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Please note: Due to browser FTP deprecation, users will no longer be able to access NCEI data via browser FTP clients. Users may access data via NCEI Web Accessible Folders and/or FTP client supported applications. We apologize for any inconvenience. See this document as reference. 

Model Data

Important Notice: 10.24.2017
Decommissioning of the NCEP Charts application.
The NCEP Charts web application, which was at the URL, is no longer operational. Images that were accessible through that application can be browsed by category in the NCEI TDS NCEP Charts catalog.
Important Notice: 10.24.2017
Decommissioning of the NOMADS TDS.
NCEI plans to decommission the existing NOMADS THREDDS system on or about 1.24.2018. Model data can still be accessed through the NCEI THREDDS server model page. If you have comments on the decommissioning, please contact
A 3-D animated image of downscaled Global Forecast System (GFS) model data

A 3-D animated image of downscaled Global Forecast System (GFS) model data showing Hurricane Katrina making landfall on August 29, 2005. This image was generated with the Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers (VAPOR) tool and ImageMagick.

To address a growing need for remote access to high-volume numerical weather prediction and global climate models and data, NCEI, along with the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), initiated the NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS) project. NOMADS is a repository of weather model output datasets, model input datasets (assimilation), and a limited subset of climate model datasets generated by NOAA. NCEI provides near-real-time access to these weather model forecast data in addition to historical model data.

Looking into the past, present, and future, four broad categories of modeled data are available through NOMADS: Reanalysis, Numerical Weather Prediction, Ocean Models, and Climate Prediction. To assist users in the analysis of multi-disciplinary datasets and promote interoperable data analysis, NOMADS also services derived/other model data including paleoclimate (tree ring and ice core) data, observational, and derived observational datasets.

Model Data by Type

Tools and Techniques for Accessing Model Data

Much of NCEI model data is available via THREDDS, which is an OpenDAP server. The following documentation describes tools and techniques for usign the data: