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ALARACT 006/2016

ALARACT 006/2016, - NOMINATIONS FOR SELECTION TO ATTEND THE COL (RET) CJ REDDY LEADERSHIP COURSE, DTG: R 052136Z FEB 16. This course is an Army Nurse Corps-sponsored event that starts with a nomination and selection process to identify outstanding Active, Army Reserve and Army National Guard (ARNG) captains from the Army Medical Corps (MC), Nurse Corps (AN), Veterinary Corps (VC), Medical Service Corps (MS), Dental Corps (DC) and Specialist Corps (SP) who have consistently demonstrated the core Army values and warrior ethos in the execution of their duties and who demonstrate skills, attributes and potential required to become a future leader in the AMEDD. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-254937
Posted: 2/23/2016

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