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NREL researchers document their findings in technical reports, conference papers, journal articles, and fact sheets. Visit the following online resources to find publications about sustainable transportation research, development, and deployment.

Capabilities Overviews

These recent publications highlight some of our capabilities, facilities, and projects:

Image of fact sheet cover.

Sustainable Transportation
This overview fact sheet describes NREL's sustainable transportation capabilities, which accelerate the widespread development and adoption of low-emission, energy-efficient passenger and freight vehicles.

Image of newsletter cover. Analysis Insights: Sustainable Transportation Image of fact sheet cover. Alternative Fuels Data Center Image of fact sheet cover. Clean Cities
Image of fact sheet cover. Fleet Tools Image of fact sheet cover. Fuels Performance Image of fact sheet cover. Renewable Fuels and Lubricants Laboratory
Image of fact sheet cover. Transportation
Big Data
Image of fact sheet cover. Transportation
Image of fact sheet cover. Vehicle Testing and Integration Facility

Selected Publications

Read selected publications related to our vehicles and fuels projects:

NREL Publications Database

The NREL Publications Database features a wide variety of publications produced by NREL from 1977 to the present. Search the database or find publications according to these popular keywords:

Advanced vehicles and systems | alternative fuels | batterieselectric vehicles | energy storage | fuel cell vehicles | hybrid electric vehicles | plug-in electric vehicles | transportation |  vehicle analysis |  vehicle modeling | vehicle emissions

DOE Publication Databases

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) provides additional online resources for transportation-related publications.

Alternative Fuels Data Center

The Alternative Fuels Data Center offers thousands of documents related to alternative fuels and advanced vehicles.

SciTech Connect

SciTech Connect covers the entire DOE system, thus including transportation documents produced by other national laboratories.