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The Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) Industry Advisory Meeting is hosted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and organized by the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE) NSUF program and the DOE-NE GAIN (Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear) initiative.  It is an opportunity for the nuclear power industry to find out what the NSUF is, how it can benefit the industry, and how to get involved.  It is also intended to be an open forum for providing feedback to the program so that it continues to be a valuable asset to the nation.  Invitees are encouraged to come prepared with questions for NSUF and GAIN and to think about how NSUF can be leveraged for their company's benefit.   

Meeting Objectives:

  • Provide update for participants on NSUF development progress, specifically on capability for material and fuels development.
  • Identify synergy between NSUF, GAIN, EPRI, and DOE programs.
  • Discuss new and ongoing NSUF university experiments that may be of interest to industry and NRC.
  • Obtain feedback from participants on NSUF historic performance and future direction.
  • Gather industry's needs for early development research on materials.
  • Provide opportunity for feedback from the nuclear industry community.

**Your feedback is appreciated!
Please click here to provide feedback to NSUF regarding your needs or program direction.

decorative link buttonMEETING PRESENTATIONS

Link to a map of the meeting location   Meeting Location
EPRI Charlotte Office
1200 West WT Harris Blvd.
Building 3, Room 919 A&B
Charlotte, NC 28262

For more information on NSUF, please visit their website at

The Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) offers unparalleled research opportunities for nuclear energy researchers. Users are provided access (at no cost to the researcher) to world-class nuclear research facilities, technical expertise from experienced scientists and engineers, and assistance with experiment design, assembly, safety analysis and examination.