Overseas Contingency Operations

Mr. Michael S. Child, Sr., Deputy Inspector General for Overseas Contingency Operations

Responsibilities include:

  • Supports lead inspector general responsibilities
  • Coordinates and develops interagency strategic oversight plans for overseas contingency operations.
  • Ensures effective outreach among oversight organizations and theater leadership
  • Identifies gaps and overlaps, conflicting priorities, and senior leadership requests in the planning and execution of oversight activities

Strategic Oversight Issue Areas:

  • Oversight of Contracts
  • Operations
  • Governance
  • Humanitarian and Development Assistance
  • Intelligence
  • Fraud and Corruption

April 9, 2015

The FY 2015 Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Operation INHERENT RESOLVE Issued

FY2015 Joint Strategic Oversight Plan

The United States, with its coalition partners, has committed to degrade and ultimately defeat the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The U.S. strategy involves several agencies for a whole-of-government approach and multiple lines of effort, including providing military support to coalition partners, preventing the flow of funds and fighters to ISIL, addressing humanitarian crises in the region, and exposing ISIL’s true nature. The U.S. strategy includes resources to support military operations associated with Operation INHERENT RESOLVE, and for diplomacy, governance, and security programs and activities.

The FY 2015 Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Operation INHERENT RESOLVE identifies the initial unified oversight of the U.S. strategy to be conducted through the execution of audits, inspections, evaluations, and technical assessments by the Inspectors General for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), U.S. Department of State (DOS), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). This plan is as of March 31, 2015.

The FY 2015 Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Operation INHERENT RESOLVE was prepared pursuant to section 8L of the “Inspector General Act of 1978,” as amended, which establishes the responsibilities for a Lead Inspector General to provide for coordinated and comprehensive execution of oversight during an overseas contingency operation. In accordance with this requirement, on December 17, 2014, the Chair of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency designated the Inspector General for DoD as the Lead Inspector General for Operation INHERENT RESOLVE, which was designated as an overseas contingency operation on October 17, 2014. The Inspector General for DOS was appointed as the Associate Inspector General for Operation INHERENT RESOLVE on December 18, 2014.

 To view the The FY 2015 Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Operation INHERENT RESOLVE, click here.

September 30, 2014

FY 2015 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia Issued

Report Cover Link

The Department of Defense Inspector General and the Southwest Asia Joint Planning Group have issued the FY 2015 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia (COPSWA). This annual plan reflects interagency collaboration within the oversight community to provide comprehensive audits, inspections and evaluations of contingency expenditures to determine whether critical oversight gaps exist and to recommend actions to address those gaps.

As emphasis continues on the U.S. military, diplomatic and development missions in Afghanistan, the COPSWA also includes an updated FY 2015 Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Afghanistan that reflects the oversight of activities related to the transition from a military-led to a civilian-led U.S. mission in Afghanistan. Oversight efforts in Afghanistan will continue, consistent with the security posture of U.S. forces and the Command’s ability to provide support. The COPSWA also includes oversight projects in the rest of the U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility, which includes Iraq, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan.

The FY 2015 COPSWA incorporates the planned and ongoing oversight by the inspectors general of the Department of Defense, Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development; the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction; the Army Audit Agency; the Naval Audit Service and the Air Force Audit Agency. The FY 2015 update also includes ongoing oversight efforts by the U.S. Government Accountability Office related to Southwest Asia. In addition, a listing of products that were completed during FY 2014 is included.

The plan is in response to Public Law 110-181, “The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008,” Section 842, “Investigation of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Wartime Contracts and Contracting Processes in Iraq and Afghanistan,” January 28, 2008; and Public Law 110-417, “The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009,” Section 852, “Comprehensive Audit of Spare Parts, Purchases, and Depot Overhaul Maintenance of Equipment For Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan,” October 14, 2008.

This annual oversight plan is current as of September 1, 2014, and may be revised and updated as necessary.  To view the FY 2015 COPSWA, click here.

September 30, 2013

FY 2014 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia Issued

Report Cover Link

The Department of Defense Inspector General and the Southwest Asia Joint Planning Group have issued the FY 2014 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia. This annual plan reflects interagency collaboration within the oversight community to provide comprehensive audits, inspections, and evaluations of contingency expenditures, to determine whether critical oversight gaps exist, and to recommend actions to address those gaps.

As emphasis continues on the U.S. military, diplomatic, and development missions in Afghanistan, the comprehensive plan also includes an updated FY 2014 Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Afghanistan that reflects the oversight of activities related to the transition from a military-led to a civilian-led U.S. mission in Afghanistan. Oversight efforts in Afghanistan will continue, consistent with the security posture of U.S. forces and the Command’s ability to provide support. The comprehensive plan also includes oversight projects in the rest of the U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility, which includes Iraq, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, and Pakistan.

The FY 2014 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia incorporates the planned and ongoing oversight by the inspectors general of the Department of Defense, Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development; the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction; the Army Audit Agency; the Naval Audit Service; and the Air Force Audit Agency. The FY 2014 update also includes ongoing oversight efforts by the U.S. Government Accountability Office related to Southwest Asia. In addition, a listing of products that were completed during FY 2013 is included.

The plan is in response to Public Law 110-181, “The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008,” Section 842, “Investigation of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Wartime Contracts and Contracting Processes in Iraq and Afghanistan,” January 28, 2008; and Public Law 110-417, “The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009,” Section 852, “Comprehensive Audit of Spare Parts, Purchases, and Depot Overhaul Maintenance of Equipment For Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan,” October 14, 2008.

This annual oversight plan is as of Sept. 1, 2013, and may be revised and updated as necessary. To view the FY 2014 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia, click here.

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