Client Comments

On behalf of the entire staff at The Conservation Fund, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to you and your wonderful team at Responsive Management for the work on our survey. Your professionalism and diligent work was truly outstanding. Your brilliant team's expertise shined through in every step of the survey process, delighting not only myself, but also our staff and in turn our partners.
I personally sincerely appreciated working with you and your impressive staff. There were many late nights when I was thankful to be working with such a competent and hard-working team. My expectations were considerably surpassed. The meaningful work that you and your staff put into the survey allowed for our July Real Estate Summit to be a great success. In addition, your presentation at the Summit allowed for all of our staff to properly understand the results and how we need to interpret our partners' needs in order to plan for the future of The Conservation Fund. Your candor, critical thoughts, and vast expertise have allowed for us to move forward on a firm foundation.
Thank you again and the best wishes to you and your team at Responsive Management for the future.
  -Meg McCants, The Conservation Fund

His work demonstrates the highest standards of professionalism and the volume of work is truly prolific. Responsive Management has become one of the foremost and highly respected survey and research companies in the United States with respect to fisheries, wildlife, natural resources and outdoor recreation . . . . The quality of work directed by Mark Damian Duda has become a benchmark of comparison for others doing similar work in the field . . . .
  -Bruce Lemmert, President, Virginia Wildlife Society

Mark Damian Duda is one of the nation's foremost researchers on public attitudes toward the environment.
  -Associated Press

I regard Mark Damian Duda as an exceptional blend of intelligence, resourcefulness, and professional competence. His leadership of the Responsive Management program has been distinguished and innovative . . . . Under his guidance, Responsive Management has been an outstanding source of information, ideas, and techniques helping to foster important and needed change.
  -Dr. Steve Kellert, Professor, Yale University

His firm is recognized as the leading social science research firm in the nation that works in the natural resources arena.
  -Dr. Steve L. McMullin, Associate Professor, Virginia Tech

I would just like to take this quick opportunity to thank you and your staff on the tremendous work you recently competed for the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. All too often we lack important human dimensions work in wildlife management decisions and focus only on biological data. I believe wildlife management decisions should be based on solid biological data; however, I also believe that we must use essential human dimensions work and public opinion to come up with the best management strategy. The survey of West Virginia Residents' Opinions on Black Bears and Black Bear Hunting that Responsive Management conducted for the West Virginia DNR was just the kind of information that we were so desperately lacking.
The report that Responsive Management supplied us with was very comprehensive, and the cross-tabulations supplied additional insight that may have otherwise gone undetected. The additional analysis that you and your staff did . . . was above and beyond the call of duty and demonstrated the kind of expertise and caring attitude that your staff has about our natural resources. It also helped to demonstrate that while this survey was conducted on all residents of West Virginia, your staff was able to identify our target audience very effectively and supplied us with the best possible data to make management recommendations.
  -Dr. Chris Ryan, Black Bear Project Leader, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources

Thanks again for all of your work on the statewide litter attitudes survey for Georgia and for participating in the Governor's Land Summit . . . . The campaign created exactly the buzz that we were after! . . . Your research certainly paved the way for us to launch the new "Litter. It Costs You" campaign. I have given several presentations on the development of the campaign in recent weeks that highlights decisions that were made to select the logo and tag line based on both the telephone survey and focus groups. Time and again, I have had people praise our thorough process and science-based decision-making . . . . In short, we're off to a great start, thanks to the foundation that you helped us set. I appreciate your guidance and input on this project from the outset and look forward to measuring our progress 12 to 18 months from now . . . . The work that Responsive Management has done for Georgia is extremely valuable and has staying power. In recent weeks, I've paged through not only the litter attitudes survey, but also the DNR strategic planning survey and the water messaging survey as well. They are amazing resources for us to have at our fingertips, and I don't know how any agency can make natural resources decisions without having a solid understanding of the human factor . . . . Please pass along our appreciation to Alison, Steve, Peter and the rest of the Responsive Management team.
  -Beth Brown, Special Assistant to the Commissioner, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

In addition to an impeccable research record with numerous wildlife management agencies, including our own, Responsive Management has a history of thorough data collection and analysis, the ability to maintain a research schedule and budget, as well as the ability to consistently produce legally and statistically defensible research documents.
  -Wyoming Game and Fish Department

Responsive Management is one of the most respected research firms in our industry.
  -Gary Bogner, President, Safari Club International

Mark Damian Duda is one of the nation's most respected researchers on natural resource issues.
  -Steve Pennaz, Executive Director, North American Fisherman, North American Outdoor Group, Inc.

Responsive Management provided extraordinary services to my research project, which involved a large-scale telephone survey about cultural diversity and attitudes toward marine animals in Los Angeles. This was a challenging project, involving a lengthy survey that needed to be translated into several languages, and required a complex sampling strategy. Mark provided invaluable guidance in refining my survey instrument, structuring the sampling design, and working out the survey's logistics. And his friendly, knowledgeable and professional staff worked closely with me before, during and after the survey was completed. I would recommend Responsive Management to anyone planning a survey or focus group about wildlife and wildlife management.
  -Dr. Jennifer Wolch, Professor, University of Southern California

I want to take this opportunity to express my thanks for your outstanding work . . . . This is a very fine report that has already proved helpful in discussions about funding and marketing issues with my staff and the Administration. I know that it will prove to be of similar value in upcoming discussions with external constituents and legislators.
This is the third time . . . that my Department has contracted for your services, and I am pleased to have been personally involved in each survey. I continue to be impressed by your candid and thoughtful input, personalized approach to customer needs, and professional approach to survey design, implementation, and reporting. In sum, you do great work that results in a product with high outreach and advocacy value.
  -Ronald Regan, (former) Commissioner, Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife (currently Resource Director for the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies)

Aloha! Two reasons for this letter. First is to say thank you very much for all the great work you did on the freshwater fishing marketing study. We never imagined that the results would be that positive. Your expertise in asking the focus group questions and writing the surveys has given us a wealth of information. The opportunities provided for both the supporters of freshwater fishing and the environmentalists to work together is wonderful.
  -Lynn McCrory, President, Kauai Economic Development Board

I am writing to extend my appreciation to you and your staff for the exemplary job you did with the development and production of Saving Lives and Preventing Boating-Related Accidents: An Assessment of State Recreational Boating Safety Needs for the . . . Aquatic Resources (Wallop-Breaux) Trust Fund . . . .
The needs assessment has been very well received, and we anticipate utilizing the document as the primary educational tool for conveying our state resource needs to members of Congress and the Administration. The content, format and "look" of the publication are first rate . . . .
I want to take this opportunity to thank you personally for your commitment, involvement and contribution to NASBLA's research agenda over the last few years. You have been a part of some of our most exciting and significant trend analysis and policy development to date.
  -Alvin Taylor, President, National Association of State Boating Law Administrators

It is quite an understatement to say that I couldn't have done it without you all! From our very first conversations about survey design, timeline, budget, and data handling, you were attentive to my concerns as a graduate student and a newly initiated human dimensions researcher. Your professionalism and expertise made me feel quite confident about our partnership and about the quality of data. Furthermore, you included me in every aspect of the process and made me feel that my comments were valued . . . .
Upon my visit to Responsive Management . . . , it became quite clear to me why your firm is so highly praised throughout the field of human dimensions research. It was an absolute delight to see you guys in action . . . .
A world of thanks.
  -Salinda Daley, graduate student, North Carolina State University

On behalf of Ducks Unlimited, I wish to thank you and your team at Responsive Management for your outstanding work . . . . You and your staff were pleasant, easy to work with, and very professional . . . . The questions and analysis were right on target to address important issues in habitat conservation.
  -James K. Ringelman, Director of Conservation Programs, Ducks Unlimited Inc.

The admonition to "Know Thyself" was never more true than when it is applied to business. And helping us define our Bowhunting Market and who we are has recently been masterfully done for us by Mark Damian Duda and the folks at Responsive Management. In my 34 years in the Archery Industry, I have never seen such a complete and understandable marketing research exercise than what they have just completed for us. Mark has long been recognized as the leader in definitive research when it comes to our outdoor field, and he is a joy to work with, as is his entire staff. We can recommend Responsive Management in the highest possible terms.
  -Dick Lattimer, President/CEO, The Archery Manufacturers & Merchants Organization

Responsive Management is one of the top research firms in the nation when it comes to our market and the shooting and hunting industry. During the research phase of this project, [Responsive Management] conducted both qualitative and quantitative research . . . . Needless to say, we learned a great deal in this process, and we are now better able to target our efforts and our resources.
  -Peter J. Dart, President and CEO, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Thank you, Mark, for the tremendous effort you and your staff have provided us in developing our recreation plan. From the survey design through data analysis, you and your dedicated staff have graciously assisted us throughout the process and beyond your contractual obligation. I am proud to present these survey findings and am confident in their source and meaning.
Mark, I want to extend a special thanks to Dr. Peter De Michele, who willingly provided me with much needed technical support. I appreciate his kindness, patience and most of all his sincerity in helping me understand and use the SPSS software. Also, it was a pleasure working with Alison Lanier. Whether by phone or e-mail, I came to expect a cheerful and responsive Alison at the other end graciously willing and able to assist me.
  -Bob Ehemann, Division of Parks and Recreation, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control

You did an outstanding job putting the assessment together, as well as presenting the results. This information will be invaluable as we proceed with the National Marine Sanctuary (NMS) Revenue Enhancement Initiative.
Thanks again for a spectacular job.
  -Karen M. Brubeck, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The extensive Future of Fishing study conducted by Responsive Management provided the basis for the formation of RBFF and was the impetus for the strategies we employed to increase fishing participation. Sound research provides a firm foundation on which to grow, and RBFF's successful programs and marketing efforts would not have been possible without it.
  -Bruce Matthews, President, Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation

Thanks very much for the extra fast delivery of the final reports. It appears to be another great product. Our meeting is later this week, so we are now in great shape in terms of survey distribution. Thanks again for your fine attention to detail, and extraordinary efforts to accommodate our interests and concerns . . . . I look forward to crossing paths with you on future projects, and to adding a third year to our survey trend data in 2014!
  -Mark Ellingwood, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

I'd like to say a few things about our survey contractor, Responsive Management of Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Responsive Management has grown to be the nation's premier survey research firm on fish, wildlife and natural resource issues.
When we began to look for a survey contractor for the wolf survey, we knew we needed good information, and we needed it fast. We contacted the University of [name withheld]. They couldn't meet our timeline. We contacted other potential contractors. They either couldn't do it the way we wanted, or couldn't meet our timeline. Responsive Management could. In fact, they have consistently been ahead of the timeline we were told was "simply unrealistic" by other survey researchers.
Their timeliness and efficiency is only one thing we've been impressed with. They have been very cooperative, taking great pains to address the concerns of the Commission and staff in developing a set of survey questions from our objectives, then repeatedly refining those questions to reflect our comments. Their cooperation has been outstanding.
From a technical standpoint, Responsive Management is simply the best. They have the best computer-assisted telephone interviewing system. Their interviewers are the most thoroughly trained, according to industry standards. They only conduct surveys on wildlife and natural resource issues. They always pre-test their surveys, something no other survey contractor has ever done for us. Their sampling is the most painstaking. They produce reports from the perspective of an unbiased third party, with full statistical analysis.
We're very happy with the work Responsive Management has done for us, and we're not alone. It was a pleasure to work with them on this survey.
  -Walt Gasson, Wyoming Game and Fish Department

I would recommend Mark Duda to anyone wishing to assess public views. His style was interactive in the development of the instrument as well as during the assessment of the results. His knowledge and experience nationwide were tremendously helpful in framing the questions on the survey, and provided a basis to further understand not only what our citizens thought about our performance and what our priorities should be, but how it compared on a national level. Mark provided a professional presentation to our Wildlife Commission, and answered their queries from a technical expertise concerning the survey and what it meant that would have been difficult to manage on our own. I have utilized his graphs which he provided in Microsoft Power Point to develop programs for training of employees and presentations to public groups. In the final analysis of his services I would say that when it becomes time to do another assessment, Mark will be the first one contacted to see if he can do the work. I'd hire him again.
  -John Bredehoft, Chief of Law Enforcement, Colorado Division of Wildlife

I want to thank you for your efforts in assessing public knowledge, attitudes, and opinions regarding grizzly bear reintroduction to the Bitterroot Mountains of central Idaho. The professional rigor in the design, implementation and analysis of the random telephone survey was outstanding. I particularly valued and appreciated the close working relationship we had in developing this project and the prompt completion of the final report. We were quite pleased with every aspect of the job by Responsive Management.
  -John Weaver, Team Leader, Bitterroot Grizzly Bear EIS, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Mark Duda, Executive Director of RM, has worked with the Florida Wildlife Federation on a number of projects and was our Conservation Educator of the Year for his work in applying an understanding of people to wildlife issues. I highly recommend his and Responsive Management's abilities for work you have involving your constituency and wildlife issues, training workshops for your employees, or public opinion/attitude surveys.
  -Manley K. Fuller III, President, Florida Wildlife Federation

This is just a short note to thank you . . . for the outstanding service you provided in the recent survey effort. You delivered a product that precisely fits our needs and in a time frame that allows us to begin using the information immediately. I truly appreciate your dedication and professionalism. It's not an exaggeration to say that you exceeded my expectations.
  -Rob Manes, (former) Assistant Secretary, Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks (currently with The Nature Conservancy)

I personally, sincerely appreciated working with you and your very professional and talented staff. I thought it was going to be difficult managing a project that was half done, but your assistance and guidance helped me catch up right away. Thank you again for a sensational job. Please relay my personal best to everyone at Responsive Management.
  -Hardy Pearce, U.S. Department of the Interior

The Marketing Workshop led by Mark Damian Duda excelled in all aspects. There was just the right mix of lecture and discussion, written material and graphics, seriousness and humor. Presentation of information, enhanced by the use of multi-media-slides, overheads and videos, all helped get the message across.
Mark's enthusiasm for the material was captivating. The importance of Responsive Management principles hit you between the eyes, and plans to incorporate Responsive Management into ongoing operations automatically began to form. Discussion among participants was encouraged, and everyone's contribution was explicitly noted as important.
Humor, scattered throughout the workshop, made for a fun, rewarding two days. Expectations on the value of spending two days away from the "real work" were well exceeded. We'll be back for more.
  -Recreational Fisheries Branch, British Columbia Ministry of Environment

Thanks for an outstanding presentation at the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference held in New Hampshire . . . . You really made an impression on the group. The fact that there was standing room only speaks well of your reputation. Your session was the best attended.
  -Judy Cummings, Chief, Information and Education, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

Responsive Management is one of the nation's most respected research firms in the area of public opinion about wildlife.
  -Laury Parramore, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Many thanks go to Mark Damian Duda, Steven J. Bissell and the staff of Responsive Management. Their dedication, creativity and hard work were unfailing throughout the entire research process.
  -Paul W. Hansen, Executive Director, Izaak Walton League of America

Thank you for your capable and professional work in completing the recent survey of Pennsylvania anglers and boaters. There is no doubt that the Commission received the best and most cost-effective survey product available. You and your staff did an outstanding job preparing and conducting the survey and presenting the results . . . . In spite of the frequent requests for modifications during the survey development process, you were still able to complete the survey instrument, compile customer opinion and present results at the July commission meeting. We are extremely impressed with Responsive Management's capacity to meet tight deadlines!
  -Peter A. Colangelo, (retired) Executive Director, Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission

Over the past years, the Potomac Valley Chapter of Ducks Unlimited has honored certain outdoor writers for their contribution to the understanding and appreciation of the sustainable use of renewable resources. The Chapter has made this award only three times in the past . . . .
It is my pleasure to inform you the Chapter has voted to have you receive this recognition at our 18th Annual Dinner & Reception.
  -Stephen S. Boynton, The Potomac Valley Chapter of Ducks Unlimited Inc.

Thanks for doing a bang-up job at the Conservation Planning Workshop last week. I've had much positive feedback on your presentation from other participants. Personally, I was impressed that you could come in cold, pick up the PowerPoint package and then present such a detailed, data-packed talk an hour or so later.
Thanks again for sharing your expertise.
  -John Slown, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

On behalf of the Freshwater Fisheries Division of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, I would like to thank Responsive Management for the outstanding job that they did on the recently completed survey of licensed anglers in South Carolina. Under your innovative guidance, we were able to ascertain public opinion on many fishery management issues. Your competence in assisting our staff to develop the survey in the most cost-effective manner was extremely important in these times of restricted funding. I was especially pleased with your staff's ability to work with colloquial names of places and species during the survey. In past surveys with other firms, many errors in data analysis occurred due to lack of training of the interviewers. Our requests for additional cross-referencing of data were handled promptly.
The product you provided fulfilled our needs and will play a major role in taking our department into the twenty-first century. It provides the catalyst for the department to recognize and adapt to change, to meet the needs of our constituents.
I want to sincerely thank you and your staff for producing a most informative document. The professional quality of the work, coupled with the personal approach of your organization, made the project most enjoyable to facilitate. I can think of no one that I would rather have do future surveys than Responsive Management.
  -David Allen, Fisheries Biologist, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

The motorboat access survey report has been distributed within the Department and has received many accolades. It has been very well received by our law enforcement officers. We have needed this type of document for some time, and we really appreciate the great job you and your staff did.
  -Chris Burkett, Wyoming Game and Fish Department

I have known Mark Duda and Responsive Management for several years, but had the opportunity to work collaboratively with him and his staff over the past two years on a major project for the Commonwealth of Virginia. I have been impressed by the work of the whole Responsive Management organization. They produce good work and lots of it. Mark and his staff have done a lot to promote sound market-based research for natural resource management agencies.
  -Dr. Brett Wright, (former) Director, Center for Recreation Resources Policy, George Mason University (currently Chairman for Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Clemson University)

On behalf of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, I would like to thank you and your staff for the outstanding job done in completing the New Hampshire Freshwater Angler Survey. The survey results are already in use by the Inland Fisheries Division staff when making fisheries management decisions and in developing work plans for fisheries research programs.
. . . I greatly appreciate all your efforts, and I look forward to working with you and your staff in the future.
  -Stephen G. Perry, Chief, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, Inland Fisheries Division

We would like to express our gratitude, on behalf of the Colorado Division of Wildlife, for your excellent efforts in collecting the data for our human dimensions study . . . . Your expertise contributed to a thorough and credible study. The results have been very useful and have reinforced our agency's broad-based funding approach to wildlife management.
  -Colorado Division of Wildlife

On behalf of the staff of our Department, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to you . . . for your gracious professionalism and assistance with the Responsive Management survey in our agency. I feel this process worked extremely well, and our interaction was truly beneficial to the development, implementation and evaluation of this survey . . . . We deeply appreciate the support and enthusiasm that each of you gave to this effort.
  -Larry D. Cartee, (former) Assistant Executive Director, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

Mark Duda, the Executive Director of Responsive Management, keynoted the interagency Watchable Wildlife Conference in Missoula, Montana. Mr. Duda is "in touch" with the needs of natural resource field personnel. His presentation reflected a combination of thorough preparation, technical field experience, and effective communication skills. He did an outstanding job of defining the scope and importance of the Watchable Wildlife Program.
  -Dr. Bruce Hronek, Professor, Department of Recreational and Park Administration, Indiana University

I'm no fan of conferences, but I was intrigued by this session because it was billed as the best of its kind for fish and wildlife agencies. At the end of this four-day session, I can say that this is the best seminar I have ever attended.
  -Todd Malmsbury, Colorado Division of Wildlife

If there is anyone who can predict the future of our industry, he's it.
  -Florida Outdoor Writers Association

Shazam! You did it again! The survey report you generated for the Commission's Task Force on Outdoor Kansas is excellent. Even more impressive is the fact that you beat, by two days, the unreasonable deadline we gave you . . . .
I was not at all surprised that you delivered the survey and report services as agreed (that is the type of work you're known for), but I was impressed that the Responsive Management crew was able to get it done so quickly.
  -Rob Manes, (former) Assistant Secretary, Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks (currently with The Nature Conservancy)

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) would like to thank you [Mark Duda], Kira, and the rest of your staff for the revised Survey of Eastern Washington Upland Bird Hunters. The revised report was excellent and will help WDFW manage upland birds based on good science. We appreciate your taking all of our comments on the draft report into consideration. Comparing results based on place of residence will be very useful to WDFW. The revised figures were clear and distinct . . . . We look forward to working with you again. Again, thank you for a detailed, final report.
  -Tom McCall, Planning Biologist, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

I just wanted to get back to you to say thank you for the outstanding job you did on the recent opinion survey on deer, moose and bear management in New Hampshire. You did an outstanding job at preparing and conducting the survey, as well as presenting the results at our May Commission meeting. As you heard from members of the Commission and audience, interest in the survey results is high, and [the results] will be an important piece of the puzzle when developing our new 5-10 year management plans for these species. Our next challenge will be to integrate this information into a proactive strategy for big game populations in New Hampshire.
Thanks again for the highly professional job.
  -James J. DiStefano, (former) Executive Director, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

On behalf of the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, I want to commend you for your authorship of the excellent West Virginia Viewing Guide. Your professionalism and knowledge of wildlife and West Virginia served to make this a publication that we are not only proud of, but will enhance the image of our state. Because of your commitment to seeing that only the best would be acceptable for our state's guide, we have a publication that I believe to be the best in the series.
We are all appreciative of your efforts in producing the West Virginia Viewing Guide. You can count on our enthusiastic support for all of your future endeavors.
  -Bernard F. Dowler, Chief of Wildlife Resources Section, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources

Thank you for meeting with my staff and me and reviewing the results of Georgia's first Responsive Management survey . . . . I especially appreciate the outstanding report and newsletter that you prepared and provided to us.
  -David Waller, (retired) Director, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your outstanding work on behalf of the Wildlife Division of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department. I greatly appreciated your candid counsel in the design of the survey and the enthusiasm you brought to the project. Your final report was very well done, and the extra effort you made to present the findings to myself and other Department staff was very valuable. Vermont Residents' Opinions and Attitudes Toward Species Management will prove to be a good first step for some of the planning that awaits us in the coming months.
  -Ronald Regan, (former) Commissioner, Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife (currently Resource Director for the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies)

Just a short note to let you know that I received Illinois Residents' Opinions and Attitudes Regarding Trapping, Fur Hunting and Furbearer Management. Excellent job! I'm excited at the opportunities that exist for developing a focused, efficient educational program based on the results of this survey.
  -Bob Bluett, Furbearer Program Manager, Illinois Department of Natural Resources

Responsive Management provides the opportunity and mechanism for focusing our resource management efforts where they are both wanted and needed. The public opinion workshop clearly and concisely introduces attendees to the processes of understanding public expectations of the agency, problems to avoid in implementing the processes, and the benefits derived from addressing those expectations. The subsequent availability of Responsive Management staff to advise on specified public opinion projects is a bonus. I definitely recommend the Public Opinion Workshop to all public resource managers.
  -Virginia Vail, Division of Marine Fisheries, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

I'd like to thank you for doing such a fine job facilitating the two sessions on marketing at our recent Aquatic Resource Education Workshop. Your introductory session, in particular, gave our state colleagues excellent information on how to design education programs to achieve their objectives. Your insights have been a big help to both our own staff and the state coordinators.
  -Libby Hopkins, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Job well done. The past 6-month effort has done much to begin the resolution of the deer hunting controversy here in Maryland . . . .
I appreciate your timeliness and professionalism in carrying out this job. Your presentation certainly helped us put our best foot forward.
  -Josh Sandt, Director, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Division

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your excellent presentation at the Ecosystem Seminar Series. I now know why Mike Boylan strongly recommended you as a speaker.
  -Jim Clark, Office of Training and Education, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

I was most pleased with the presentation Mark Damian Duda gave at our Utah Wildlife Fair. His presentation was timely, entertaining, professional and most importantly influential to the listening audience. I have found this to be consistent with everything that comes out of Responsive Management.
  -Tim Provan, Director, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

Your abilities . . . gave my staff confidence that the Responsive Management program is in good hands at the national level. We look forward to conducting another marketing workshop this fall with your assistance.
  -Pat Graham, (former) Director, Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (currently the Director of The Nature Conservancy - Arizona Chapter)

The Colorado Division of Wildlife has used the C.I.P., Change Module, and Marketing Module, and found them to be quality products that address real needs of our agency. We have also appreciated the eagerness to help shown by the Responsive Management staff. The Responsive Management Program has helped us to become substantially better prepared to deal with the changing attitudes, beliefs and opinions of our constituents.
  -Perry Olson, Director, Colorado Division of Wildlife

Our biologists and natural resource managers spend their professional lives implementing management programs designed to effect change. We regard natural change as normal. However, as professional natural resource managers, we do not as easily accept or embrace changes in our operating environment.
Responsive Management has been a catalyst to help recognize and adapt to change, for the Department. Responsive Management has resulted in meaningful strategic direction and a renewed commitment to our employees and customers.
  -K.L. Cool, Director, Michigan Department of Natural Resources

I want to personally thank you for the substantial contribution to our successful staff conference in Corpus Christi. Your talk on Responsive Management: Integrating the Public into the Resource Management Equation was very timely and well received . . . . The staff really got a lot out of your presentation and the session.
  -Rudolph Rosen, Director, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

My compliments on a great presentation at the Watchable Wildlife Conference. Your tie to history and changes in technology were great in getting one to think of new ways to view this great challenge. Coming from one with a wildlife background, your comments were very credible and moved everyone to begin thinking of the human side of the coin. This is very critical, as many of us have a biological background and tend to view the world from a different perspective than many of our visitors.
  -John T. Drake, Director, U.S. Forest Service Region 1, Wilderness, Recreation and Heritage Program

Responsive Management has been helpful in getting our telephone surveys started after we attended their well-presented training session. We have called upon them for technical advice many times . . . . When I call the RM office, I feel like I am talking to friends, yet they are well organized and professional. I am very pleased with the sponsorship arrangement.
  -Steve Miller, Ohio Division of Wildlife

In surveying the Kansas public's attitudes about endangered species, we were dealing with a volatile issue. It is also one of the most important issues for wildlife management in Kansas. The review by RM of our survey instrument and subsequent endorsement provided a degree of credibility needed for this publicly sensitive project. In fact, the results, which demonstrated overwhelming support for our endangered species protection efforts, have yet to be met with any serious challenges. I'd give major credit to the helpful and critical review we received from Responsive Management. Thanks!
  -Ken Brunson, Nongame Program Coordinator, Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks

Congratulations! You folks did a great job on your new publication designed to inform Congress on the needs of a nationwide nongame program.
  -Terry Johnson, Nongame Program Manager, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division

The timely, thorough stakeholder survey Responsive Management provided for the subcommittee considering new options for the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation got our activities off on the right foot. Thanks for the quick turn-around and quality work! I'm always impressed with your objectivity and with the thoroughness of your analyses; this project demonstrated both admirably. Thanks, too, for your patience with clients who didn't articulate their needs very well!
  -Spence Amend, Management Assistance Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Attached is a report entitled Americans and Wildlife Diversity that was produced for the Association's Fish and Wildlife Diversity Initiative. It is an excellent summary of the information available on public opinion, attitudes, interest and participation in, and funding for, wildlife viewing and wildlife diversity programs . . . .
Mark Damian Duda and Kira Young with Responsive Management did an outstanding job pulling this information together. I believe it will greatly assist both the Association and its Fish and Wildlife Diversity Funding Initiative and your own agency as it works toward building support for stronger wildlife diversity and watchable wildlife programs.
  -Naomi Edelson, Wildlife Diversity Director, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

Responsive Management's services have been instrumental in helping identify the priority needs of the many users of the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. RM effectively and efficiently polled the Survey's State, Federal, and non-governmental users throughout the U.S. RM analyzed the results and presented them in a meaningful and timely manner so that planners had the information necessary to develop options for meeting future data needs. RM has been a professional, experienced, and knowledgeable contributor to the Survey Planning Project.
  -Sylvia Cabrera, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Responsive Management has been very "responsive" to the needs of the Maryland Wildlife Division on many levels. We particularly were interested in having RM do our watchable wildlife survey because of their extensive experience in social surveying, particularly concerning attitudes, perceptions, knowledge and activities involving wildlife.
  -Edith Thompson, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Mark Duda gave one of two presentations on a marketing approach to wildlife management to a major Ministry of Natural Resources staff workshop. Mark's presentation was excellent, and its influence on workshop discussions was obvious.
  -Margaret McLaren, Wildlife Policy Branch, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Thank you for speaking at the Perspectives in Urban Ecology Symposium . . . . Participants ranked you and Dr. David Goode, the keynote speaker who is Director of the London Ecology Unit, the two top speakers and ranked human dimensions research as the highest subject area of interest for all presentations.
  -Betsy Webb, Curator of Zoology, Denver Museum of Natural History

Thank you for taking part in the Watchable Wildlife training session . . . . Your presentation on defining constituencies was very well received and was one of the highlights of the course.
  -Lynn Engdahl, Manager, Phoenix Training Center, Bureau of Land Management

We receive many, many compliments on A Bridge to the Future; it has been received well by members of Congress, industry representatives, and state and federal fish and wildlife agencies.
I greatly appreciate the high quality expertise Mark Duda and Responsive Management offer. Mark has constantly offered good ideas, concise thinking and provided me a forum to brainstorm new approaches to aid in our wildlife conservation initiatives.
  -Naomi Edelson, Wildlife Diversity Director, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

I wanted to take this time and express our gratitude to you for your extensive participation in the Information and Education sessions at the Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference. Not only have I heard compliments regarding your presentation, but I've heard from several people who appreciated the fact that you were available for the duration of the seminars. That kind of support makes our work all that much worthwhile.
  -Jeff Curtis, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

We appreciate your participation in the panel discussion during the ACI conference . . . . Many of the panelists and the audience remarked that the discussion left them better prepared to cope with the complications that erupt frequently in our line of work. Your well-prepared demeanor seemed to serve as a catalyst for the scenario's progress, and I am grateful for that.
  -Henry Cabbage, Public Information Director, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Just a note to let you know how much I appreciated your presentation at our Wildlife Officer Recruit Academy. Your presentation was excellent.
  -Captain Wayne King, Regional Law Enforcement Supervisor, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

I learned a great deal about my own personal beliefs and attitudes and, further, how difficult it is for one individual to change, let alone an entire agency. After now attending all RM training, the Change workshop strikes me as providing the most important information for organizations to grasp. It is also the most difficult.
  -Stan T. Allen, Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Mark assisted me with the planning and development of two statewide turkey hunter surveys. The surveys involved measuring elements of turkey hunter satisfaction, hunter attitudes and hunter harvest. Mark's knowledge and experience with opinion surveys and questionnaire design saved me time and effort. In addition to being professionally capable, he was enthusiastic and took time away from his own work to help me out.
  -Neil Eicholz, Coordinator, Wild Turkey Management, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

You bring a unique combination of personal effectiveness and important information . . . . You do an excellent job.
  -Dr. Larry Harris, Professor, University of Florida

Responsive Management is a terrific, long overdue marketing analysis tool that will enable natural resource organizations to broaden their focus and to increase their understanding of the diverse clientele groups they serve. A contemporary business approach by these people-oriented agencies will increase their effectiveness and efficiency in addressing the needs of their customers.
  -Dr. Joe Schaefer, Professor, University of Florida

I wanted to take a few minutes to let you know how much I enjoyed the Responsive Management training session in Tucson. I have to admit I was a little reluctant when I first saw the workshop agenda. But I think you did a marvelous job of mixing work, social, and free time to make it a most enjoyable time and learning experience for all participants.
  -Stephen R. Wilson, Chief, Information and Education Section, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

The Georgia Game and Fish Division was extremely pleased with the high quality products produced by Responsive Management . . . . Mark and his staff worked closely with us from the early planning stages of our two surveys through the interpretation of survey results. They were very competent, courteous and comfortable for our staff to work with.
  -Ron Odom, Georgia Wildlife Resources Division

The marketing workshops were a success. I have heard many good comments from participants of both sessions. I have been at two meetings since the workshops where the people were thinking and talking about "markets" and were using many of the terms presented at the workshops.
Enclosed are the evaluation summary and the comment sheets for the second session. As in the first session, the vast majority enjoyed the course, believed they will use the information, learned a great deal about marketing and thought you did an excellent job.
I want to thank you personally for your efforts. You did an outstanding job of presenting ideas and concepts which are new to many of us.
  -Tom Wasson, Ohio Division of Wildlife; and President, Organization of Wildlife Planners

I've just finished reviewing A Bridge to the Future. What a spectacular and useful document! I want to commend you for the tremendous job you did in writing the publication . . . . I know you put a tremendous amount of effort into this publication-it shows!
  -Jay D. Hair, (former) President, National Wildlife Federation

Working with Responsive Management on A Bridge to the Future was pure pleasure. The report was better than I envisioned and completed sooner than I anticipated. What's more, I believe it will be pivotal in finally securing funding for the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. I couldn't be more pleased!
  -Doug Crowe, (retired) Special Assistant to the Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

You did a bang-up job on the survey and in presenting the results to our Commission yesterday. Many thanks!
  -Don McKenzie, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Just a quick note of thanks for hosting such a great workshop. It really was jam packed with a lot of useful and interesting information. I wish you could go on the road and present this information regionally . . . hint, hint. Please relay thanks to your staff for a smooth running event, and to the presenters for their excellent effort.
  -Linda Sikorowski, Human Dimensions Specialist, Colorado Department of Natural Resources

The workshop Responsive Management just held was outstanding. You and your staff put together a "Cadillac" event!
  -Julie Morin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

I just wanted to thank you again for making your presentation to the Commissioners at the Southeastern Conference. The presentation contained lots of facts that will be beneficial to all who attended. I probably benefited from the information more than anyone. As usual, you did a great job. I never cease to be amazed at how productive and energetic you are.
  -Victor J. Heller, Assistant Executive Director, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

We would like to thank you and your staff for your professionalism and hard work on the Future of Fishing study. We are pleased with the results of this study as well as the way in which they are presented in the study's final report.
The interest and anticipation that have been expressed in the final report echo the importance of this study to state fish and wildlife agencies across the country . . . . Thank you again for your efforts.
  -Bob Miles, Resource Director, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

Special thanks go out to the staff of Responsive Management . . . for going the extra mile in pretesting our biennial trends survey and making improvements to it and . . . for accommodating our special requests for analysis, graphs and report format. This report is being used more than any of the previous years' reports.
  -Jeff Casper, Arizona Game and Fish Department

This most recent survey for the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Alliance on hunter attitudes toward National Forests is outstanding work and will undoubtedly prove to be extremely valuable in our efforts to promote sound stewardship of the National Forest System.
  -Paul Hansen, Executive Director, The Izaak Walton League of America

I do want to let you know that I have heard from several people regarding the great job you did on the presentation. Your presentation skills are magnificent. You proved that being concise, informative and humorous are key elements in keeping the attention of busy people.
  -Karlton Kilby, BoatU.S.

RM Conducts:
Telephone Surveys
Mail Surveys
Focus Groups
Personal Interviews
Park/Outdoor Recreation Intercepts
Web-Based Surveys
Needs Assessments
Programmatic Evaluations
Literature Reviews
Data Collection for Universities and Researchers
RM Develops:
Marketing Plans
Communications Plans
Business Plans
Policy Analysis
Public Relations Plans

 130 Franklin Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801    Phone (540) 432-1888    Fax (540) 432-1892
Content © Responsive Management, unless otherwise noted.