U.S. Department of Justice

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Date Title Type
Document 032626
First-Episode Incarceration: Creating a Recovery-Informed Framework for Integrated Mental Health and Criminal Justice Responses
By Pope, Leah G. ; Hopper, Kim; Davis, Chelsea; Cloud, David. Vera Institute of Justice. Substance Use and Mental Health Program. Justice Reform for Healthy Communities (New York, NY).
"This report, modeled on promising approaches in the mental health field to people experiencing a first episode of psychosis, outlines a new integrated framework that encourages the mental health and criminal justice fields to collaborate on developing programs based on early intervention, an understanding of the social determinants that underlie ill health and criminal justice involvement, and recovery-oriented treatment." ... Read More

20 pages
Document 032749
Federal Interagency Reentry Council: A Record of Progress and a Roadmap for the Future
Federal Interagency Reentry Council (Washington, DC).
"With the collective commitment of leaders across the government and across the country, the Reentry Council is working to promote successful reentry and reintegration for individuals returning from prison and jail. Strengthening opportunities for second chances will not only improve outcomes for justice-involved populations, it will also reduce recidivism and victimization – creating safer communities – and save taxpayer dollars spent on the direct and collateral costs of incarceration … The C... Read More

108 pages
Document 027416
Justice and Health Connect
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Vera Institute of Justice (New York, NY); U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC).
“Justice and Health Connect aims to increase the ability of government agencies and community organizations to share information across health and justice systems.” Points of access include: background—what information sharing is, the reason for sharing information, how it will benefit your agency, and information sharing myths; a toolkit explaining how to create and implement an efficient and successful interagency collaboration that shares information—four modules covering defining your object... Read More
Document 027493
The Value of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils in Wisconsin
This video explains the use of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils (CJCCs) in Wisconsin. “Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils allow all key decision makers to come to the table for open and honest discussions. These discussions lead to safer communities, lower costs and closing the revolving door of the criminal justice system.”... Read More
8 minutes
Document 028344
Policy Implications of Police-Probation/Parole Partnerships: A Review of the Empirical Literature
By Matz, Adam K.; Kim, Bitna.
This article examines the benefits and challenges of interagency collaboration between law enforcement and community corrections. "The primary assumption of these programs is that both entities possess distinct intelligence and resources that if combined should better address, prevent, or intervene in the violence perpetuated by this criminogenic population" (p. 2). Sections cover: history of police-probation/parole partnerships; research and evaluation on partnerships; problems associated with ... Read More
10 pages
Document 026308
Guidelines for Staffing a Local Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee
By Jones, Michael R.. NIC-06J1118; National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“This guide describes for county administrators and other local officials why staff is needed, who becomes good staff, how many staff persons are needed, what the costs are to develop a staff and how staff can be funded, where staff can be found, how the best applicants can be selected, where staff are best housed in the system, and how staff can be trained and evaluated. The guide also offers practical advice for planning staff by describing important activities to do when starting in the posit... Read More
64 pages
Document 022133
Increasing Collaboration Between Corrections and Mental Health Organizations: Kansas Case Study
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Council of State Governments. Criminal Justice Mental Health Consensus Project (Lexington, KY); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The COR-Pathways (Community Offender Resources Pathways) transition planning program, a collaboration between the Kansas Department of Corrections (DOC) and Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS), is described and evaluated. Sections contained in this case study are: introduction; summary of initiatives for re-entering offenders with mental illness; building collaboration (2001-2003); breaking new ground (2003-2005); evaluating program impact; looking ahead -- challenges; lookin... Read More
16 p.
Document 022134
Increasing Collaboration Between Corrections and Mental Health Organizations: Orange County Case Study
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Council of State Governments. Criminal Justice Mental Health Consensus Project (Lexington, KY); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The use of the Mental Health Pretrial Release Program (MHPTR) by the Orange County Jail, in order to identify those individuals with mental illness who can be safely supervised in the community prior to their trials, is discussed. Seven sections comprising this case study are: introduction; summary of initiatives; first steps -- 1999-2004; beyond the Central Receiving Center -- 2004-2006; assessing the impact of new initiatives; looking ahead -- challenges; and dimensions of collaboration. Succ... Read More
20 p.
Document 019834
Getting It Right: Collaborative Problem Solving for Criminal Justice
By Ney, Becki McGarry, Peggy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Criminal Justice System Project (Washington, DC) Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD).
This "guide spells out a practical team-based approach to envisioning the kind of criminal justice system a community wants, assessing the current system, and planning and implementing strategies for 'getting it right'" (p.ix). Five sections comprise this manual: an overview of a comprehensive planning process; establishing the policy team and the process; keeping the focus on outcomes; building an understanding of your system; and moving from understanding to change.... Read More
212 p.
Document 021118
Welcome to the Collaborative Justice Resource Center
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexandria, VA). Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Springs, MD).
Information about collaborations and partnerships in criminal justice is available at this website. Points of entry include: collaborative justice -- what it is, who collaborates, and reasons for collaborating; assess your team using a collaboration survey; how to collaborate; collaboration and the community corrections field; tips and ideas--team success and problem-solving, facilitation and leadership, and effective meetings; special topics--managing change, offender population management, pr... Read More
2 p.
Document 019343
Implementing Evidence-Based Principles in Community Corrections: Collaboration for Systemic Change in the Criminal Justice System
National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
The use of collaboration to implement an integrated system reform model is explained. This publication has sections regarding: the need to collaborate; who should be included; the need for structure; sustaining collaboration; a collaborative model for implementing change; essential elements of collaboration; chartering; and consensus decision-making. ... Read More
9 p.
Document 017232
Guidelines for Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee
By Cushman, Robert C.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The development, implementation, and operation of a local criminal justice coordinating committee (CJCC) are described. In particular, this guide provides a look at how a CJCC can alleviate jail crowding and accomplish other system improvements. The following sections comprise this guide: executive summary; introduction; a framework for justice planning and coordination; coordinating mechanisms -- a developmental view; and guiding principles for CJCCs. Appendixes provide: a checklist for formi... Read More
50 pages
Document 017338
Creating Integrated Service Systems for People with Co-Occurring Disorders Diverted from the Criminal Justice System: The King County (Seattle) Experience
By Wertheimer, David. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Rockville, MD); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Mental Health Services (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC). National GAINS Center (Delmar, NY).
The development of an integrated system that shares clients, information, planning, and resources is described. Topics addressed include: finding a common ground for promoting systems integration; what an integrated system is; key tactics; finding support for integrated diversion services; and the importance of disclosing "up-front" investments.... Read More
4 p.
Document 003973
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting [January 22-24, 1995, Longmont, Colorado]
National Institute of Corrections Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Jail administrators, recognizing the serious problems caused by gang members held in local jails, focused exclusively on the issue of gangs in jails at this meeting. Presentations centered on the following issues: identification of gang members; housing policies; relationship of gang activity to inmate services and programs; and how to address gang activity through intergovernmental cooperation. All participants expressed support for a "zero tolerance" policy in dealing with gangs in local jails... Read More
57 p.
Document 011452
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 23-25, 1994, Longmont, Colorado
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
This meeting of the Large Jail Network focused on intergovernmental dimensions of the role of the jail in the criminal justice system. This document presents the highlights and proceedings of the meeting. The Appendices include graphs and tables depicting data on major metropolitan jail administration.... Read More
71 p.
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