Enterprise Mobility 2008 Released

Published, April 17, 2008

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer released Enterprise Mobility 2008, which describes how the Department is assessing and adopting commercially available wireless products. It also highlights the strides made in making information available within the mobile environment.

Enterprise mobility – the ability to provide Sailors and Marines with the information they require as they move among office, garrison and battlefield locations – is a critical component of the DON’s efforts to support the warfighters and those who support them. Enterprise mobility represents the last link in the network that provides the warfighter with the “power to the edge” component of net-centric warfare.

Advancing capabilities delivered by commercially available wireless technologies present the DON with opportunities to expand secure information access to the warfighters in locations where previously, such access would have been impossible or impractical.

View Enterprise Mobility 2008. Listen to the DON CIO’s recent podcast on Enterprise Mobility.

TAGS: Enterprise Services, Governance, InfoSharing, Spectrum, Standards, Strategy, Wireless

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