October 2018

Publication Date: 
Friday, October 12, 2018

Wu, T.T., Huang, Y.M., Shadieva, R., Lin, L., Starčič, A.I. (2018, Eds.). Innovative Technologies and Learning. ICITL 2018 Proceedings. IEEE. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99737-7.

Lin, L., & Spector, M. (2018). A report on the AECT sponsored symposium entitled “the human-technology frontier: understanding the learning of now to prepare for the work of the future” at the Texas Center for Educational Technology (TCET). TechTrends.

Yang, X.Z., Lin, L., Chen, P. Y., Yang, X., Ren, Y.Q., & Huang, Y.M. (2018). Examining creativity through a virtual reality support system. Educational Technology Research and Development. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-018-9604-z

Lin, L., & Parsons, T. (2018). Ecologically valid assessments of attention and learning engagement in media multitaskers. TechTrends.

Istenic Starcic, A. Terlevic, M., Lin, L., & Lebenicnik, M. (2018). Designing learning for sustainable development: Digital practices as boundary crossers and predictors for sustainable lifestyle. Sustainable Education and Approaches. Sustainability 2018, 10, 2030; doi:10.3390/su10062030 Impact factor: 1.789 (2018).

Yang, X.Z., Cheng, P.Y., Lin, L., Huang, Y.M., & Ren, Y.Q. (2018). Can an integrated system of electroencephalography and virtual reality further the understanding of relationships between attention, meditation, flow state, and creativity? Journal of Educational Computing Research. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0735633118770800