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Update on Rocky Flats CERCLA Five-Year Review

November 9, 2016 - 5:37pm


Update on Rocky Flats CERCLA Five-Year Review

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management (LM) is conducting the fourth Five-Year Review of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) remedy at the Rocky Flats, Colorado, Site. The purpose of the review is to ensure the CERCLA remedy remains protective of human health and the environment.

The public may provide input associated with this Five-Year Review by sending comments through the U.S. Postal Service to:

Rocky Flats Site
Fourth Five-Year Review Comments
11025 Dover Street, Suite 1000
Westminster, CO 80021

You can also send comments by email to Include "Fourth Five-Year Review Comments" in your email subject line.

This Five-Year Review report is required to be completed in August 2017. Input must be received in writing no later than December 31, 2016, in order for it to be considered for the report. The review schedule will not allow for consideration of written input received after this date.

In June 2016, LM gave a presentation on the Rocky Flats site Five-Year Review report planning and evaluation process to the Rocky Flats Stewardship Council. The presentation may be viewed at (Overview of the CERCLA 5-Year Review Process, Rocky Flats Site, Colorado, Central Operable Unit).

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) references indicate that interviews with community members may be part of the Five-Year Review process. For this Five-Year Review, it was determined that routine public Rocky Flats Stewardship Council meetings and periodic ongoing public dialogue met the public involvement requirements for the Five-Year Review. 

General information on the CERCLA Five-Year Review is provided on the EPA Headquarters website. Links to select items of interest on the EPA website are included below.

  1. Five-Year Review Process in the Superfund Program (8-page fact sheet):
  2. Two-page fact sheet on Five-Year Reviews: Superfund Today: Focus on Five-Year Reviews Involving the Community (PDF)
  3. Getting to Know the Five-Year Review–A Guide for Communities Near Federal Facilities:
  4. Five-Year Review Q&A:
  5. Comprehensive Five-Year Review Guidance:

For more information about the Rocky Flats site, visit the LM website at, or contact:

Scott Surovchak
Rocky Flats Site Manager
DOE Office of Legacy Management
(720) 377-9682


Bob Darr
Rocky Flats Site Public Affairs
Navarro Research and Engineering, Inc.
Contractor to DOE Office of Legacy Management
(720) 377-9672
