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Project Overview

Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project

Public safety is the Corps of Engineers’ top priority.  The Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Damage Reduction Project (SELA) reduces the risk of flood damages due to rainfall flooding in Orleans, Jefferson and St. Tammany parishes.  The improvements generally support the parishes’ master drainage plans and provide flood risk reduction up to a level associated with a 10-year rainfall event.  A 10-year event is basically a rain storm that has a 10% annual probability of occurrence and equates to approximately 9 inches of rain over a 24-hour period for our area.  The project includes a total of over $2 billion dollars of improvements in Jefferson and Orleans parishes.

Questions? Concerns?

Landscape Design Plans

Click here to view the SELA Landscape presentation for Uptown Corridors. Includes preferred alternatives.

Click here to view SELA Landscape alternatives for Jefferson Avenue. 

Click here to view the slides from the SELA Jefferson Avenue Landscape meeting.

Click here to view the slides from the SELA Dwyer Road Landscape meeting.

SELA - Orleans Parish

  • In Orleans Parish, plans involve improving 16 major drainage lines, adding pumping capacity to two pump stations and the construction of two new pump stations.
  • Of the 20 funded SELA projects in Orleans Parish, 12 projects are complete and eight projects are under construction.

Project Status:

  • SELA 20 - Florida Ave. Phases 2 & 3 (St. Ferdinand to Mazant / side streets: Montegut and Desire from Florida to N. Dorgenois) : end of 2018*
  • SELA 21 - Jefferson Ave. Phase 1 (Claiborne to Dryades): beginning of 2018*
  • SELA 22 - Jefferson Ave. Phase 2 (Dryades to Constance): end of 2016*
  • SELA 23 - Napoleon Ave. Phase 2 (Claiborne to Carondelet): completed summer 2016
  • SELA 23a - Napoleon Ave. Phase 3 (Carondelet to Constance): beginning of 2017*
  • SELA 24a - Claiborne Ave. Phase 1 (Monticello to Leonidas) beginning of 2017*
  • SELA 24b - Claiborne Ave. Phase 2 (Leonidas to Lowerline): end of 2016*
  • SELA 26 - Florida Ave. Phase 4: end of 2020*
  • SELA 27 - Louisiana Ave. (Claiborne to Constance): end of 2018*

*Dates are estimated completion dates and are subject to change.

Click here to view a status map.

    SELA - Jefferson Parish

    • In Jefferson Parish, plans include improvements to 24 drainage canals, additional pumping capacity for four pump stations and the construction of two new pump stations.
    • Of the 59 funded SELA projects in Jefferson Parish, 50 are complete and nine are under construction.

    Eastbank: Project Status       

    • SELA 08a - Soniate Canal, Lester to W. Metairie: completed spring 2016
    • SELA 07a - Harahan Pump to River, North Tubes: spring 2017*
    • SELA 07b - Harahan Pump to River, South Tubes: spring 2017*
    • SELA 07c - Harahan Pump to River, Discharge Structure: spring 2017*
    • SELA 9 - Harahan Pump to River, Pump Station: spring 2017*
    • SELA 09a - Harahan Pump to River, Intake Canal: spring 2017*

    *Dates are estimates and are subject to change.

    Click here to view Eastbank Status Map.

    Westbank: Project Status       

    • SELA 14 - Industry Canal: completed summer 2016
    • SELA 15 - Trapp Canal: spring 2017*
    • SELA 16 - Murphy Canal, North: end of 2016*
    • SELA 16a - Murphy Canal, South: completed summer 2015

    *Dates are estimates and are subject to change.

    Click here to view Westbank Status Map.

    SELA - St. Tammany Parish

    • Planned imporvements in St. Tammany Parish include channel enlargements, bridge replacement, pump station improvements, detention ponds, levees, T-walls and the elevation of flood-prone sturctures.

    Click here to view status map.