Megan Chabalowski

Education Program Specialist for the Global Peacebuilding Center


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Issue Areas: Education

Megan Chabalowski is education program specialist for the Global Peacebuilding Center at the United States Institute of Peace, where she develops educational content and facilitates workshops for students and educators. As part of the Global Peacebuilding Center team, Megan helps engage new audiences and increase young people's involvement in and understanding of international conflict management and peacebuilding.

Prior to joining the Global Peacebuilding Center, Megan served USIP’s Congressional Relations and Intergovernmental Affairs office and the Center for Post-Conflict Peace and Stability Operations, where she worked on Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans, and the European Union.

Previously, Megan has worked as a substitute teacher in D.C. Public Schools, and taught English as a Foreign Language in Argentina and El Salvador. She holds a B.A. from Mount Holyoke College and an M.A. in international peace and conflict resolution from American University in Washington, D.C. The primary focus of her graduate research was peace education.