Supplemental Measures and Targets

Executive Order 13520 gives the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) authority to determine if certain agency programs are high-error. Based on OMB guidelines, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program is high-error, which means that it requires more frequent measures and targets. In compliance with the additional requirements that come with this determination, we have established the following supplemental measures and targets for the SSI program:

FY 2016
SSI – Supplemental Measures and Targets

Type of Error



Overpayment/Underpayment Due to a Change That Affects Payment Amount of Eligibility

Cause: Beneficiaries fail to report a change that affects payment amount or eligibility.

Program Savings: Refer to the Accountability section of this improper payments report for information on our program savings.

By September 30, 2016, complete the budgeted amount of 2.522 million SSI non-medical redeterminations.

In FY 2016, we completed approximately 2.530 million SSI redeterminations.

Overpayment Due to Unreported Wages

Cause: Beneficiaries, representative payees, and deemors (i.e., individuals such as a parent or spouse whose income and resources are considered in determining an applicant's or recipient's eligibility and payment) fail to report their new or increased wages.

Error Amount: $592.2 million (94 percent of all wage overpayment deficiency dollars and 15.4 percent of all overpayment deficiency dollars) in FY 2015.

In FY 2016, increase the number of wage reports we process using SSITWR and SSIMWR by 6 percent over 896,488, the number in FY 2015.

In FY 2016, we received 1,046,757 monthly wage reports, a 16.76 percent increase over FY 2015.