Shared solutions to protect shared values

  • Forest. Photo by Chase Fountain
  • Fisherman. Photo by James Jordan
  • Pelican. Photo by George Andrejko, Arizona Game and Fish Department

Engagement with non-governmental stakeholders has been a priority throughout the development of the Strategy. Our continuous engagement process was designed to provide stakeholders full opportunity to contribute to this effort and to ensure participation and input from a wide variety of communities and voices.

For example, a series of listening sessions and forums were held in 2009 and 2010 to generate early input and direction. Public input was solicited via a Federal Register Notice in June 2011 and again in early 2012.  In addition, a series of informational workshops and web conferences were held around the country during January and February of 2012 to provide an opportunity for public dialogue. A series of tribal consultation sessions were also held during the public comment period in January and February of 2012.

During development of the Strategy, comments were received from 17 federal agencies, 15 state agencies, and 2 tribes and tribal commissions. During the public review period, comments were received from 54,847 individuals, 51 non-governmental organizations, and 17 governmental entities. Comments were also received from five tribes. All comments received during all reviews (agency, tribal and public) were categorized, evaluated on the merits, and incorporated or addressed as appropriate in the final Strategy.

Initial commitments to implement the Strategy were made by a large number of LCCs. A selection of LCC communications regarding the Strategy are below: