Teaching Resources and Simulations

USIP simulations, study guides, books, case studies, and other materials provide numerous resources for teachers, students, policy analysts, and practitioners.


The Academy offers a range of simulations for teachers, in addition to a computer-facilitated simulation, the Strategic Economic Needs and Security Exercise (SENSE).

Study Guides

The Academy study guides are designed to serve independent learners who want to find out more about selected topics in international conflict and its resolution, as well as educators who want to introduce the topic to their students.


USIP has published a wide selection of books that can be used in training courses, classrooms, or as reference materials.

Case Studies

USIP's inaugural Case Study Competition produced eight winning cases that illuminate such issues as peace processes in the two Sudans, conflict over natural resources in Peru, and the post-election crisis in Kenya.

Other Materials

In addition to the resources showcased above, the Institute produces a glossary of peace terms, a series of toolkits for middle school and high school educators and "best practices", an online course about the OSCE, and other materials.

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