Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Documents & Publications

MAPP Organized Reports and Collections

High-Resolution Coupling and Initialization to Improve Predictability and Predictions in Climate Models Workshop Report

Kinter,  J., O’Brien, T., Klein, S., Lin, S. J., Medeiros, B., Penny, S., Putman, W., Raeder, K., Mariotti, A., & Joseph, R. U.S. Dept. of Energy & National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (March 2016). High-Resolution Coupling and Initialization to Improve Predictability and Predictions in Climate Models Workshop. DOE/SC-0183. NOAA Technical Report OAR CPO-5. doi: 10.7289/V5K35RNX

High Resolution Coupling and Initialization to Improve Predictability and Predictions in Climate Models - Executive Summary

Kinter, J., O’Brien, T., Klein, S., Lin, S. J., Medeiros, B., Penny, S., Putman, W., Raeder, K., Mariotti, A., & Joseph, R. U.S. Dept. of Energy & National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (March 2016). High-Resolution Coupling and Initialization to Improve Predictability and Predictions in Climate Models Executive Summary.

Retrieved from High-Resolution Coupling and Initialization to Improve Predictability and Predictions in Climate Models

Research to Advance National Drought Monitoring and Prediction Capabilities

Huang, J., Svoboda, M., Wood, A., Schubert, S., Peters-Lidard, C., Wood, E., Pulwarty, R., Mariotti, A., & Barrie, D. NOAA Drought Task Force. (2016). Research to Advance National Drought Monitoring and Prediction Capabilities. doi: 10.7289/V5V122S3

Report from the NOAA Climate Reanalysis Task Force Technical Workshop

Compo, G., Carton, J., Dong, X., Kumar, A., Saha, S., Woollen, J. S., Lisan, Y., & Archambault, H. (January 2016). Report from the NOAA Climate Reanalysis Task Force Technical Workshop. NOAA Technical Report OAR CPO-4. doi: 10.7289/V53J39ZZ

What can drought-stricken California expect from the El Niño winter forecast?

Seager, R., Ting, M., Jong, B. T., Hoerling, M., Schubert, S., Wang, H., Lyon, B., & Kumar, A. NOAA Drought Task Force. (2016). What can drought-stricken California expect from the El Niño winter forecast? Retrieved from

Regional Climate Processes and Projections for North America: CMIP3/CMIP5 Differences, Attribution and Outstanding Issues

Sheffield, J., Barrett, A., Barrie, D., Camargo, S. J., Chang, E. K. M., Colle, B., Fernando, D. N., Fu, R., Geil, K. L., Hu, Q., Jiang, X., Johnson, N., Karnauskas, K. B., Kim, S. T., Kinter, J., Kumar, S., Langenbrunner, B., Lombardo, K., Long, L. N., Maloney, E., Mariotti, A., Meyerson, J. E., Mo, K. C., Neelin, J. D., Nigam,S., Pan, Z., Ren, T., Ruiz-Barradas, A., Seager, R., Serra, Y. L., Seth, A., Sun, D. Z., Thibeault, J. M., Stroeve, J. C., Wang, C., Xie, S. P., Yang, Z., Zhang, T., & Zhao, M. NOAA MAPP CMIP5 Task Force. (December 2014). Regional Climate Processes and Projections for North America: CMIP3/CMIP5 Differences, Attribution and Outstanding Issues. NOAA Technical Report OAR CPO-2. doi: 10.7289/V5DB7ZRC

NOAA Holistic Climate and Earth System Model Strategy 

Phase I: Current State

DeWitt, D. G., Benjamin, S. G., Gross, B. D., Higgins, R. W., Kopacz, M., Kumar, A., Mariotti, A., Saha, S., & Tolman, H. L. (March 2015). NOAA Holistic Climate and Earth System Model Strategy Phase I: Current State. NOAA Technical Report OAR CPO-3. doi: 10.7289/V5Z31WKK

Topical Collection on Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2)

Huang, J., Mariotti, A., Kinter, J., Kumar, A, and Schneider, E., Eds.,  2013-2015. Topical Collection on Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2). Special Collection, Amer. Meteor. Soc. Climate Dynamics.

Retrieved from Topical Collection on Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2)

Huang, J., Mariotti, A., Kinter, J. and Kumar, A. (October 2014). Preface to CFSv2 topical collection. Climate Dynamics, 43 (7), 2309-2309.

Retrieved from Preface to CFSv2 topical collection. doi: 10.1007/s00382-014-2316-0

Causes and Predictability of the 2011 to 2014 California Drought

Seager, R., Hoerling, M., Schubert, S., Wang, H., Lyon, B., Kumar, A., Nakamura, J., & Henderson, N. NOAA Drought Task Force. (2015). Causes and Predictability of the 2011-14 California Drought.

Retrieved from

Journal of Hydrometeorology - Advancing Drought Monitoring and Prediction

Schubert, S., Mo, K., and Mariotti, A., Eds., 2013-2015. Advancing Drought Monitoring and Prediction. Special Collection, Amer. Meteor. Soc. Journal of Hydrometeorology.

Retrieved from

North American Climate in CMIP5 Experiments

Maloney, E. D., Kinter, J., Sheffield, J., and Mariotti, A., Eds., 2013-2014. North American Climate in CMIP5 Experiments. Special Collection, Amer. Meteor. Soc. Journal of Climate. Retrieved from

The NOAA MAPP CMIP5 Task Force Process-Oriented Model Diagnostic Effort

NOAA MAPP CMIP5 Task Force. (May 2014). The NOAA MAPP CMIP5 Task Force Process-Oriented Model Diagnostics Effort.

Retrieved from The NOAA MAPP CMIP5 Task Force Process-Oriented Model Diagnostics Effort

An Interpretation of the Origins of the 2012 Central Great Plains Drought

AghaKouchak, A., Berbery, H., Dong, J., Hoerling, M., Kumar, A., Lakshmi, V., Leung, R., Li, J., Liang, X., Luo, L., Lyon, B., Miskus, D., Mo, K., Quan, X., Schubert, S., Seager, R., Sorooshian, S., Wang, H., Xia, Y., & Zeng, N. NOAA Drought Task Force. (March 2013). An Interpretation of the Origins of the 2012 Central Great Plains Drought.

Retrieved from

Drought Task Force Assessment Protocol

NOAA Drought Task Force. (August 2013). Drought Task Force Assessment Protocol.

Retrieved from Drought Task Force Assessment Protocol

Advancing drought understanding, monitoring and prediction

Mariotti, A., Schubert, S., Mo, K., Peters-Lidard, C., Wood, A, Pulwarty, R., Huang, J., & Barrie, D. NOAA Drought Task Force. (March 2013). Advancing Drought Understanding, Monitoring, and Prediction. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00248.1

The Modeling, Analysis, Predictions, and Projections (MAPP) Program's mission is to enhance the Nation's capability to understand and predict natural variability and changes in Earth's climate system. The MAPP Program supports development of advanced climate modeling technologies to improve simulation of climate variability, prediction of future climate variations from weeks to decades, and projection of long-term future climate conditions. To achieve its mission, the MAPP Program supports research focused on the coupling, integration, and application of Earth system models and analyses across NOAA, among partner agencies, and with the external research community.

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