Data Collection for Universities and Researchers

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Responsive Management frequently assists other researchers in the development and implementation of qualitative and quantitative research projects on natural resources and outdoor recreation issues. Responsive Management has worked with numerous universities in various capacities including Auburn University, Colorado State University, Duke University, George Mason University, Penn State University, Michigan State University, North Carolina State University, Rutgers University, the University of California-Davis, the University of Florida, the University of Montana, the University of New Hampshire, the University of Southern California, Texas Tech University, Virginia Tech, and West Virginia University.
Responsive Management works with researchers to best meet their qualitative and quantitative research needs. The needs of researchers have been as involved as partnering on the completion of major studies involving literature reviews, focus groups, and quantitative surveys or as simple as data collection.
Responsive Management has partnered with many researchers in focus group facilitation, survey design, sampling methodology, telephone and mail survey implementation, and data analysis. Responsive Management has extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative research that can provide quality research data to any researcher. The strength of a partnership with Responsive Management is that our services can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual researcher. For example, if the researcher needs help in survey design, Responsive Management can offer its expertise in that area. On the other hand, if the researcher has already developed a survey instrument, Responsive Management can program the survey into a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) program, pretest the instrument, and perform data collection. If the researcher intends to analyze the data themselves, raw data can be provided electronically. Responsive Management also can assist researchers in data analysis.
As top-notch researchers are aware, high-quality data collection is critical to good research. With this in mind, Responsive Management has experienced focus group moderators and a survey center that stress the importance of highly-trained staff who work under the close supervision of Responsive Management's senior research associates. Responsive Management's facilities are staffed by professionals with experience conducting computer-assisted telephone interviews and mail surveys on natural resource and outdoor recreation issues. Because Responsive Management specializes in researching natural resource issues, our interviewers conduct surveys only on natural resource and outdoor recreation issues and understand the nuances involved in conducting natural resource and outdoor recreation research.
To ensure the data collected are of the highest quality, interviewers are trained according to the standards established by the Council of American Survey Research Organizations. The project supervisor conducts in-depth project briefings with the research team prior to their working on the specific project. Interviewers are instructed on survey goals and objectives, type of study, handling of survey questions, interview length, termination points and qualifiers for participation, reading of interviewer instructions, reading of the survey instrument, reviewing of skip patterns, and probing and clarifying techniques necessary for specific questions on the survey instrument. Methods of instruction include lecture, role-playing, and video training.
Supervision over the interviewing process is managed by the survey center manager through interviewer training, random monitoring, and interviewer review. For telephone surveys, the survey center manager randomly monitors telephone workstations without the interviewers' knowledge of which interviews will be monitored. Interview monitoring allows the survey center manager to maintain strict quality control over the data collection process. For mail and telephone surveys, the survey center manager and statisticians edit each completed survey to check for clarity, understanding, completeness, and format. University and other researchers can be assured that the data collected by Responsive Management is statistically and legally defensible and is of the highest quality.
To learn more about quality survey methodology and nonresponse bias, click here to read an article by Responsive Management's Director of Research Dr. Peter E. De Michele on nonresponse.
Responsive Management Experience
Responsive Management has extensive experience in the use of quantitative and qualitative research on natural resource and outdoor recreation issues. Responsive Management has conducted almost 1,000 quantitative and qualitative projects over the past 18 years. Clients include the federal natural resource and land management agencies, most state fish and wildlife agencies, state departments of natural resources, environmental protection agencies, state park agencies, tourism boards, as well as most of the major conservation and sportsmen's organizations. Many of the nation's top universities use Responsive Management for data collection because they recognize the quality of Responsive Management's data services. Because Responsive Management specializes in researching only natural resource and outdoor recreation issues, our senior research staff, research associates, and interviewers conduct projects only on these topics and understand the nuances involved in conducting such research.
RM Conducts:
Telephone Surveys
Mail Surveys
Focus Groups
Personal Interviews
Park/Outdoor Recreation Intercepts
Web-Based Surveys
Needs Assessments
Programmatic Evaluations
Literature Reviews
Data Collection for Universities and Researchers
RM Develops:
Marketing Plans
Communications Plans
Business Plans
Policy Analysis
Public Relations Plans

 130 Franklin Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801    Phone (540) 432-1888    Fax (540) 432-1892
Content © Responsive Management, unless otherwise noted.