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Records Management

80 Seconds Around the LMBC

In 2009, Legacy Management constructed a state-of-the-art facility known as the LM Business Center in Morgantown, West Virginia. The facility houses historical records from the nation's former nuclear production sites and serves as an information technology data center. Learn about how LM is meeting its goal to "Preserve, Protect, and Share Information."

80 Seconds Around the LMBC

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Legacy Management (LM) has consolidated the business functions, including records management and records storage, information technology infrastructure, and other services at a new facility named the DOE LM Business Center (LMBC), located in Morgantown, West Virginia.

The LMBC (formerly referred to as the LM Records Storage Facility), located on 10 acres of the West Virginia University Research Park, at 99 Research Park Road, Morgantown, West Virginia, was completed in December 2009. The project was managed in a two-phase project approach, commissioned through a U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) lease. Migration of records to the new facility is complete.

GSA awarded the lease contract on behalf of LM for a records management and operations facility to be located in Morgantown, West Virginia, in June 2008. The design and construction team for the facility included FD Partners, LLC and Petroplus and Associates, LLC as the developers; Paradigm Architecture as the architect; and DCK North America as the general contractor.

The 59,000-square-foot facility houses up to 95 Federal and contractor personnel supporting LM. The 31,000-square-foot warehouse within the facility contains up to 150,000 cubic feet of nonclassified records from the Cold War nuclear legacy. The records, formerly maintained at several Federal Records Centers, are centralized at the Morgantown facility and are accessible to researchers, former contractor employees, and other authorized persons both in onsite records research facilities and via a state-of-the-art electronic record keeping system.

In keeping with the Federal Government's support of environmentally friendly buildings, U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program "Gold" certification was awarded to the LMBC. An archivist consultant (assisting with National Archives and Records Administration compliance) and a LEED consultant provided feedback on the designs and assistance with achieving Gold certification in both Core & Shell and Commercial Interiors LEED categories.

Records Management Contact: Edwin Parks