The DSO provides spectrum and electromagnetic environmental effects (E3) engineering subject matter expertise to address the complex and operational issues associated with spectrum operations and electromagnetic interference control. DSO provides technical E3 and spectrum engineering support to the combatant commands, their components and the Military Services.

DDD E3 Program

The DSO manages the DDD E3 Program, as delegated by DOD Chief Information Officer (DOD CIO), to achieve operational electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for all electronic and electrical systems, subsystems, and equipment developed, acquired, and operated by the DOD Components in accordance with DOD Instruction 3222.03, “DOD Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Program”.  DSO provides E3 engineering and spectrum support in the areas of policy, acquisition, operations, test and evaluation, training/education, and EMC standardization.

Joint Ordnance E3 Program

The DSO also manages the Joint Ordnance E3 Program.  This program collects, develops, and provides the data needed by operational commanders and planners to safely and efficiently manage potential conflicts between ordnance and radio frequency (RF) emitters employed in integrated Joint operations and/or exercises to enable the Warfighter to make informed decisions regarding the risks associated with the operation of military emitters and ordnance systems/items.  DSO provides Joint policy and procedural changes, Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO) support to the Warfighter, and development/maintenance of the Joint Spectrum Center (JSC) Ordnance E3 Risk Assessment Database (JOERAD) tool.

Spectrum Engineering

Proper management and use of the spectrum available to the DoD shall be an integral part of military planning, research, development, testing, and operations involving spectrum-dependent (S-D) systems.

Evaluation is required to be performed by DoD components on all Spectrum-dependent systems. A spectrum supportability risk assessment (SSRA) identifies and assesses electromagnetic spectrum and E3 issues that can affect the required operational performance of the overall system based on the mission needs defined by the combat developer and/or Joint Staff. Risks are reviewed at acquisition milestones and managed throughout the system's lifecycle.

Spectrum Supportability Risk Assessments (SSRAs)

The purpose of an SSRA is to identify and assess electromagnetic spectrum and E3 issues that can affect the required operational performance of spectrum-dependent systems based on the mission needs defined by the combat developer and/or Joint Staff in the Initial Capability Document (ICD), the Capabilities Development Document (CDD), and Capabilities Production Document (CPD). The DSO is leading the development of DoD policy and guidance on SSRA content, and performs Regulatory and Technical assessment components of SSRAs.

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

Operation and integration of UASs requires access to the radio spectrum for command and control and sensor downlinks, compatibility with civil air traffic control systems, and electromagnetic compatibility with platform communications-electronics equipment and the operational electromagnetic environment.

Environmental Analysis

Compatible operation of a system in its intended electromagnetic environment is a critical factor in both system acquisition and operational planning. The DSO provides complete environmental E3 analyses that incorporate worldwide frequency assignment databases, equipment technical parameter databases, and sophisticated analysis computer tools and models that can evaluate when, where, and how interference may occur for terrestrial, airborne, and space-borne systems, and actions that may be taken to minimize or mitigate adverse E3 effects.

Additional DSO Expertise

  • Spectrum Management Data Standardization
  • Spectrum Planning Guidance
  • Spectrum XXI Legacy
  • Advocating DoD's Objectives and representing the Department's interests in international and regional forums