Office of Legacy Management


An Update on Rocky Flats CERCLA Five-Year Review has been issued.

The LM 2016–2025 Strategic Plan has been issued.

LM has completed its fourth annual Post Competition Accountability Report. All reports are available here.

LM has issued the Notice of LEHR CERCLA Five-Year Review.

Guidance for Developing and Implementing Institutional Controls for Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance at DOE Legacy Management Sites (January 2015) has been issued.

The Secretary of Energy has signed and delivered the Defense-Related Uranium Mines Report to Congress. DOE consulted with EPA and DOI as well as other federal agencies, affected states and tribes, and the public to develop this report. Thank you to all who contributed.

DOE has launched a website for the Asset Revitalization Initiative (ARI), a DOE-wide effort to advance the beneficial reuse of its unique and diverse mix of assets, including land, facilities, infrastructure, equipment, technologies, natural resources and a highly skilled workforce.

LM announces release of its updated and upgraded Geospatial Environmental Mapping System for public use and comment.

DOE LTS Resource Center
Closure for the Seventh Generation Report – a Report from the Stewardship Committee of the State and Tribal Government Working Group (February 1999)

The Asset Revitalization Initiative (ARI) Task Force is pleased to announce the release of its second report, Land and Asset Transfer for Beneficial Reuse, which provides information to the public on historic actions to reuse U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) assets.


  • November 2, 2016
    Grand Junction, Colorado – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Grand Junction Office (GJO) is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places in recognition of its important, historical roles in the Manhattan Project and the Cold War. DOE still occupies part of the complex of buildings at 2591 Legacy Way on Orchard Mesa now owned by Riverview Technology Corporation. The listed site is a portion of the original 55.7-acre gravel mine purchased by the U.S. government in 1943 for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Manhattan Engineer District.