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CHIPS Articles: DITPR/DADMS Technical Refresh Successfully Deployed

DITPR/DADMS Technical Refresh Successfully Deployed
By DON CIO News - June 29, 2016
The Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository/ Department of the Navy Applications and Database Management System (DITPR/DADMS) Technical Refresh deployed on May 31, after the successful migration of more than 300,000 assets (systems, applications, networks, devices, labs, etc.).

The DITPR/DADMS tech refresh project culminated with the online shift to the updated registry after an 18-month long period of development. The DITPR/DADMS training team is conducting training sessions on the new platform on Tuesdays and Thursdays from June 28 through the end of September 2016. Contact the POC listed below for additional information.

DITPR is used by all DoD components to maintain a comprehensive, consolidated inventory of unclassified, mission-critical and mission-essential systems (including National Security Systems) and their interfaces. DITPR supports Information Technology investment review and portfolio management. DADMS is the DON's authoritative data source for system, application, database, network, and server information. DADMS supports IT baseline and cost control efforts assigned to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations by the Vice Chief of Naval Operations. DADMS serves as the platform for the DITPR-DON, the DON's feeder system to DITPR.

For questions regarding the tech refresh and associated training, please contact, Suzette R. Buttram, DADMS/DITPR Functional Manager and Executive Agent, Office of the DON Chief Information Officer, W: 703-695-1970//DSN: 94-225-1970,

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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