshop to Develop a Strategic Visions for Advanced Reactor Standards
May 2, 2018 - North Bethesda, MD
Workshop Objective: Sponsored workshop for industry partners to develop a strategic vision and path forward for advanced reactors standards. The workshop provided an opportunity for designers, vendors, owners, regulators, and representatives of standards development organizations (SDOs) to discuss standards needs to support advanced reactors. 

Enabling Advanced Reactors for the Market Symposium
March 8-9, 2018 - GWU, Washington DC
Workshop Objective: Bring together technology developers, energy users, government representatives, and others in a dialogue about the future energy market and the role of advanced nuclear technologies. The symposium identified opportunities and challenges associated with deployment of advanced reactor technologies for future energy markets. 

MSR - 2017 Workshop on Molten Salt Reactor Technologies
October 03-04, 2017 - Oakridge, TN
Workshop Objective: Provided a forum for sharing information and status on MSR R&D programs, technology developments, international collaborations, and state of maturity of evolving MSR technologies; and put a special emphasis on 2017 safety and licensing topics to initiate discussions on these key areas to identify needed R&D and tool development to support the ultimate licensing of MSRs.

NSUF-GAIN Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics Workshop
July 13, 2017 - Idaho Falls, ID
Workshop Objective: Develop a ranked list of US domestic thermal-hydraulic research and development needs for each of the reactor technology groups in support of nuclear energy focused R&D.

Fuel Safety Research Workshop
May 01-04, 2017 - Idaho Falls, ID
This workshop was to gather fuel safety needs from the broad range of nuclear industry. It provided a forum to learn about transient testing from a research and regulatory perspective. 
GAIN Fuel Safety Research Workshop Posters
GAIN Fuel Safety Research Workshop Summary Report

Molten Salt Chemistry Workshop
April 10-12, 2017 - Oak Ridge, TN
At the dawn of this century, nuclear experts in the Generation IV International Forum recognized the unique capabilities of molten salts in one of six next-generation reactor designs. Since that time, various national research and development programs, most notably in China, have focused resources on developing molten salt reactors (MSRs) of various designs. In the past decade in the United States, new designs and applications have matured to the point that a number of companies have dedicated resources, enthusiasm, and new approaches to MSR technology development. The US Department of Energy (DOE) and its national laboratories have supported this evolution by working with multiple companies and universities; this relationship matured in 2015 with the creation of the Gateway for Acceleration of Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) initiative working in concert with the US Industry MSR Technical Working Group.

Advanced Reactor Modeling and Simulation Workshop #2
January 24-25, 2017 - Charlotte, NC 
A GAIN-EPRI Modeling & Simulation (M&S) workshop was held on January 24-25, 2017 to share DOE national laboratory M&S capabilities and connect DOE laboratory subject matter experts with representatives from the advanced reactor developer community in an effort to address industry's M&S needs.  The purpose of the workshop exemplified the GAIN philosophy to increase coordination and collaboration, as well as access to and interactions, with the national laboratory complex.  More than 13 developers were represented in the workshop that was attended by more than 70 representatives from industry, universities, DOE, NRC and national laboratories (Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, Argonne, Sandia, and Idaho). 

MSR - 2016 Workshop on Molten Salt Reactor Technologies
October 04-05, 2016 - Oakridge, TN
Experts in advanced nuclear reactors gathered at the US Department of Energy's (DOE's) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to share progress in molten salt technology with the hope that their work will move molten salt reactors (MSRs) from concept to construction in the coming years.
The two-day workshop, "Moving MSRs Forward—The Next Steps", took place October 4–5 and included nearly 200 attendees from national labs, industry, utilities, reactor design firms, and international development companies. Presentations and roundtable discussions focused on work that took place in the last year and challenges facing the molten salt community in further developing the technology. This year's meeting was the successor to the inaugural 2015 workshop that commemorated the 50th anniversary of the startup of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) at ORNL.

Summit on Improving the Economics of America's Nuclear Power Plants
September 2016
Growing attention is being directed toward nuclear power plant economics, with the distinct likelihood of shuttering currently operating plants in the not-to-distant future. The Department of Energy is leading efforts to characterize and understand the causes of the economic challenges, and devise real-world solutions assuring clean and reliable energy from nuclear power is available for the American public.

Two recent reports (linked below) prepared for the Department highlight and address these challenges. The first report, Summit on Improving the Economics of America's Nuclear Power Plants, 
represents a summary of the engaging dialog occurring at the May 19, 2016 Summit on Improving the Economics of America’s Nuclear Power Plants. A second report, Economic and Market Challenges Facing the U.S. Nuclear Commercial Fleet, released in September 2016 provides detailed analyses quantifying the gap between revenue from electricity production and the costs of operating and maintaining nuclear power plants. These reports may be useful to those interested in working to retain the clean energy source of nuclear power. 

Initial GAIN Workshops
July 2016
The Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) initiative, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) hosted three technology-specific workshops to discuss the research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) needs of industries targeting advanced nuclear energy technologies. These workshops, held in July 2016, engaged companies developing concepts in Molten Salt Reactor, High Temperature Gas Reactor, and Fast Reactor Technologies. Participants from these advanced reactor design communities were asked to present their RD&D needs for design and licensing that the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE) is uniquely qualified to address.

MSR - 2015 Workshop on Molten Salt Reactor Technologies
October 15-16, 2015 - Oakridge, TN
Workshop Objectives: (1) Commemorate and acknowledge the 50th year anniversary of the startup of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment reflecting back on the successful operations and (2) provide a forum for sharing information and status on several MSR-related initiatives, R&D programs, and international collaborations that have developed recently as renewed interest in MSRs has emerged.

Nuclear Innovation Workshops
March 2015
Innovation can fulfill an essential role in developing and implementing the strategies and capabilities for improved production and utilization of energy resources. The recently completed Nuclear Energy Innovation Workshops provided intriguing insights into those innovations that are judged—by a diverse sampling of today's nuclear energy enterprise—to be most important and hold the greatest promise. As might be expected, the most frequently discussed innovations are directed toward policy, investment, human capital, and communication of the importance of nuclear energy in achieving an environmentally responsible and economic energy future. Not surprisingly, the most frequently discussed technologically innovative ideas are directed toward enabling further development and commercialization of concepts that are already conceived, but not matured.