UNT System IT Shared Services Governance

University of North Texas System Shared Services Governance Framework
Shared Services Order 001
Owner Vice Chancellor for Administration
Effective Date April 9, 2014
Last Update April 9, 2014


UNTS Shared Services operates within a governance framework to deliver services that are responsive, efficient, and meet institutional business needs.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the Shared Services Governance Framework is to deliver certain UNTS business services (hereafter referred to as shared services) to multiple customers across all campus and System units using a collaborative governance model.

The governance framework establishes the roles and responsibilities for the Shared Services Council, Shared Services Operations Committee, Advisory Groups, the Staff Liaison, Service Providers, and Senior Managers. The Framework for Shared Services provides the structure required for financial management and business operations, decision-making authorities, service delivery, reporting and evaluation of services, and internal controls.

This framework provides the appropriate policy guidelines for these enumerated System Shared Services:

  • Information Technology Shared Services (ITSS)
  • Business Service Center (BSC)
  • System Human Resources (SHR)


Other central System services will continue to operate as individual administrative units under the administrative direction of a Senior System Manager including Audit, Legal, Facilities, Finance, Unified Controller and Government Relations.


The Shared Services Council (Council) is responsible for Shared Services Governance and assigns Service Providers with the responsibility to provide services at a specific level described in Service Level Agreements (SLA). The Council assigns responsibility and authority to designated Shared Service Senior Managers to comply with their operations SLA. The Senior Manager reports performance and makes recommendations to their Advisory Group(s) about changes or amendments that might impact the SLAs. With the approval of their Advisory Group the Senior Manager may refer matters to the Shared Services Operations Committee (Operations Committee) and, if appropriate to the Council. The Council may approve, deny, or amend any recommendation presented by the Senior Manager.

The Council and assign new initiatives, and increase or decrease the service standards set forth in the SLAs. The Council, Operations Committee, or Senior Manager may initiate requests for changes to SLAs according to processes established by the Council, but only the Council can change a SLA.

Reporting and Evaluation

Reporting and evaluation of the services provided are an important principle of the governance framework and can facilitate continuous improvement. Service providers prepare and submit monthly reports to the Council for each service. Reports and formats are to be approved by the Operations Committee. The Staff Liaison will coordinate with Senior Management on monthly reporting to insure consistence in appearance, relevance of information, and compliance with reporting schedule.

Roles and Responsibilities

Shared services governance is the responsibility of the Chancellor, who provides overall executive direction. The Chancellor assigns oversight of shared services to the Shared Services Council, which oversees the business operations for Shared Services. The Council makes the final decision on recommendations and approves shared services costs, resources, and service levels.

Shared Services Council

The Chancellor assigns oversight of shared services to the Shared Services Council, including the Chancellor (Council Chair) and three institutional Presidents:

  • President UNT
  • President HSC
  • President UNT Dallas


Through the Operations Committee, the Council monitors SLAs, evaluates performance measures, including the level, quality, and cost of the service provided. The Council also evaluates how well the services support the institutions values, mission and focus on customer service.

The Council responsibilities are to:

  • Guide decisions regarding the scope, quality and cost of shared services
  • Identify strategic issues and set direction
  • Provide direction and oversight to the Operations Committee
  • Evaluate performance against established performance measures and SLAs
  • Evaluate each Service Providers' Service Level Agreements annually
  • Make and review recommendations about service levels and the costs and resources required to provide such services
  • Represent System wide interests
  • Consult regularly with Staff Liaison and Senior managers
  • Create advisory groups to assist the Council and Operations Committee with their work
  • Determine business operations
  • Approve and create operating policies and procedures as needed
  • Budget Approvals for Shared Services

All decisions made by the Shared Services Council must be unanimous.

Shared Services Operations Committee

The Shared Services Operations Committee consists of:

  • Chief Internal Auditor (1)
  • General Counsel (1)
  • Campus Provosts and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Student Success (4)
  • Campus Chief Financial Officers and Vice Chancellor for Finance (4)
  • Vice Chancellor for Administration (1)


The Operations Committee serves as advisor to the Council as well as performing delegated decision making. It is convened at the request of the Committee, Staff Liaison, and Senior Managers. The Operations Committee's responsibilities are to:

  • Review and recommend Service Level Agreements for consideration by the Council including; the level of service to be provided, cost allocation, standards and performance measures and the roles and responsibilities of the provider and customers
  • Provide guidance on policies, processes, standards, procedures, and process improvements
  • Review reports and evaluate services delivered and performance against business needs of the institutions
  • Assess and approve or recommend new initiatives (including increases and decreases in the level of service)
  • Delegate to Advisory Groups authority and limits for approving changes to existing services
  • Represent institution needs while not losing sight of System-wide interests
  • Recommending annual budgets for shared services
  • Resolve issues submitted from subcommittees requiring Operations Committee approval
  • Recommend to the Shared Services Council the creation of subcommittees for the IT Shared Services organization and delegate to them certain authorities as deemed appropriate


The Operations Committee members may bring appropriate staff to committee meetings to serve in an advising role.

For decision-making purposes, each Campus and the System Administration has one vote. While a majority decision is valid, the Operations Committee members will seek to develop unanimous decisions with the greater good of the UNT system in mind.

Staff Liaisons

The Staff Liaison designation is appointed by the Chancellor and provides professional staff services to the Council, the Operations Committee, and to Senior Managers of the Service Providers. The role of the staff liaison is to:

  • Work closely with the Council, Operations Committee, Advisory Groups, Service Providers, and other stakeholders to ensure implementation of the shared services system and guide a coordinate work effort
  • Manage the process for monitoring, developing, and producing SLAs
  • Support the Council in the evaluation of Shared Services
  • Promote effective communications about Shared Services within the System and Institutions
  • Provide staffing support to the Council and Operations Committee meetings and ensure that the work of the Council and Operations Committee is supported through agenda setting, preparation of Council packets and meeting minutes, maintaining official records, and overseeing Council direction, actions and decisions
  • Assure that assessments, revenue collection, and reporting are consistent with approved SLAs
  • Serves as the chair of the Operations Committee


Shared Services Advisory Groups

Shared Services Advisory Groups support each functional area of shared services and provide assurances to the Operations Committee that all actions taken are by general consensus, consistent and in keeping with the System's and associated institution's strategic plans, and referred to the Operations Committee when appropriate.

The Chair of an Advisory Group will be appointed by the Service Provider's Senior Manager. Advisory Groups memberships will be recommended by the Service Provider's Senior Manager and approved by the Operations Committee. The roles of the Advisory Groups are:

  • Recommend the utilization of budgeted resources
  • Approve changes to existing services within the delegated authority approved by the Operations Committee
  • Monitor service levels
  • Provide strategy for the implementation of approved services
  • Advocate for process improvements and change management
  • Resolve tactical level issues and escalating them to the Operations Committee when necessary
  • Overseeing the activities of service providers programs
  • Review and recommend informational and action items to the Operations Committee
  • Meet monthly


Service Providers

The Divisions of Shared Services (ITSS, HR, and Business Service Center) are responsible for the design and delivery of centralized business services described in the SLAs. In the future, other divisions within the agency may be identified as shared services providers. The Service Providers' responsibilities are to:

  • Seek regular input from customers
  • Understand and respond to the business needs of the agency
  • In conjunction with the Staff Liaison, prepare Service Level Agreements for review by the Advisory Group, and consideration by the Council
  • Efficiently and effectively provide services as defined in the Service Level Agreements
  • Manage programs and services consistent with policies, rules and laws
  • Prepare monthly reports
  • Seek opportunities through professional process improvement efforts and continuously improve the quality, quantity and cost of service provided
  • Design effective and efficient policies and procedures with customer input


Senior Managers

Senior Managers are the executives responsible for a division or department of Shared Service. Executives are responsible and accountable to the customer, Staff Liaison, and the council.

  • Provide direction to the day to day operation of a division (s) of a shared service
  • Address all requirements imposed by SLAs
  • Set customer satisfaction as a priority objective
  • Insure all operation are consistent with policy, budgets, and operating guidelines developed by the advisory group and approved by the council
  • Continuously purse process improvements and work to control costs
  • Communicate within established protocols about decisions and actions relating to shared services


Organization Chart (number of advisory groups is illustrative)