Office of the Deputy Inspector General for Auditing

Guam Realignment

The Defense Posture Review Initiative, initiated by the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense with their Japanese counterparts, serves as the framework for the future of U.S. force structure in Japan and the U.S. Marine Corps realignment to Guam.

The Guam realignment will be one of the largest movements of military assets in decades while helping to maintain a robust military presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Expected construction costs for facility and infrastructure development requirements relating to the realignment are approximately $10.27 billion, of which the Government of Japan has agreed to provide up to $6.09 billion.

Oversight of Guam Realignment

Section 2835 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 designates the Inspector General of the Department of Defense as the Chairman of the Interagency Coordination Group of Inspectors General for Guam Realignment.

The Interagency Coordination Group will provide transparency and accountability to the American people and to the U.S. military forces affected by this realignment.

The group will also provide an accounting of funds received from the government of Japan. The Interagency Coordination Group is committed to providing independent, objective, and relevant information in achieving accountability, integrity, and efficiency in the Guam realignment.

February 1, 2016

Interagency Coordination Group of Inspectors General for Guam Realignment Annual Report

Guam 2016 Cover

The Department of Defense Inspector General issues the seventh annual report on Guam realignment. Public Law 111-84, “The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010,” October 28, 2009, Section 2835, designates the Inspector General of the Department of Defense (DoD) as the chairperson of the Interagency Coordination Group (ICG) of Inspectors General for Guam Realignment. The chairperson is required to provide an annual report to the congressional defense committees, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of the Interior on the activities of the ICG and the programs and operations funded with amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for military construction on Guam.

To view the February 1, 2016, annual report click here.

January 30, 2015

Interagency Coordination Group of Inspectors General for Guam Realignment Annual Report

Guam 2015 Cover

The Department of Defense Inspector General issues the sixth annual report on Guam realignment. Public Law 111-84, Section 2835, "Interagency Coordination Group of Inspectors General for Guam Realignment," requires the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, as the chairperson of the of the Interagency Coordination Group, to submit to the congressional defense committees, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of the Interior a report summarizing, for the preceding calendar year, the activities of the Interagency Coordination Group during such year.

To view the January 30, 2015, annual report click here.

January 31, 2014

Interagency Coordination Group of Inspectors General for Guam Realignment Annual Report

Image of Guam Realignment Annual Report

The Department of Defense Inspector General issues the fifth annual report on Guam realignment. Public Law 111-84, Section 2835, "Interagency Coordination Group of Inspectors General for Guam Realignment," requires the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, as the chairperson of the of the Interagency Coordination Group, to submit to the congressional defense committees, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of the Interior a report summarizing, for the preceding calendar year, the activities of the Interagency Coordination Group during such year.

The fifth annual report provides an update on the progress and efforts undertaken in the realignment of forces to Guam. This annual report, as required by Public Law 111-84, “The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010,” October 28, 2009, covers the reporting period from January 1, 2013, through September 30, 2013.

To view the January 31, 2014, annual report click here.

February 1, 2013

Interagency Coordination Group of Inspectors General for Guam Realignment Annual Report

Image of Guam Realignment Annual ReportThe Department of Defense Inspector General issues the fourth annual report on Guam realignment. Public Law 111-84, Section 2835, "Interagency Coordination Group of Inspectors General for Guam Realignment," requires the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, as the chairperson of the of the Interagency Coordination Group, to submit to the congressional defense committees, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of the Interior a report summarizing, for the preceding calendar year, the activities of the Interagency Coordination Group during such year.

The fourth annual report provides an update on the progress and efforts undertaken in the realignment of forces to Guam. This annual report, as required by Public Law 111-84, “The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010,” October 28, 2009, covers the reporting period from January 1, 2012, through December 31, 2012.

To view the February 1, 2013, annual report click here.

February 1, 2012

Interagency Coordination Group of Inspectors General for Guam Realignment Issues Annual Report

Image of Guam Report CoverThe Department of Defense Inspector General issues the third annual report on Guam realignment. Public Law 111-84, Section 2835, "Interagency Coordination Group of Inspectors General for Guam Realignment," requires the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, as the chairperson of the of the Interagency Coordination Group, to submit to the congressional defense committees, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of the Interior a report summarizing, for the preceding calendar year, the activities of the Interagency Coordination Group during such year.

The third annual report provides an update on the progress and efforts undertaken in the realignment of forces to Guam. This year's reports discusses the impact of the signed Programmatic Agreement, the infrastructure requirements requested by the Governor of Guam in his "One Guam Buildup" Report to Congress and the restrictions placed on appropriations as a result of National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012.

The report also includes a comprehensive list of completed and planned realignment audits to date.

In addition, the annual report includes the activities under programs and operations funded with amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for military construction on Guam. The annual report, as required, also includes, for the year covered by the report, a detailed statement of all obligations, expenditures, and revenues associated with such construction.

To view the February 1, 2012, annual report click here.

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