Follow-up From DON IT Conference Data Center Consolidation Session

Published, February 9, 2012

The recent data center consolidation session held Jan. 25 at the Deparment of the Navy Information Technology Conference in San Diego included information about the ongoing efforts of the Navy and Marine Corps to address federal and departmental mandates to close data centers. Below is a list of questions generated by this session.

When/where can we get an estimate of services and costs offered at the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) data centers?

DISA published a rate card for the various IT services that it provides. SPAWAR is developing a Navy enterprise data center rate card that will apply to Navy enterprise data centers. It will be available in spring 2012. When comparing rates for services from different providers, it is important to ensure that the rates are for identical services. This includes such items as technical refresh, disaster/recovery or continuity of operations, licensing and security.

As the money has already been removed from budgets, will there be any additional costs associated with the migration?

The Navy Data Center Task Force is funded to migrate/consolidate the infrastructure to one of the Navy enterprise data centers. SPAWAR will be responsible for the migration costs of the servers and operating systems, but the system, program or application owners will be responsible for funding the changes needed for the system, program or application to execute in the new environment, as well as their continued operations.

There are additional requirements not included in the current program objective memorandum (POM), and we are not funded to support these migrations. What will the cost model be once the systems are migrated?

The Office of the Chief of Naval Operations intends to include data center consolidation in POM 13. That being said, no POM is final until it is approved. In the out years, system, program or application owners will be expected to continue funding the operations and development for these, but funding for operations of the data centers and the associated infrastructure will belong to SPAWAR.

TAGS: DCC, Efficiencies, Enterprise Services

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