RSDI and SSI Recovery Efforts

Our improper payments strategy includes focusing on enhancements to improve our OASDI and SSI debt recovery efforts. In October 2013, we began notifying debtors of our ability to offset eligible State payments to collect their debt. These changes also support debt management compliance and performance as required by OMB. Below are enhancements to improve our OASDI and SSI debt recovery efforts.

  • Collect delinquent OASDI and SSI debts through TOP/State Reciprocal Program.
    • We implemented the required systems enhancements in 2013.
    • We began sending mandatory notification to delinquent debtors in October 2013, which was suspended during our review of using TOP.
  • Overpayment Redesign.
    • We began the planning and analysis phase of this project in FY 2016.
  • Remittance Modernization.
    • We completed planning and analysis on the Social Security Electronic Remittance System for the processing of remittances by the field offices for programmatic debt and will begin development in FY 2017.
    • We are currently in the planning and analysis phase on the adoption of electronic remittance options.
  • Treasury Report on Receivables enhancements for OASDI and SSI.
    • We implemented systems enhancements to meet the reporting requirements of the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014.