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Data Layer Name


Clean Air

Clean & Plentiful Water

Natural Hazard Mitigation

Climate Stabilization

Recreation, Culture, & Aesthetics

Food, Fuel, & Materials

Biodiversity Conservation

Acres of crops that have no nearby pollinator habitat This map layer depicts the total acres of agricultural crops within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that require or would benefit from the presence of pollinators, but are without any nearby supporting habitat.            
Agricultural water use (million gallons/day) This map estimates the millions of gallons of water used daily for agricultural irrigation for each subwatershed (HUC-12) in the contiguous United States. Estimates include self-supplied surface and groundwater, as well as water supplied by irrigation water providers, which may include governments, companies, or other organizations.            
Area of solar energy (km2) This map estimates the square kilometers of area within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that offers the potential for harvesting solar energy. This map does not take into account land use or ownership.            
Average annual daily potential (kWh/m2/day) This map estimates the average daily potential kilowatt hours of solar energy that could be harvested per square meter within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). This calculation is based on environmental factors and does not take into account land ownership or viability of installing solar harvesting systems.            
Average annual precipitation (inches/yr) This map estimates the average number of inches of precipitation that fall within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) each year. Precipitation includes snow and rain accumulation.    
Carbon storage by tree biomass (kg/m2) This map estimates the kilograms of dry carbon stored per square meter of above ground biomass of trees and forests in each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Carbon storage by tree root biomass (kg/m2) This map estimates the kilograms of dry carbon stored per square meter in below ground biomass in each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). Biomass below ground includes tree root biomass and soils.            
Cotton yields This map depicts the thousands of tons of cotton that are grown annually within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Cultivated biological nitrogen fixation (kg N/ha/yr) This map depicts the mean rate of biological nitrogen fixation from the cultivation of crops within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kg N/ha/yr.           
Domestic water use (million gallons/day) This map estimates the millions of gallons of water used daily for domestic purposes in each subwatershed (HUC-12). For the purposes of this map, domestic or residential water use includes all indoor and outdoor uses, such as for drinking, bathing, cleaning, landscaping, and pools for primary residences.            
Fruit yields  This map depicts the thousands of tons of fruit crops that are grown annually within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Grain yields  This map depicts the thousands of tons of major grain crops that are grown annually within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Hectares of cotton crops This map depicts the total hectares managed for cotton crops annually within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Hectares of fruit crops This map depicts the total hectares managed for fruit crops annually within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Hectares of grain crops This map depicts the total hectares managed for major grain crops annually within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Hectares of vegetable crops This map depicts the total hectares managed for vegetable crops annually within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Industrial water use (million gallons/day) This map estimates the millions of gallons of water used daily for industrial processes in each subwatershed (HUC-12). Estimates include self-supplied surface and groundwater, as well as water supplied by water providers, which may include governments, companies, or other organizations.            
Manure application (kg N/ha/yr) This map depicts the mean rate of manure application to agricultural lands from confined animal feeding operations within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kg N/ha/yr.         
Maximum amphibian species richness - southeast This map models the maximum number of amphibian species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.            
Maximum amphibian species richness - southwest This map models the maximum number of amphibian species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.            
Maximum bat species richness - southeast This map models the maximum number of bat species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum bat species richness - southwest This map models the maximum number of bat species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum big game species richness - southeast This map models the maximum number of big game species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum big game species richness - southwest  This map models the maximum number of big game species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum bird species richness - southeast This map models the maximum number of bird species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum bird species richness - southwest This map models the maximum number of bird species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum fur bearer species richness - southeast This map models the maximum number of fur bearer species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum fur bearer species richness - southwest This map models the maximum number of fur bearer species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum land cover diversity - southeast This map models the diversity of land cover types within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. The maximum value is the greatest number of land cover types found within 1 kilometer of any given point in the subwatershed.          
Maximum land cover diversity - southwest This map models the diversity of land cover types within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. The maximum value is the greatest number of land cover types found within 1 kilometer of any given point in the subwatershed.          
Maximum mammal species richness - southeast This map models the maximum number of mammal species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.            
Maximum mammal species richness - southwest This map models the maximum number of mammal species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.            
Maximum modeled threatened and endangered vertebrate species - southeast This map models the maximum number of threatened and endangered species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum modeled threatened and endangered vertebrate species - southwest This map models the maximum number of threatened and endangered species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum reptile species richness - southeast This map models the maximum number of reptile species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.            
Maximum reptile species richness - southwest This map models the maximum number of reptile species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.            
Maximum small game species richness - southeast This map models the maximum number of small game species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum small game species richness - southwest This map models the maximum number of small game species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum total harvestable species richness - southeast This map models the maximum number of harvestable species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum total harvestable species richness - southwest This map models the maximum number of harvestable species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum total vertebrate species richness - southeast This map models the maximum number of vertebrate species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum total vertebrate species richness - southwest This map models the maximum number of vertebrate species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum waterfowl species richness - southeast This map models the maximum number of waterfowl species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Maximum waterfowl species richness - southwest This map models the maximum number of waterfowl species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The maximum number does not represent the potential richness for the entire watershed.          
Mean amphibian species richness - southeast This map models the average number of amphibian species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.            
Mean amphibian species richness - southwest This map models the average number of amphibian species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.            
Mean bat species richness - southeast This map models the average number of bat species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean bat species richness - southwest This map models the average number of bat species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean big game species richness - southeast This map models the average number of big game species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean big game species richness - southwest This map models the average number of big game species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean bird species richness - southeast This map models the average number of bird species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean bird species richness - southwest This map models the average number of bird species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean fur bearer species richness - southeast This map models the average number of fur bearer species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean fur bearer species richness - southwest This map models the average number of fur bearer species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean land cover diversity - southeast This map models the diversity of land cover types within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. The mean value is the average number of land cover types found within 1 kilometer of any given point in the subwatershed.          
Mean land cover diversity - southwest This map models the diversity of land cover types within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. The mean value is the average number of land cover types found within 1 kilometer of any given point in the subwatershed.          
Mean mammal species richness - southeast This map models the average number of mammal species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.            
Mean mammal species richness - southwest This map models the average number of mammal species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.            
Mean modeled threatened and endangered vertebrate species - southeast This map models the average number of threatened and endangered species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean modeled threatened and endangered vertebrate species - southwest This map models the average number of threatened and endangered species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean reptile species richness - southeast This map models the average number of reptile species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.            
Mean reptile species richness - southwest This map models the average number of reptile species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.            
Mean small game species richness - southeast This map models the average number of small species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean small game species richness - southwest This map models the average number of small species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean total harvestable species richness - southeast This map models the average number of harvestable species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean total harvestable species richness - southwest This map models the average number of harvestable species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean total vertebrate species richness - southeast This map models the average number of vertebrate species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean total vertebrate species richness - southwest This map models the average number of vertebrate species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean waterfowl species richness - southeast This map models the average number of waterfowl species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Mean waterfowl species richness - southwest This map models the average number of waterfowl species that are likely to be present in any single location within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations.          
Natural biological nitrogen fixation (kg N/ha/yr) This map depicts mean biological nitrogen fixation in natural and semi-natural ecosystems within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kg N/ha/yr.          
NIB amphibian species richness - southeast This map depicts an index value of amphibian species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.            
NIB amphibian species richness - southwest This map depicts an index value of amphibian species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.            
NIB bat species richness - southeast This map depicts an index value of bat species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB bat species richness - southwest This map depicts an index value of bat species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB big game species richness - southeast This map depicts an index value of big game species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB big game species richness - southwest This map depicts an index value of big game species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB bird species richness - southeast This map depicts an index value of bird species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB bird species richness - southwest This map depicts an index value of bird species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB fur bearer species richness - southeast This map depicts an index value of fur bearer species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB fur bearer species richness - southwest This map depicts an index value of fur bearer species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB land cover diversity - southeast This map models the diversity of land cover types within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB land cover diversity - southwest This map models the diversity of land cover types within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB mammal species richness - southeast This map depicts an index value of mammal species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.            
NIB mammal species richness - southwest This map depicts an index value of mammal species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.            
NIB modeled threatened and endangered vertebrate species - southeast This map depicts an index value of threatened and endangered species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB modeled threatened and endangered vertebrate species - southwest This map depicts an index value of threatened and endangered species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB reptile species richness - southeast This map depicts an index value of reptile species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.            
NIB reptile species richness - southwest This map depicts an index value of reptile species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.            
NIB small game species richness - southeast This map depicts an index value of small game species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB small game species richness - southwest This map depicts an index value of small game species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB total harvestable species richness - southeast This map depicts an index value of harvestable species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB total harvestable species richness - southwest This map depicts an index value of harvestable species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB total vertebrate species richness - southeast This map depicts an index value of vertebrate species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB total vertebrate species richness - southwest This map depicts an index value of vertebrate species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB waterfowl species richness - southeast This map depicts an index value of waterfowl species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southeast. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
NIB waterfowl species richness - southwest This map depicts an index value of waterfowl species richness for a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in the southwest. This map is based on habitat models, not wildlife observations. The index value is based on average values determined for each HUC.          
Number of aquatic animal species This map illustrates the total number of animal species associated with aquatic habitat that are listed as G1, G2, or in the federal endangered species program that may reside within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). G1 and G2 denote Global Conservation Ranks classified by NatureServe.        
Number of aquatic plant species This map illustrates the total number of plant species associated with aquatic habitat that are listed as G1, G2, or in the federal endangered species program that may reside within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). G1 and G2 denote Global Conservation Ranks classified by NatureServe.        
Number of dams This map depicts the number of dams within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). For this map, EnviroAtlas uses the National Inventory of Dams maintained by the US Army Corps of Engineers.          
Number of fruit crop types This map depicts the number of fruit crop types that are grown annually within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Number of grain crop types This map depicts the number of major grain crop types that are grown annually within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Number of terrestrial animal species This map illustrates the total number of animal species associated with terrestrial habitat that are listed as G1, G2, or in the federal endangered species program that may reside within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). G1 and G2 denote Global Conservation Ranks classified by NatureServe. Terrestrial habitat refers to land areas such as forests, grasslands, deserts and rainforests.        
Number of terrestrial plant species This map illustrates the total number of plant species associated with terrestrial habitat that are listed as G1, G2, or in the federal endangered species program that may reside within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). G1 and G2 denote Global Conservation Ranks classified by NatureServe. Terrestrial habitat refers to land areas such as forests, grasslands, deserts and rainforests.      
Number of vegetable crop types This map depicts the number of vegetable crop types that are grown annually within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Number of wetland animal species This map illustrates the total number of animal species associated with wetland habitat that are listed as G1, G2, or in the federal endangered species program that may reside within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). G1 and G2 denote Global Conservation Ranks classified by NatureServe.            
Number of wetland plant species This map illustrates the total number of plant species associated with wetland habitat that are listed as G1, G2, or in the federal endangered species program that may reside within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). G1 and G2 denote Global Conservation Ranks classified by NatureServe.            
Oxidized nitrogen dry deposition (kg/ha) This map estimates the annual dry deposition of oxidized nitrogen within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kilograms per hectare. Dry deposition occurs when particles or gases attach to surfaces such as dust or smoke and fall to the earth's surface.        
Oxidized nitrogen wet deposition (kg/ha) This map estimates the annual wet deposition of oxidized nitrogen within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kilograms per hectare. Wet deposition occurs when rain, snow, or fog carry nitrogen to the earth’s surface.        
Percent agriculture on hydric soil This map depicts the percentage of land managed for agriculture that has hydric soils within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). This includes all land dedicated to the production of crops, but excludes land managed for pasture.        
Percent agriculture on wet areas (wetness index > 550) This map estimates the percent of land within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is frequently or periodically wet and is managed for agriculture. This map uses a wetness index of 550 to determine if the area is considered to be wet.        
Percent cropland This map depicts the percent of land managed as cropland in each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). For this map, EnviroAtlas uses all crop types in the Cropland Data Layer created by the United States Department of Agriculture.  
Percent developed land on wet areas (wetness index > 550) This map estimates the percent of land within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is frequently or periodically wet and has been developed or urbanized. This map uses a wetness index of 550 to determine if the area is considered to be wet. This map includes various types of development such as open spaces, parks, golf courses, single family homes, multifamily housing units, retail, commercial, industrial sites, and associated infrastructure.          
Percent emergent herbaceous wetlands This map depicts the percent of land comprised of emergent herbaceous wetlands in each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). For this map, EnviroAtlas uses the National Land Cover Database and its definition of  emergent herbaceous wetlands.  
Percent forest This map illustrates the percentage of total land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is covered by trees and forest.
Percent forest and woody wetlands This map illustrates the percentage of total land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is covered by trees and forest or woody wetlands. EnviroAtlas uses the National Land Cover Database definition of woody wetlands.  
Percent forest and woody wetlands in buffer This map layer portrays the percent of land within 30 meters of streams, rivers, and other hydrologically connected waterbodies within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is covered by trees and forests or woody wetlands. EnviroAtlas uses the 2006 National Land Cover Database definition of woody wetlands.      
Percent forest land in buffer This map layer portrays the percent of land within 30 meters of streams, rivers, and other hydrologically connected waterbodies within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is covered by trees and forests.      
Percent forest on wet areas (wetness index > 550) This map estimates the percent of land within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is frequently or periodically wet and is covered by trees and forests. This map uses a wetness index of 550 to determine if the area is considered to be wet.          
Percent GAP status 1 and 2 This map illustrates the percent of land within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is designated as Status 1 or 2 under the USGS Gap Analysis Program. These lands have permanent protections in place limiting visitation, use, and human impacts. Lands with status 1 have more restrictions in place to minimize disturbance and maintain the land's natural state.          
Percent GAP status 1, 2, and 3 This map illustrates the percent of land within subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has legally recognized easements for conservation or other protections in place to restrict human use or development. This layer includes both public and private land.          
Percent GAP status 3 This map illustrates the percent of land within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is designated as Status 3 under the USGS Gap Analysis Program. These areas have permanent protection from conversion of natural land cover for the majority of area. Subject to extractive uses of either broad, low-intensity type (e.g.. Logging) or localized intense type (e.g.. Mining). Confers protection to federally listed endangered and threatened species throughout the area.          
Percent impervious area This map illustrates the percent of total land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is impervious. Impervious surfaces do not allow the penetration of water and include buildings, roads, and sidewalks.
Percent IUCN status IA This map portrays the percentage of land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has been classified as Status IA by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Category IA protected areas seek to protect biodiversity and natural features; human visitation, use, and impacts are strictly controlled.          
Percent IUCN status IB This map portrays the percentage of land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has been classified as Status IB by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Category IB protected areas include large unmodified or slightly modified areas, without permanent or significant human habitation. These lands are protected and managed so as to protect their natural condition.          
Percent IUCN status II This map portrays the percentage of land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has been classified as Status II by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Category II protected areas re large natural or near natural areas set aside to protect large-scale ecological processes, along with the complement of species and ecosystems characteristic of the area, which also provide a foundation for environmentally and culturally compatible, spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational, and visitor opportunities.          
Percent IUCN status III This map portrays the percentage of land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has been classified as Status III by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Category III protected areas are set aside to protect a specific natural monument, which can be a landform, sea mount, submarine cavern, geological feature such as a cave or even a living feature such as an ancient grove. They are generally quite small protected areas and often have high visitor value.          
Percent IUCN status IV This map portrays the percentage of land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has been classified as Status IV by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Category IV areas aim to protect particular species or habitats and management reflects this priority. Many Category IV protected areas will need regular, active interventions to address the requirements of particular species or to maintain habitats, but this is not a requirement of the category.          
Percent IUCN status V This map portrays the percentage of land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has been classified as Status V by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Category V protected areas have distinct character with significant, ecological, biological, cultural and scenic value: and where safeguarding the integrity of this interaction is vital to protecting and sustaining the area and its associated nature conservation and other values.          
Percent IUCN status VI This map portrays the percentage of land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has been classified as Status VI by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Category VI protected areas are generally large, with most of the area in a natural condition, where a proportion is under sustainable natural resource management and where low-level non-industrial use of natural resources compatible with nature conservation is seen as one of the main aims of the area.          
Percent land with any IUCN status This map portrays the percentage of land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is protected. It includes all lands that have been classified by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as protected areas.          
Percent large natural areas This map illustrates the percent of land within each subwatershed that are covered by large natural areas. Large natural areas are greater than 25,000 acres and covered by forests, shrubs, grasslands, barren land, or wetlands. It excludes areas that are covered by agriculture and developed land.          
Percent medium natural areas This map illustrates the percent of land within each subwatershed that are covered by medium sized natural areas. Medium natural areas are less 25,000 acres but greater than 500 acres and are covered by forests, shrubs, grasslands, barren land, or wetlands. It excludes areas that are covered by agriculture and developed land.          
Percent natural land cover This map illustrates the percent of total land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has natural land cover. Natural land cover includes forests, shrubs, grasslands, barren land, and wetlands; it excludes agriculture and impervious surfaces.  
Percent natural land cover in buffer This map layer portrays the percent of naturally covered land within 30 meters of streams, rivers, and other hydrologically connected waterbodies within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). Natural land cover includes forests, shrubs, grasslands, barren land, and wetlands; it excludes agriculture and developed land.      
Percent pasture This map depicts the percent of land managed as pasture in each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). Pasture areas are planted for livestock grazing or the production of seed or hay crops.  
Percent potentially restorable wetlands This map estimates the percent of land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that may be suitable for wetland restoration.      
Percent range on wet areas (wetness index > 550) This map estimates the percent of land within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is frequently or periodically wet and is covered by range land. This map uses a wetness index of 550 to determine if the area is considered to be wet. EnviroAtlas defines range as land dominated by shrubs or herbaceous vegetation.        
Percent rare ecosystem This map estimates the percent of land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that could be classified as rare ecosystem. Ecosystem rarity in EnviroAtlas is based on size, shape, and type of ecosystem.          
Percent rare ecosystem protected This map estimates the percent of land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is protected and could be classified as rare ecosystem. Ecosystem rarity in EnviroAtlas is based on size, shape, and type of ecosystem.          
Percent small natural areas This map illustrates the percent of land within each subwatershed that are covered by small patches of natural areas. Small natural areas are less 500 acres and covered by forests, shrubs, grasslands, barren land, or wetlands. It excludes areas that are covered by agriculture and developed land.          
Percent urban area This map estimates the amount of developed land within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). For the purposes of this map, urban land cover includes a variety of development, such as open spaces, parks, golf courses, single family homes, multifamily housing units, retail, commercial, industrial sites, and associated infrastructure. Urban land cover is not confined to city limits.
Percent wetlands This map depicts the percent of land comprised of woody and emergent herbaceous wetlands in each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). For this map, EnviroAtlas uses the National Land Cover Database and its definitions of woody and emergent herbaceous wetlands.
Percent wetlands on wet areas (wetness index > 550) This map estimates the percent of land within a subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is frequently or periodically wet and is covered by wetlands. This map uses a wetness index of 550 to determine if the area is considered to be wet. EnviroAtlas uses the National Land Cover Database classification of wetlands.          
Population near roadway with little to no tree buffer This map estimates the total population that lives within 90 meters of a major road with little to no tree buffer. For the purposes of this map, little to no tree buffer means that no area within the 90 meters was classified in the National Land Cover Database as forest.            
Reduced nitrogen dry deposition (kg/ha) This map estimates the annual dry deposition of reduced nitrogen within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kilograms per hectare. Dry deposition occurs when particles or gases attach to surfaces such as dust or smoke and fall to the earth's surface.        
Reduced nitrogen wet deposition (kg/ha) This map estimates the annual wet deposition of reduced nitrogen within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kilograms per hectare. Wet deposition occurs when rain, snow, or fog carry nitrogen to the earth’s surface.        
Stream density (km/km2) This map estimates the drainage density within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). The density is equal to the total stream length in kilometers within a subwatershed divided by its total area in square kilometers.        
Stream length (km) This map estimates the total kilometers of streams, rivers, or other linear waterways within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). It includes both natural and man-made water features, but excludes non-linear waterbodies such as lakes.        
Stream length impaired by metals (km) This map depicts the total stream length in kilometers within the subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has been listed as impaired due to the presence of metals in the water.            
Stream length impaired by nutrients (km) This map depicts the total stream length in kilometers within the subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has been listed as impaired due to the presence of nutrients in the water.            
Stream length impaired for biota (km) This map depicts the total stream length in kilometers within the subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has been listed as impaired for biota. Biota or biological impairment is an indication of water quality and not necessarily the source of impairment.            
Stream length impaired for temperature (km) This map depicts the total stream length in kilometers within the subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that has been listed as impaired for having higher than average temperature.            
Sulfur dry deposition (kg/ha) This map estimates the annual dry deposition of sulfur within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kilograms per hectare. Dry deposition occurs when particles or gases attach to surfaces such as dust or smoke and fall to the earth's surface.        
Sulfur wet deposition (kg/ha) This map estimates the annual wet deposition of sulfur within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kilograms per hectare. Wet deposition occurs when rain, snow, or fog carry sulfur to the earth’s surface.        
Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer application (kg N/ha/yr) This map depicts the mean rate of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer application to agricultural lands within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kg N/ha/yr.        
Thermoelectric water use (million gallons/day) This map estimates the millions of gallons of water used daily for thermoelectric power generation in each subwatershed (HUC-12). Thermoelectric power creates electricity through steam powered turbines. This map is based on water withdrawn and does not include water that is returned to the watershed.            
Total nitrogen deposition (kg/ha) This map estimates the total annual deposition of nitrogen within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kilograms per hectare. This map includes both dry and wet deposition of oxidized and reduced nitrogen.      
Total number of aquatic species This map illustrates the total number of species associated with aquatic habitat that are listed as G1, G2, or in the federal endangered species program that may reside within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).        
Total number of terrestrial species This map illustrates the total number of species associated with terrestrial habitat that are listed as G1, G2, or in the federal endangered species program that may reside within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). G1 and G2 denote Global Conservation Ranks classified by NatureServe. Terrestrial habitat refers to land areas such as forests, grasslands, deserts and rainforests.          
Total number of wetland species This map illustrates the total number of species associated with wetland habitat that are listed as G1, G2, or in the federal endangered species program that may reside within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC). G1 and G2 denote Global Conservation Ranks classified by NatureServe.        
Total oxidized nitrogen deposition (kg/ha) This map estimates the annual deposition of oxidized nitrogen within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kilograms per hectare. This map includes both dry and wet deposition of oxidized nitrogen.        
Total reduced nitrogen deposition (kg/ha) This map estimates the annual deposition of reduced nitrogen within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kilograms per hectare. This map includes both dry and wet deposition of reduced nitrogen.        
Total reptile species richness - US This map models the total number of reptile species that are likely to be present anywhere within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Total sulfur deposition (kg/ha) This map estimates the annual deposition of sulfur within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) in kilograms per hectare. This map includes both dry and wet deposition of sulfur.      
Value of cotton crops This map depicts annual sales in dollars for cotton produced within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Value of grain crops This map depicts annual sales in dollars for major grain crops produced within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Vegetable yields  This map depicts the thousands of tons of vegetable crops that are grown annually within each subwatershed (12-digit HUC).            
Water supply from reservoirs (million gallons) This map estimates the millions of gallons of surface water in each subwatershed (12-digit HUC) that is contained in reservoirs and/or behind dams. This map only estimates volume and does not take into account water rights, designated uses, or previous appropriations.        

Data layer name


Clean Air

Clean & Plentiful Water

Natural Hazard Mitigation

Climate Stabilization

Recreation, Culture, & Aesthetics

Food, Fuel, & Materials

Biodiversity Conservation

Acute respiratory symptoms avoided due to ozone removed (cases/yr) This map estimates the annual number of acute respiratory symptom cases that may be avoided due to total ozone removed by trees in each census block group.            
Acute respiratory symptoms avoided due to particulate matter [PM2.5] removed (cases/yr) This map estimates the annual number of acute respiratory symptom cases that may be avoided due to total PM2.5 removed by trees in each census block group.            
Agricultural land per capita (m2/person) This map estimates the square meters of land per person that is managed for agriculture within each census block group.            
Asthma exacerbation avoided due to nitrogen dioxide removed (cases/yr) This map estimates the annual number of asthma exacerbation cases that may be avoided due to total nitrogen dioxide removed by trees in each census block group.            
Asthma exacerbation avoided due to sulfur dioxide removed (cases/yr) This map estimates the annual number of asthma exacerbation cases that may be avoided due to total sulfur dioxide removed by trees in each census block group.            
Average reduction in daytime ambient temperature (Celsius) This map estimates the average reduction in the ambient temperature at 2 pm on a hot summer day due to the cooling properties of tree cover in each census block group.          
Average reduction in nighttime ambient temperature (Celsius) This map estimates the average reduction in the ambient temperature at night following a hot summer day due to the cooling properties of tree cover in each census block group.          
Carbon monoxide (kg/yr) This map estimates the total kilograms of ambient carbon monoxide removed annually by trees in each census block group.          
Daily domestic use (x1000 gal/day) This map estimates the total water used daily for domestic purposes in each census block group. For the purposes of this map, domestic or residential water use includes all indoor and outdoor uses, such as for drinking, bathing, cleaning, landscaping, and pools for primary residences.            
Day care centers with < 25 percent green space in viewshed This map summarizes the number of day care centers in each census block group that have less than 25 percent of “green space” in the area within 100 meters of the building.  Green space may include trees, lawns and gardens, crop land, and forested wetlands.            
Estimated percent of tree cover within 26m of a road edge This map estimates the percent tree cover within 26 meters of a busy road edge at any given point throughout the community. A “busy” roadway in  EnviroAtlas is defined to include interstates, arterial roads, and collector roads. It does not include local or neighborhood roads, though some of these roads may also experience consistent and heavy traffic.        
Estimated tree cover in 15m buffer (percent) This map estimates the percent tree cover within 15 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters.  It is not summarized by census block group.        
Estimated tree cover in 50m buffer (percent) This map estimates the percent tree cover within 50 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters.  It is not summarized by census block group.        
Estimated vegetated cover in 15m buffer (percent) This map estimates the percent vegetated cover within 15 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters.  It is not summarized by census block group.        
Estimated vegetated cover in 50m buffer (percent) This map estimates the percent vegetated cover within 50 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters. It is not summarized by census block group.        
Estimated walking distance to a park entrance (meters) This map estimates the total meters, or walking distance, from each park entrance.            
Green space per capita (m2/person) This map illustrates the square meters of total land per person within each census block group that is covered by vegetation, or “green space.”  Green space may include trees, lawns and gardens, crop land, and forested wetlands.          
Impervious area per capita (m2/person) This map estimates the square meters of total land per person within each census block group that is covered by impervious surfaces. Impervious surfaces do not allow the penetration of water and include buildings, roads, and sidewalks.      
K-12 schools with < 25 percent green space in viewshed This map summarizes the number of K-12 schools in each census block group that have less than 25 percent of “green space” in the area within 100 meters of the building. Green space may include trees, lawns and gardens, crop land, and forested wetlands.            
Nitrogen dioxide (kg/yr) This map estimates the total kilograms of nitrogen dioxide removed annually by trees in each census block group.        
Number of Historic Places This map summarizes the number of federally listed historic districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects within each census block group.            
Ozone (kg/yr) This map estimates the total kilograms of ozone removed annually by trees in each census block group.          
Particulate matter [PM10] (kg/yr) This map estimates the total kilograms of particulate matter greater than 2.5 microns but less than 10 microns that is removed annually by trees in each census block group.          
Particulate matter [PM2.5] (kg/yr) This map estimates the total kilograms of particulate matter less than 2.5 microns that are removed annually by trees in each census block group.          
Percent agriculture This map estimates the percent of total land within each census block group that is managed for agriculture.          
Percent green space This map illustrates the percent of total land within each census block group that is covered by vegetation, or “green space.” Green space may include trees, lawns and gardens, crop land, and forested wetlands.          
Percent green space within 1/4 square kilometer This map illustrates the percent of total land within each ¼ square kilometer that is covered by vegetation, or “green space.” Green space may include trees, lawns and gardens, crop land, and forested wetlands.          
Percent impervious area This map illustrates the percent of total land within each census block group that is impervious. Impervious surfaces do not allow the penetration of water and include buildings, roads, and sidewalks.  
Percent impervious area in 15m buffer This map estimates the percent land covered by impervious surfaces within 15 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters in each census block group. Impervious surfaces are materials that do not allow the penetration of water and include buildings, roads, and sidewalks.        
Percent impervious area in 50m buffer This map estimates the percent land covered by impervious surfaces within 50 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters in each census block group. Impervious surfaces are materials that do not allow the penetration of water and include buildings, roads, and sidewalks.        
Percent impervious area within 1 square kilometer This map illustrates the percent of each square kilometer within the community area that is covered by impervious surfaces. It is not summarized by census block group. Impervious surfaces are materials that do not allow the penetration of water and include buildings, roads, and sidewalks.  
Percent land area in 15m buffer This map estimates the percent land in each census block group that is within 15 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters.        
Percent land area in 50m buffer This map estimates the percent land in each census block group that is within 50 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters.        
Percent of busy roadway bordered by < 25 percent tree buffer This map estimates the percent of busy roadway in each census block group that is bordered by less than 25 percent tree cover within 26 meters of a road edge. A “busy” roadway in EnviroAtlas is defined to include interstates, arterial roads, and collector roads. It does not include local or neighborhood roads, though some of these roads may also experience consistent and heavy traffic.        
Percent of busy roadway bordered by > 25 percent tree buffer This map estimates the percent of busy roadway in each census block group that is bordered by more than 25 percent tree cover within 26 meters of a road edge. A “busy” roadway in EnviroAtlas is defined to include interstates, arterial roads, and collector roads. It does not include local or neighborhood roads, though some of these roads may also experience consistent and heavy traffic.        
Percent of residential population not within 500m of a park entrance This map estimates the percent of the total population that does not live within 500 meters of a park entrance within each census block group.            
Percent of residential population with minimal views of trees This map estimates the percent of the population in each census block group who have less than 5 percent tree cover within 50 meters of their home.            
Percent of residential population with views of water This map estimates the percent of the population in each census block group that may have a view of water within 50 meters of their home. This map includes streams, lakes, rivers, and coastal waters.            
Percent of residential population within 300m of busy roadway This map estimates the percent of the population within each census block group that resides within 300 meters of a busy roadway. A “busy” roadway in EnviroAtlas is defined to include interstates, arterial roads, and collector roads. It does not include local or neighborhood roads, though some of these roads may also experience consistent and heavy traffic.            
Percent of residential population within 500m of a park entrance This map estimates the percent of the total population that resides within 500 meters of a park entrance within each census block group.            
Percent reduction in annual runoff This map estimates the percent reduction in runoff each year due to trees in each census block group.          
Percent tree cover This map illustrates the percent of total land within each census block group that is covered by trees. In EnviroAtlas, tree coverage takes many forms, including street trees, parks, urban forests, and single trees on various properties.  
Percent tree cover in 15m buffer This map estimates the percent land covered by trees within 15 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters in each census block group.        
Percent tree cover in 50m buffer This map estimates the percent land covered by trees within 50 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters in each census block group.        
Percent vegetated cover in 15m buffer This map estimates the percent land covered by vegetation within 15 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters in each census block group.        
Percent vegetated cover in 50m buffer This map estimates the percent land covered by vegetation within 50 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters in each census block group.        
Percent wetlands This map illustrates the percent of total land within each census block group that is covered by wetlands.      
Reduction in annual runoff (m3/yr) This map estimates the reduction in surface runoff (m3/yr) each year within each census block group due to the presence of trees.          
Reduction in mean biochemical oxygen demand [BOD5] (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in mean biochemical oxygen demand (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in mean chemical oxygen demand [COD] (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in mean chemical oxygen demand (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration from trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in mean load of copper (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in mean load of copper (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in mean load of nitrites and nitrates (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in mean load of nitrites and nitrates (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in mean load of soluble phosphorus (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in mean load of soluble phosphorus (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in mean load of total Kjeldahl nitrogen [TKN] (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in mean load of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in mean load of total phosphorus (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in mean load of total phosphorus (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in mean load of total suspended solids [TSS] (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in mean load of total suspended solids (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.          
Reduction in median biochemical oxygen demand [BOD5] (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in median load of biochemical oxygen demand (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in median chemical oxygen demand [COD] (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in median load of chemical oxygen demand (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in median load of copper (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in median load of copper (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in median load of nitrites and nitrates (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in median load of nitrites and nitrates (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in median load of soluble phosphorus (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in median load of soluble phosphorus (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in median load of total Kjeldahl nitrogen [TKN] (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in median load of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in median load of total phosphorus (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in median load of total phosphorus (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.            
Reduction in median load of total suspended solids [TSS] (kg/yr) This map estimates the reduction in median load of total suspended solids (kg/yr) in streamflow due to filtration by trees in each census block group.          
Residential population not within 500m of a park entrance This map estimates the total population that does not reside within 500 meters of a park entrance within each census block group.            
Residential population with minimal views of trees This map estimates the number of people with less than 5 percent tree cover within 50 meters of their home.            
Residential population with views of water This map estimates the number of people in each census block group that may have a view of water within 50 meters of their home. This map includes streams, lakes, rivers, and coastal waters.            
Residential population within 300m of busy roadway This map estimates the population within each census block group that resides within 300 meters of a busy roadway. A “busy” roadway in EnviroAtlas is defined to include interstates, arterial roads, and collector roads. It does not include local or neighborhood roads, though some of these roads may also experience consistent and heavy traffic.            
Residential population within 300m of busy roadway with < 25 percent tree buffer This map estimates the percent of the population within each census block group that resides within 300 meters of a busy roadway that is buffered by less than 25 percent tree cover within 26 meters of a road edge. A “busy” roadway in EnviroAtlas is defined to include interstates, arterial roads, and collector roads. It does not include local or neighborhood roads, though some of these roads may also experience consistent and heavy traffic.            
Residential population within 300m of busy roadway with > 25 percent tree buffer This map estimates the population within each census block group that resides within 300 meters of a busy roadway that is buffered by more than 25 percent tree cover within 26 meters of a road edge. A “busy” roadway in EnviroAtlas is defined to include interstates, arterial roads, and collector roads. It does not include local or neighborhood roads, though some of these roads may also experience consistent and heavy traffic.            
Residential population within 500m of a park entrance This map estimates the total population that resides within 500 meters of a park entrance in each census block group.            
School days not lost to illness due to ozone removed (days/yr) This map estimates the annual number of school days that may not be lost to illness due to total ozone removed by trees in each census block group.            
Sulfur dioxide (kg/yr) This map estimates the total kilograms of sulfur dioxide removed annually by trees in each census block group.        
Total carbon sequestered (mt/yr) This map portrays the total metric tons of carbon that are removed annually from the atmosphere and sequestered in the above-ground biomass of trees in each census block group.            
Total carbon stored (mt) This map portrays the total metric tons of carbon stored in the above-ground biomass of trees by census block group.            
Total land area in 15m buffer (m2) This map estimates the square meters of land within 15 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters in each census block group.      
Total land area in 50m buffer (m2) This map estimates the square meters of land within 50 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters in each census block group.      
Tree cover per capita (m2/person) This map estimates the square meters of land per person that is covered by trees within each census block group. In EnviroAtlas, tree coverage takes many forms, including street trees, parks, urban forests, and single trees on various properties.    
Value of asthma exacerbation cases avoided due to nitrogen dioxide removed ($/yr) This map estimates the dollar value associated with the annual number of asthma exacerbation cases that may be avoided due to total nitrogen dioxide removed by trees in each census block group.            
Value of asthma exacerbation cases avoided due to sulfur dioxide removed ($/yr) This map estimates the dollar value associated with the annual number of asthma exacerbation cases that may be avoided due to total sulfur dioxide removed by trees in each census block group.            
Value of carbon sequestered ($/yr) This map portrays the total metric tons of carbon that are removed annually from the atmosphere and sequestered in the above-ground biomass of trees in each census block group.            
Value of carbon stored ($) This map portrays the dollar value associated with the estimated total amount of carbon stored in the above-ground biomass of trees within each census block group.            
Value of health, ecosystem, and materials damage avoided due to carbon monoxide removed ($/yr) This map estimates the dollar value associated with annual damage to health, ecosystems, and materials that may be avoided due to carbon monoxide removed by trees in each census block group.            
Value of health, ecosystem, and materials damage avoided due to particulate matter [PM10] removed ($/yr) This map estimates the dollar value associated with annual damage to health, ecosystems, and materials that may be avoided due to particulate matter [PM10] removed by trees in each census block group.            
Value of hospital admissions avoided due to nitrogen dioxide removed ($/yr) This map estimates the dollar value associated with the annual number of hospital admissions that may be avoided due to total nitrogen dioxide removed by trees in each census block group.            
Value of hospital admissions avoided due to sulfur dioxide removed ($/yr) This map estimates the dollar value associated with the annual number of hospital admissions that may be avoided due to total sulfur dioxide removed by trees in each census block group.            
Value of school days not lost to illness due to ozone removed ($/yr) This map estimates the dollar value associated with the annual number of school days that may not be lost to illness due to total ozone removed by trees in each census block group.            

Data layer name


Watersheds This dataset contains polygons and points representing the location of markets and projects primarily targeting watershed-related ecosystem services per Ecosystem Marketplace research.
Imperiled Species and Habitats This dataset contains polygons and points representing the location of markets and projects primarily targeting imperiled species and/or habitat ecosystem services per USACE RIBITS data and Ecosystem Marketplace research.
Wetlands and Streams This dataset contains polygons and points representing the location of markets and projects primarily targeting wetland and stream ecosystem services per USACE RIBITS data and Ecosystem Marketplace research.
Forest Carbon This dataset contains polygons and points representing the location of markets and projects primarily targeting forest carbon-related ecosystem services per Ecosystem Marketplace research.
Enabling Conditions This dataset contains polygons representing guidance, enabling policies, and regulatory drivers that facilitate ecosystem services markets per Ecosystem Marketplace research. It includes conditions that specifically establish ecosystem market mechanisms, as well as conditions that indirectly function as the regulatory driver for ecosystem markets. Data cover watershed, Imperiled Species and Habitats, wetland and streams, and forest carbon asset types. Scales represented include watershed (HUC8), state, regional, national, and federal lands.

Data Layer Name


National Demographics

People and Built Spaces - National

People and Built Spaces - Community

Percent 25 Years And Over With A High School Degree This map estimates the percent of population 25 years and over with a high school degree by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Percent 25 Years And Over With Less Than A High School Degree This map estimates the percent of population 25 years and over with less than a high school degree by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Percent Age Less Than 18 Years Old This map estimates the percent of population less than 18 years old by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Percent Age Less Than 5 Years Old This map estimates the percent of population less than 18 years old by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Percent Below Poverty Level This map estimates the percent of population below poverty level by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Percent Housing Units Built Before 1950 This map estimates the percent of housing units built before 1950 by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Percent Linguistically Isolated Households This map estimates the percent of population living in linguistically isolated households by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Percent Minority This map estimates the percent of minority population by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Percent Population Age Greater Than 64 Years Old This map estimates the percent of population greater than 64 years old by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Population Density (per square mile) This map estimates population density (per square mile) by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Population of American Indian and Alaskan Native This map estimates the number of American Indians and Alaskan Natives by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Population of American Indian and Alaskan Native Below Poverty Level This map estimates the number of American Indians and Alaskan Natives below poverty level by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Total Population This map estimates total population by census tract. The values were calculated using data extracted from American Community Survey tables (2006-2010).    
Education - Job density This map estimates the number of education jobs per unprotected acre within each census block group in 2010.    
Education - Number of jobs This map estimates the number of education jobs within each census block group in 2010.    
Employment density This map estimates employment density (or jobs per acre) within each census block group. Developed acreage is calculated by excluding parks, water bodies, conservation easements, and other protected areas.    
Employment diversity This map portrays a measure of employment diversity within each census block group. Job counts used in the equation are from eight employment categories: retail, office, service, industrial, entertainment, education, healthcare, and public administration.    
Employment rate This map estimates the employment rate calculated as the percent of the population aged 16-64 who have worked in the past 12 months by block group. It includes people who worked any number of hours per week. The data are based on the American Community Survey 5-year data for 2008-2012.    
Employment to housing ratio This map estimates the jobs-to-housing balance (or total employment divided by total occupied housing units) within each census block group for 2010.    
Entertainment - job density This map estimates the number of entertainment jobs per unprotected acre within each census block group in 2010.    
Entertainment - number of jobs This map estimates the number of entertainment jobs within each census block group in 2010.    
Health care - job density This map estimates the number of health care jobs per unprotected acre within each census block group in 2010.    
Health care - number of jobs This map estimates the number of health care jobs within each census block group in 2010.    
Industrial - job density This map estimates the number of industrial jobs per unprotected acre within each census block group in 2010.    
Industrial - number of jobs This map estimates the number of industrial jobs within each census block group in 2010.    
Jobs within a 45-minute drive, weighted This map indicates the relative accessibility to jobs from residences via automobile (in terms of street network travel time) for each census block group, compared to other block groups in the same metropolitan region. Jobs in nearby block groups (based on travel time) are weighted more heavily than those further away.    
Number of high-wage workers (work location) This map estimates the number of workers earning more than $3,333 per month summarized by workplace location within each census block group.    
Number of households This map illustrates the number of households (i.e., occupied housing units) within each census block group in 2010. A household consists of all people who occupy a housing unit regardless of relationship.    
Number of households with zero vehicles This map illustrates the number of households without vehicles within each census block group in 2010. The word vehicle refers to private motor vehicles such as cars and trucks.    
Number of low-wage workers (home location) This map estimates the number of workers earning $1,250 or less per month summarized by residence within each census block group.    
Number of low-wage workers (work location) This map estimates the number of workers earning $1,250 or less per month summarized by workplace location within each census block group.    
Number of middle-wage workers (work location) This map estimates the number of workers earning between $1250 and $3,333 per month summarized by workplace location within each census block group.    
Number of workers (home location) This map illustrates the total number of workers by home location in 2010 within each census block group.    
Office - job density This map estimates the number of office jobs per unprotected acre within each census block group in 2010.    
Office - number of jobs This map estimates the number of office jobs within each census block group in 2010.    
Pedestrian-oriented street intersection density This map estimates the degree of pedestrian-oriented street connectivity for each census block group, measured as street intersections per square mile. Intersections that exclude pedestrian passage were not counted.    
Percent of low-wage workers (work location) This map estimates the percentage of all workers within each census block group earning $1,250 or less per month based on their workplace location.    
Percent of households with zero vehicles This map estimates zero-vehicle households as a percentage of all households within each census block group in 2010. The word vehicle refers to private motor vehicles such as cars and trucks.    
Percent of workers who bike or walk to work This map estimates the percent of workers who bike or walk to work. The data are based on the American Community Survey 5-year data for 2008-2012.    
Percent of workers who carpool to work This map estimates the percent of workers who carpool to work. The data are based on the American Community Survey 5-year data for 2008-2012.    
Percent of workers who commute to work by public transportation This map estimates the percent of workers who commute to work by public transportation. The data are based on the American Community Survey 5-year data for 2008-2012.    
Percent of workers who drive to work alone This map estimates the percent of workers who drive to work alone. The data are based on the American Community Survey 5-year data for 2008-2012.    
Percent of workers who work from home This map estimates the percent of workers who work from home. The data are based on the American Community Survey 5-year data for 2008-2012.    
Percent of workers with < 30 minutes travel time to work This map estimates the percent of workers within each block group with less than 30 minutes travel time to work.    
Percent of workers with > 90 minutes travel time to work This map estimates the percent of workers within each block group with more than 90 minutes travel time to work.    
Percent of workers with 30 to 60 minutes travel time to work This map estimates the percent of workers within each block group with travel time to work ranging from 30 to 60 minutes.    
Percent of workers with 60 to 90 minutes travel time to work This map estimates the percent of workers within each block group with travel time to work ranging from 60 to 90 minutes.    
Public administration - job density This map estimates the number of public administration jobs per unprotected acre within each census block group in 2010.    
Public administration - number of jobs This map estimates the number of public administration jobs within each census block group in 2010.    
Residential density This map estimates residential density (or housing units per acre) within each census block group. Developed acreage is calculated by excluding parks, water bodies, conservation easements, and other protected areas.    
Retail - job density This map estimates the number of retail jobs per unprotected acre within each census block group in 2010.    
Retail - number of jobs This map estimates the number of retail jobs within each census block group in 2010.    
Service - job density This map estimates the number of service jobs per unprotected acre within each census block group in 2010.    
Service - number of jobs This map estimates the number of service jobs within each census block group in 2010.    
Total employment This EnviroAtlas map layer estimates the total number of jobs in 2010 within each U.S. Census block group.    
Total housing units This map illustrates the number of housing units (both occupied and vacant) within each census block group in 2010. A housing unit is any living quarters, such as a house, apartment, or mobile home.    
Transit service per hour during evening peak This map estimates the aggregate frequency of public transit service (trips per hour) in each census block group. Frequency reflects service during weekday afternoon peak commute period (4:00–7:00 pm).    
Workers per job equilibrium index This map illustrates an index that measures the balance between workers and jobs within each census block group. An index value close to one indicates a balance between resident workers and jobs.    
Working age population within a 45-minute drive, weighted This map indicates the relative accessibility to working age populations (residences) from employment locations via auto commute (in terms of street-network travel time) for each census block group. People living in nearby block groups (based on travel time) are weighted more heavily than those further away.    
Number of day care centers This map shows the number of day care centers in each census block group.    
Number of schools (K-12) This map shows the number of K-12 schools in each census block group.    
Percent population other than White, non-Hispanic This map estimates the number of individuals in each census block group who did not identify as White Alone in 2010. This value includes white Hispanics.    
Percent population over 70 years old This map estimates the percent of the population of each census block group aged 70 years or older in 2010.    
Percent population under 13 years old This map estimates the percent of the population of each census block group under 13 years of age in 2010.    
Percent population under 1 year old This map estimates the percent of the population of each census block group under one year of age in 2010.    
Percent population with income below twice the poverty level This map estimates the number of individuals in each census block group with income less than two times the poverty level in 2010.    
Population other than White, non-Hispanic This map estimates the number of individuals in each census block group who did not identify as White Alone in 2010. This value includes white Hispanics.    
Population under 13 years old This map estimates the number of individuals in each census block group that were under 13 years of age in 2010.    
Population over 70 years old This map estimates the number of individuals in each census block group that were 70 years of age or older in 2010.    
Population under 1 year old This map estimates the number of individuals in each census block group that were under one year of age in 2010.    
Population with income below twice the poverty level This map estimates the number of individuals in each census block group with income less than two times the poverty level in 2010.    
Total Population This map estimates the total population of each census block group in 2010.    

Data layer name



Biophysical Data - Vector

Biophysical Data - Raster - Community

Biophysical Data - Raster - National


Assessed and Impaired Waters This category contains maps of waterbodies that have been assessed by states, territories, and authorized tribes every two years to evaluate waterbody condition for seven beneficial uses (e.g. aquatic life habitat, drinking water supply, and fish consumption). Those waterbodies not meeting the standards for beneficial uses are designated as impaired or threatened. Note: EnviroAtlas is accessing an externally sourced web service and therefore does not manage the content or display of this service or data layer.        
Connectivity, Natural Land Cover 2006, Water as Background This EnviroAtlas dataset categorizes land cover into structural elements such as core, edge, or connector. Water is treated as background in this dataset.        
Connectivity, Natural Land Cover 2006, Water as Foreground This EnviroAtlas dataset categorizes land cover into structural elements such as core, edge, or connector. Water is treated as foreground in this dataset.        
Connectivity, Natural Land Cover 2006, Water Ignored This EnviroAtlas dataset categorizes land cover into structural elements such as core, edge, or connector. Water is treated as missing in this dataset.        
Dasymetric Allocation of Population This dasymetric population map intelligently reallocates 2010 population from census blocks to 30 meter pixels based on land cover and slope. It is used for metrics that require population to be spatially allocated at a pixel level, primarily in the urban section of the atlas.         
Des Moines, IA and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Des Moines area was determined using the 2010 Census definition of an Urban Area. In addition to Des Moines, it includes West Des Moines, Ankeny, and Urbandale, as well as additional towns within Polk, Dallas, and Warren Counties.        
Des Moines, IA Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in Des Moines. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
Durham, NC and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Durham area was determined using the 2000 Census definition of an Urban Area. It includes Durham, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough.        
Durham, NC Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in Durham. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
Fresno, CA and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Fresno, CA area was determined using the 2010 Census definition of an Urban Area. It includes the greater Fresno area, as well as Clovis and other portions of Fresno County.        
Fresno, CA Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in Fresno. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
GAP Ecological Systems This category contains GAP (Gap Analysis Program) Ecological Systems maps. Using consistent satellite base data and classification systems, GAP land cover provides detailed information on the vegetation of the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. Note: EnviroAtlas is accessing an externally sourced web service and therefore does not manage the content or display of this service or data layer.        
GAP Status This map illustrates protected land status as found in the Protected Areas Database of the U.S. (PAD-US). Land Protection Status areas are mapped with one of three Gap Analysis Program Status Codes—areas where 1) ecological disturbance events are allowed to proceed; 2) ecological disturbances such as fire are suppressed; and 3) resource extraction and off-road vehicle travel are allowed. Note: this data layer is an externally sourced web service accessed by EnviroAtlas.        
Green Bay, WI and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Green Bay area was determined using the 2010 Census definition of an Urban Area. In addition to Green Bay, it includes portions of De Pere and the Oneida Tribal Lands, as well as additional towns within Blayern and Outagamie Counties.        
Green Bay, WI Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in Green Bay. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) are represented in this map by 22 regions established across the U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories. LCC groups are created through conservation and science partnerships between federal agencies, states, tribes, non-governmental organizations, universities, and private stakeholders.        
Milwaukee, WI and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Milwaukee area was determined using the 2010 Census definition of an Urban Area. It includes the greater Milwaukee area, as well as portions of Waukesha, Washington, and Ozaukee counties.        
Milwaukee, WI Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in Milwaukee. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD Plus v2.1) This category contains maps of surface water attributes from the National Hydrography Database Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2). NHD uniquely identifies stream segments and relates them to other water resource attributes such as dams, point source dischargers, and stream gages. Note: EnviroAtlas is accessing an externally sourced web service and therefore does not manage the content or display of this service or data layer.        
National Land Cover (NLCD) This map category contains land cover maps depicting landcover and change between 1992 and 2011. For additional information, go to https://www.mrlc.gov/. Note: EnviroAtlas is accessing an externally sourced web service and therefore does not manage the content or display of this service or data layer.        
National Wetlands Inventory This National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map, developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, clasifies wetlands across the U.S. State and local government agencies use NWI in planning to identify local wetlands and to limit and mitigate wetland losses during economic development. Note: EnviroAtlas is accessing an externally sourced web service and therefore does not manage the content or display of this service or data layer.        
New Bedford, MA and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the New Bedford area was determined using the 2010 Census definition of an Urban Area. In addition to New Bedford, it includes portions of Dartmouth, East Freetown, and Mattapoisett, as well as additional towns within Bristol and Plymouth Counties.        
New Bedford, MA Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in New Bedford. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
Paterson, NJ and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Paterson, New Jersey urban area was determined using the 2011 municipal area from NAVTEQ.        
Paterson, NJ Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in Paterson. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
Phoenix, AZ and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Phoenix area was determined using the 2010 Census definition of an Urban Area. It includes Phoenix, Mesa, and surrounding towns in Maricopa County. It also includes the territories of two Tribes—Salt River Pima-Maricopa, and the Yavapai Nation.        
Phoenix, AZ Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in Phoenix. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
Pittsburgh, PA and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Pittsburgh area was determined using the 2010 Census definition of an Urban Area. It includes the city and suburbs of Pittsburgh—most of Allegheny County.        
Pittsburgh, PA Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in Pittsburgh. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
Political Boundaries This category contains base maps depicting administrative boundaries for states, counties, congressional districts, and EPA regions. Note: EnviroAtlas is accessing an externally sourced web service and therefore does not manage the content or display of this service or data layer.        
Portland, ME and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Portland area was determined using the 2010 Census definition of an Urban Area. In addition to Portland, it includes portions of Biddeford and Yarmouth, as well as additional towns within York and Cumberland Counties.        
Portland, ME Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in Portland, ME. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
Portland, OR and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Portland area was determined using the 2010 Census definition of an Urban Area. In addition to Portland, it includes Vancouver, WA, as well as additional towns within Clackamas, Washington and Multnomah Counties (OR), and Clark County, WA.        
Portland, OR Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in Portland, OR. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
Potential Wetland Areas This EnviroAtlas map depicts potential wetland areas in the U.S. which are defined, in this case, as areas that naturally accumulate water and contain some proportion of poorly- or very poorly-drained soils. This dataset was produced by combining digital elevation and soil drainage information.        
Potentially Restorable Wetlands On Agricultural Land This EnviroAtlas map depicts potentially restorable wetlands on agricultural land in the U.S. which are defined, in this case, as agricultural areas that naturally accumulate water and contain some proportion of poorly- or very poorly-drained soils. This dataset was produced by combining land cover, digital elevation, and soil drainage information.        
Protected Area Owner Name This map illustrates public land ownership represented in the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US). The database is published by the United States Geologic Survey, Core Science Systems, Core Science Analytics and Synthesis, National GAP Analysis Program. Note: this data layer is an externally sourced web service accessed by EnviroAtlas.        
Rare Ecosystems This map for rare ecosystems in the conterminous U.S. delineates the Relative Rarity Metric developed by the EPA. The metric is based on current extent, spatial pattern type, and relative uniqueness. Metric values range from 0 to 100 with higher values indicating greater relative ecosystem rarity.        
Soils Drainage Class - Dominant Condition This SSURGO (Soil Survey Geographic Database) attribute was selected for use in EnviroAtlas because it indicates soil wetness or degree of saturation. Note: EnviroAtlas is accessing an externally sourced web service and therefore does not manage the content or display of this service or data layer.        
Tampa, FL and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Tampa area was determined using the 2010 Census definition of an Urban Area. It includes Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg, as well as additional portions of Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Pasco Counties.        
Tampa, FL Land Cover This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the urban environment in Tampa. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.        
Tree Cover Configuration and Connectivity These 1-meter resolution maps categorize tree cover into structural elements (e.g. core, edge, connector, etc.) for each EnviroAtlas community.        
US EPA Ecoregions (Omernik) This category contains maps of Level III and IV USEPA (Omernik) Ecoregions of the United States. Note: EnviroAtlas is accessing an externally sourced web service and therefore does not manage the content or display of this service or data layer.        
Watershed Boundary Dataset (i.e. HUCs) The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) maps the full areal extent of surface water drainage for the U.S. using a hierarchical system of nesting hydrologic units at various scales, each with an assigned hydrologic unit code (HUC). Note: EnviroAtlas is accessing an externally sourced web service and therefore does not manage the content or display of this service or data layer.        
Woodbine, IA and Vicinity The EnviroAtlas boundary for the Woodbine area was determined using the 2010 Census definition of an Urban Area.        
Woodbine, IA and Vicinity This 1-meter resolution land cover map provides a detailed view of the community environment in Woodbine. The high resolution of the data enables the development of relevant human and ecosystem health metrics and services, which are summarized by U.S. Census block group. Green space and impervious surface land cover classes figure prominently.