Fort Irwin Inspector Generals Office

The mission of the Inspector General's office is to provide support to the Commanding General by serving as an extension of his eyes, ears, voice and conscience. To serve as an impartial fact-finder, problem solver and be an honest broker. To conduct inspections, provide assistance, conduct investigations or inquiries as well as teach and train. To enhance mission readiness and improve the effectiveness, efficiency, discipline and morale of the Command.


Inspector General Functions

Assistance Anyone may submit a complaint, allegation, or request for assistance on a DA Form 1559 to any Army IG concerning matters of Army interest.


IGs conduct inspections at the direction of the Commanding General, DOD IG, DAIG or FORSCOM IG to pursue systemic issues; teach system, processes, and procedures; identify responsibility for corrective actions; and give the opportunity to share innovative ideas and best practices.


IGs can conduct investigations or investigative inquiries into allegations of violations of policy, regulation, law, mismanagement, unethical behavior, or misconduct.

Teach and Train

Teaching and training is an integral part of the first three functions. IGs by their very nature possess a wealth of knowledge and experience. They use this knowledge and experience during assistance, inspections, and investigations to teach and train policies and process.


Building 988A, Inner Loop Rd

ATTN: AFZJ-IG, Box 105026

FAX: (760) 380-5326

Command IG: (760) 380-4516

Deputy IG: (760) 380-3036

Assistance: (760) 380-3038

Hours of Operation:

0830-1630 (M, T, W, F)

0830-1200 (Thursdays), Closed for Training (1200-1630)

Closed on Federal Holidays