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Research For Service Analysis

Doc Icon AMS Policy Section 2.2

Research, Engineering, and Development

Concept Maturity and Technology Development

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Research, Engineering, and Development (RE&D)

  • Select and manage the RE&D portfolio.
  • RE&D portfolio consists of studies to gain knowledge of concepts and products that could benefit the aviation community.

What Must be Done

Identify, justify, and manage research projects in support of new products, services, and procedures with potential to benefit the aviation community.

Who Does It

Service organizations and program offices manage research projects within their service domain.

NextGen RE&D organization coordinates development of the National Aviation Research Plan each year.

Who Approves

The Joint Resources Council approves the RE&D budget.

The Administrator approves the National Aviation Research Plan.


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Concept Maturity & Technology Development (CMTD)

  • Identify and evaluate new concepts and ideas for improving service delivery.
  • Generate information to reduce risk and support agency investment decision-making.

What Must Be Done

Validate new operational ideas and concepts for possible inclusion in the NAS ConOps and FAA Enterprise Architecture.

Conduct studies to reduce risk and generate information in support of agency investment decision-making.

Who Does It

NextGen organization manages the CMTD process and evaluates CMTD research proposals and activity.

Service organizations identify service gaps and conduct CMTD research activity.

Who Approves

Joint Resources Council approves CMTD activities as part of the F&E budget.

NextGen and service organizations approve project and service-level agreements for CMTD research activity.


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