Shared solutions to protect shared values

  • Children with fish. Photo by Carl Zitsman / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Canada lynx. Photo by Hal Brindley
  • Coral reef. Photo by Alaska Department of Fish and Game

NEW: Announcing the 2016 Climate Adaptation Leadership Award for Natural Resources Recipients: Press Release

You can learn more about the Strategy through the links and materials below.

Strategy Highlights Brochure: Read a summary and key highlights of the full Strategy

General Factsheet: Learn the basics about the goals and development of the Strategy

Economics Factsheet: Learn about how our nation’s natural resources and ecosystem services contribute to the economy

Case Studies: Learn more about climate change impacts to species and natural systems

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Validator Quotes: What supporters are saying

Flickr Photo Database: Download photos and captions from the Strategy

Video: Learn about why safeguarding our nation’s natural resources from climate change matters from some of the effort’s key partners and stakeholders.

News Release: Announcing the release

Contacts for press/media inquiries:

News Release: Announcing the release

Selected Media Highlights: