
Education is a critical way to help prevent violent conflict from becoming deadly. Through the Global Peacebuilding Center (GPC), the Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding and other venues, USIP provides a variety of educational resources to people around the world.

Youth, Peace and Security: New Global Perspectives

Tue, 06/14/2016 - 14:00
Tue, 06/14/2016 - 16:00

The largest generation of young people the world has ever known is too often associated with violent conflict. With the December 2015 passage of Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security, the United Nations recognized the critical role of youth in promoting and maintaining international peace. Join the U.S. Institute of Peace and the Inter-agency Working Group on Youth and Peacebuilding on June 14 for a discussion of the resolution with the U.N. Secretary-General’s first Envoy for Youth H.E. Ahmad Alhendawi of Jordan, as well as young leaders from countries affected by violent extremism and armed conflict, and other senior experts.

Read the event coverage, U.N. Youth-and-Peace Resolution: The Hard Work Begins.

Today’s generation of youth, at 1.8 billion, is the largest the world has ever known. Many of these youth are living in countries plagued by violent conflict and extremism, such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. The goal of SCR 2250 is to recognize youth as partners for peace rather than solely viewing young people as perpetrators of violence—a shift in mindset that responds to the call to action of 11,000 young peacebuilders in the Amman Youth Declaration.

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Pakistan’s Education Crisis in Context

Tue, 06/09/2015 - 10:30
Tue, 06/09/2015 - 12:00

At the same time, literacy rates and primary school enrollment are falling. On June 9, the U.S. Institute of Peace hosted a discussion of these trends and others that contribute to extremist narratives, and some potential approaches to address these critical factors.

Read the event coverage, Pakistan Public School Curriculum Distorts Views on Terrorism, Researcher Says.

The USIP study by University of Maryland Assistant Professor Madiha Afzal found that Pakistan’s education system, rather than preparing students to participate in a pluralistic and democratic society, often propagates intolerant attitudes and radicalism. The concern is not limited to private seminaries known as madrassas, which have attracted the greatest share of concern from international policymakers, but also extends to the public school system, where most Pakistanis are educated.

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Beyond Security: Why a U.S.-Tunisian Strategic Partnership Matters

Wed, 05/20/2015 - 14:30
Wed, 05/20/2015 - 15:30
A Conversation with H.E. President Beji Caid Essebsi

The President of Tunisia, His Excellency Beji Caid Essebsi, gave remarks and took questions at the U.S. Institute of Peace on May 20, during his first visit to the United States since taking office in December. As Tunisia works to keep its largely peaceful transition on track, President Essebsi addressed the challenges Tunisia is confronting and the opportunities it offers.

Read the event coverage, Tunisian President: U.S. Is Key to Arab Political Futures

Recent violence in North Africa, including renewed unrest in Libya to the south, has increased religious and political tensions in the region, making security a priority for Tunisia. But Tunisia’s democratic gains and stability also hinge on economic growth and educational initiatives that could advance Tunisia's reform agenda and secure a more prosperous future for its citizens.

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Inaugural PeaceGame 2013

Mon, 12/09/2013 - 08:00
Mon, 12/09/2013 - 17:30
Chart the Best Possible Peace for Syria

Governments around the world regularly devote enormous resources to conducting “war games.” On December 9, the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) and The FP Group (FP) conducted the inaugural PeaceGame, focusing on “the best possible peace for Syria.” With one game in the U.S. and another in the Middle East, the semi-annual PeaceGames will bring together the leading minds in national security policy, international affairs, academia, business, and media to “game” out how we can achieve peace in Syria. USIP and FP intend for the game to redefine how leaders think about conflict resolution and the possibility of peace.

DAY 1: December 9th

8:00 am-8:45 am Arrival/Registration/Continental Breakfast

8:45 am-9:15 am Welcome and Brief Overview

  • Jim Marshall, President, U.S. Institute of Peace
  • David Rothkopf, CEO and Editor, The FP Group
  • Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, United Arab Emirates

9:15am-10:30 am   “Establishing a Baseline: What Would a Lasting Peace in Syria Look Like?”

  • Steven Heydemann, Vice President of the Center for Applied Research on Conflict, U.S. Institute of Peace

10:30am-10:45 am   BREAK

10:45 am -12:30 pm “Phase I: Achieving a Near-Term Political Solution”

12:30-1:30 pm Lunch Break

1:30 pm-3:15 pm “Phase II: Establishing the Peace”

3:15 pm-5:00 pm “Phase III: Challenges to Peace Emerge”

5:00 pm-5:15 pm Brief Wrap Up and Close for the Day

DAY 2: December 10

8:00 am-8:45 am Continental Breakfast

8:45 am-9:15 am Review of Day 1 and Goals for Day 2

9:15 am-11:00 am “Establishing a Sustainable Peace”

11:00 am- 11:15 am Break

11:15 am-12:30 pm Wrap Up and Conclusion

During the PeaceGame, participants will assume the roles of various actors party to the war in Syria. Their statements should not be construed as representing their own personal views or the views of their respective organizations.

Watch the full video below, or watch each session individually: Session I - Establishing a Baseline, Session II - Achieving a Near-term Political Solution, Session III - Establishing the PeaceSession IV - Establishing a Sustainable Peace

Join the conversation on Twitter with #PeaceGame.

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Keynote Address: Vice Premier Liu Yandong

Thu, 11/21/2013 - 16:30
Thu, 11/21/2013 - 17:30

Vice Premier Liu Yandong of the People’s Republic of China addresses the advancements in U.S.-China relations.

Read the event coverage, At USIP, Chinese Vice Premier Liu Urges More People-to-People Exchanges

Jim Marshall, Welcoming Remarks
President, U.S. Institute of Peace

CHEN Jining, Overview of Schwarzman Scholars Program
President, Tsinghua University

Mr. Stephen Schwarzman, Introduction of Vice Premier Liu
Schwarzman Scholars and chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group

LIU Yandong, Keynote Address
Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China

Madam Liu gave a keynote address to celebrate the advancement of bilateral relations through academic exchanges in conjunction with the annual U.S.-China Consultation on People-to-People Exchange.

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Afghanistan: The Next Generation

Fri, 06/28/2013 - 10:30
Fri, 06/28/2013 - 12:00

A new generation is emerging in Afghanistan that is more educated, more connected with the world, and more hopeful about the future than previous generations. The U.S. Institute of Peace hosted a public event on the opportunities and challenges youth face today, and their perspectives on the country’s future.


In a country where an estimated 70 percent of the population is under 25 years old, youth are often excluded from decision-making processes at the community, provincial, and national levels. The withdrawal of foreign troops and the increasing disengagement of the international community present both a source of concern and opportunity. Afghanistan’s budding democracy and the creation of institutions have opened a political space that is being filled by this generation.

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Webcast: End Female Genital Mutilation

Fri, 12/02/2016 - 09:00
Fri, 12/02/2016 - 17:00
Experts Shape a Strategy to Halt the Violence of ‘FGM/C’ by 2030

More than 200 million girls and women in 30 countries live with the medical and emotional complications of female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C), UNICEF estimates. But that is an incomplete measure of this global problem. In most countries, the majority of girls subjected to this violence are no more than five years old, and the physical and psychological impacts are lifelong. As part of the United Nations’ global development goals, governments worldwide declared their intent two years ago to end this human rights violation by 2030. Please join us online on December 2 for a day-long conference in which expert educators, medical providers, law enforcement officials, religious leaders and others will lay groundwork for an intensified global strategy that will be required to meet the 2030 goal.

Read the event coverage, Can Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Be Stopped?

The prevalence of this violence against girls is declining where governments and civil society work together to spread information and education on the harm it causes, from trauma, bleeding and infections to dangerous complications in childbirth. In Liberia, the percentage of girls aged 15 to 19 subjected to FGM/C declined from 72 percent in 1983 to 31 percent in 2014. Kenya, Burkina Faso and Egypt recorded improvements as the result of public awareness campaigns.

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The Arab Woman: Enhancing Leadership & Resilience

Mon, 12/05/2016 - 10:00
Mon, 12/05/2016 - 15:30
A Discussion Hosted by the League of Arab States and the U.S. Institute of Peace

The League of Arab States adopted a regional action plan on women, peace and security in partnership with U.N. Women in October 2015, highlighting the need to empower Arab female leaders to strengthen institutions and help communities address conflict peacefully. On December 5, to mark the Fifth Annual Arab-American Day, the League of Arab States and the U.S. Institute of Peace will host a discussion with Arab women leaders, academics and policymakers,  including the newly-elected Minnesota House Representative and Somali American, Ilhan Omar, on how education and economic opportunities can engage women and men in supporting women’s voices, equality and success.

Social and economic empowerment of women has been shown to strengthen stability and resilience. From the national level to the grassroots, Arab women continue to face and overcome challenges to lead their countries and communities, while empowering one another. 

Full Agenda with Biographies

Session 1: Empowering Women and Building Resilience

Nancy Lindborg,
President, U.S. Institute of Peace

Ambassador Inas Mekkawy, Introductory Remarks
Head of Women, Family and Childhood Development, League of Arab States

Randa Fahmy, Moderator
Founder, Fahmy Hudome International

Manal Omar, Panelist
Associate Vice President, Center for Middle East and Africa, U.S. Institute of Peace

Hibaaq Osman, Panelist
Founder & CEO, El Karama

Donald Steinberg, Panelist
CEO, World Learning

Luncheon and Keynote Address

Representative Ilhan Omar, Keynote Speaker
Minnesota House Representative for District 60B

Dr. Linda Bishai, Moderator
Director of North Africa Programs, U.S. Institute of Peace

Session 2: The Up-and-Coming Arab Woman

Dr. Kathleen Kuehnast, Moderator
Senior Gender Advisor, U.S. Institute of Peace

Marwa Alkhairo, Panelist
Manager of Partnership Development, International Youth Foundation

Hajar Sharief, Panelist
Co-Founder, Libya Ma'an Nabneeha

Sali Osman, Panelist
Cybersecurity Risk Advisory, Ernest and Young
"One to Watch" Award from Executive Women's Forum

Closing Remarks

Dr. Sahar Mohamed Khamis
Professor of Middle East Media and Communications, University of Maryland

Amy Schedlbauer
Director of the Office of Regional Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, U.S. Department of State

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Afghanistan in 2016: A Survey of the Afghan People

Wed, 12/07/2016 - 09:30
Wed, 12/07/2016 - 11:30
The Asia Foundation’s 12th Annual Poll of Public Perceptions

The Asia Foundation, in partnership with the U.S. Institute of Peace, will present the findings of the 2016 Survey of the Afghan People at USIP on December 7. Crucial questions of security, economic stability, and reconciliation face the administration of President Ashraf Ghani and CEO Abdullah Abdullah. As they begin their third year in office, an atmosphere of increasing civilian casualties and unrest in the provincial capitals threatens the fragile but significant progress the country has made toward peace and prosperity over the past decade.

Read the event coverage, Afghans: Deeper Pessimism for Future, Fear of Taliban.

The findings of The Asia Foundation’s 12th annual Survey of the Afghan People are being released at an important moment for Afghanistan. The 2016 survey, based on face-to-face interviews with a nationally representative sample of more than 12,600 Afghan citizens, reveals their views on a range of issues including security, the economy, essential services, governance and political participation, corruption, justice, and gender equality.

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International Education: What Place in U.S. Diplomacy?

Mon, 11/14/2016 - 14:00
Mon, 11/14/2016 - 16:00
A Strategy on Study Abroad Can Boost Foreign Policy and Peacebuilding

More than 300,000 American students study abroad each year, and in 2015 nearly 1 million international students were enrolled at U.S. universities. These flows of students are a resource for America’s diplomacy and its efforts to build peace abroad. Still, diplomats and scholars on the issue say the United States should do much more to promote international education and more effectively integrate it into broader foreign policy. On November 14, scholars and diplomats will examine how the role of international education is changing, and steps that can be recommended to the next U.S. administration.

In 2005, a congressional commission on study abroad underscored America’s need for citizens with international educational experience to provide the skills for future U.S. security and global leadership. The commission’s report proposed a goal of 1 million Americans studying abroad by 2017. The numbers of such students remain perhaps a third of that level. 

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Articles & Analysis

Nancy Lindborg

For 35 years, the International Day of Peace on September 21 has served as a rallying point for governments, organizations and ordinary people working to help end violent conflict around the world.

Viola Gienger

The president of one of the four civil society organizations in the Nobel Prize-winning Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet said her country will need to make changes in its education system to reduce unemployment and adapt to an evolving economy. In a videotaped interview during a visit to USIP, Ouided Bouchamaoui talked about some of the many issues facing Tunisia during its still-precarious transition and about the status of women in society and the economy.

Aubrey Cox and Gopal Ratnam

Two Ugandans, Hassan Ndugwa and Nulu Naluyombya, are campaigning to ensure that this month’s elections challenging President Yoweri Museveni’s 30-year rule are peaceful, even as the government has arrested critics and opposition party workers. Drawing on concepts and skills of dialogue, storytelling and active listening that they learned in USIP’s Generation Change Fellows Program, the two estimate their message has reached 20,000 people.

Videos & Webcasts

The president of one of the four civil society organizations in the Nobel Prize-winning Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet said her country will need to make changes in its education system to...

The Asia Foundation, in partnership with the U.S. Institute of Peace, will present the findings of the 2016 Survey of the Afghan People at USIP on December 7. Crucial questions of security,...

The League of Arab States adopted a regional action plan on women, peace and security in partnership with U.N. Women in October 2015, highlighting the need to empower Arab female leaders to...

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Jeffrey Helsing
This dynamic course is a case-based introduction to the process of conflict analysis. Good conflict analysis is the foundation of any conflict management process, from prevention to mediation to reconciliation.
A nuanced understanding of the context and dynamics of a conflict can determine the effectiveness with which you intervene in a conflict, prevent further harm from being done, help determine priori


Nadine Bloch
Civil society around the world has demonstrated the ability to bring about change without violence. Critical to civil society’s success is preparing communities to undertake safe and strategic nonviolent action (NVA) movements. Previous research on NVA has focused on three broad methodologies: protest and persuasion, noncooperation, and intervention. This Report contributes to the knowledge on NVA by highlighting key strategic functions and outcomes of education and training–a fourth and critical methodology for movements around the world.
William J. Burns, Michèle Flournoy, Nancy Lindborg
The new administration, a coming change in leadership at the United Nations, and an emerging global consensus about the fragility challenge make this an opportune moment to recalibrate our approach. The United States cannot and should not try to “fix” every fragile state. Nor can we ignore this challenge; all fragility has the potential to affect U.S. interests to some extent, especially when left to fester. There is simply too much at stake for our interests, our partners, and the global order. A sound and realistic policy framework is urgently needed to help our policymakers determine where, when, and how to invest scarce resources and attention to maximum effect.