DSO deployable and reachback teams provide direct spectrum man­agement support to the Military Services, combatant commands, and Joint Task Forces (JTFs) for operations and exercises, including communications-electronic and electromagnetic bat­tlespace planning and deconfliction, and Joint Spectrum Interference Resolution (JSIR). DSO provides expertise in defining, managing, restoring, defending, and protecting communications and sensor systems to ensure effective and efficient electromagnetic spectrum operations. The DSO operational teams serve as technical advisors for a variety of spectrum software programs to include the following:

  • Joint Automated Communications Software (JACS)
  • Host Nation Spectrum Worldwide Database Online (HNSWDO)
  • Joint Spectrum Data Repository (JSDR)
  • Afloat Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Program (AESOP)
  • Systems Planning Engineering and Evaluation Device (SPEED)
  • Spectrum Situational Awareness System (S2AS)

The DSO deployable support team is also available to:

  • Answer general spectrum operations questions
  • Provide tailored SXXIO electromagnetic environments and background data
  • Provide information briefs


DSO deployable and reach back support teams assist the combatant commands and JTFs in:

  • Defining the electromagnetic environment of friendly forces and civil infrastructure
  • Joint Communications Electronics Operation Instruction (JCEOI) planning/preparation
  • Radio propagation predictions bands (MF, HF, VHF, UHF, SHF, EHF)
  • Electromagnetic compatibility analyses in support of frequency planning
  • JSIR analysis and deployment teams
  • Joint Restricted Frequency List (JRFL) development and Electronic Warfare synchronization
  • Operation plan (OPLAN) review for spectrum supportability
  • Providing Information Operations and Special Technical Operations Support
  • Spectrum management training for United States and allied operators
  • Performing radio spectrum site surveys


The JSIRO collaboration portal is a web-based, centralized application containing data and correspondence for reported interference, meaconing, intrusion, and jamming incidents. The portal is the repository for the results of analyses, collected data, and supporting documentation for electromagnetic interference resolution to support both trend and future interference resolution analysis. The JSIRO collaboration portal can be accessed on Intelink on the SIPRNet at http://intelshare.intelink.sgov.gov/sites/jsir and the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System (JWICS).


The DSO Operational Support Division (J-3) supports the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff, Unified Commands, JTFs, Services, and Agencies in shaping the electromagnetic battlespace (EMB). The J-3's two branches, Combatant Command (COCOM) Support and Space and Intelligence Support provide expertise in defining, managing, restoring, defending, and protecting the EMB. The resulting benefit is synchronization between J-2, J-3, and J-6 spectrum operations and reduced interference to friendly forces.