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CHIPS Articles: Naval Innovation Advisory Council Fellow Briefs the House Committee on Agriculture

Naval Innovation Advisory Council Fellow Briefs the House Committee on Agriculture
By DON Innovation - January 14, 2016
Navy Lt. Cmdr. Rollie Wicks provided a set of briefings to U.S. Congressman Mike Conaway (R-Texas), Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, congressional members and staff of the House Committee on Agriculture in December and January.

Wicks was invited to provide briefings on potential artificial intelligence, data sharing, cyber security, and robotic technologies that could be applied to agriculture in the future. Lt. Cmdr. Wicks serves as a Secretary of the Navy Naval Innovation Advisory Council (NIAC) Fellow and as a Chief of Naval Operations’ Rapid Innovation Cell (CRIC) Project Lead. His research focuses on futuristic technologies for content management and production and robotic systems applications.

Wicks is a native of rural Faith, South Dakota where he grew up in agriculture until joining the U.S. Navy following graduation from Faith High School. Over his sixteen year Navy career, he has developed the visions for nearly thirty nationally funded defense information technologies. Congressman Conaway thanked Wicks for his military service and told members of his staff that “He is one of the smartest officers in the Navy.”

The opinions expressed here are solely those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of the Navy, Department of Defense or the United States government.

Reprinted from the DON/SECNAV Innovation website: Join DON Innovation on or @DON_Innovation

Wicks was invited to provide briefings on potential artificial intelligence, data sharing, cyber security, and robotic technologies that could be applied to agriculture in the future.
Wicks was invited to provide briefings on potential artificial intelligence, data sharing, cyber security, and robotic technologies that could be applied to agriculture in the future.
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