CLEAR Course Design Institute

Important Note: Due to several applicants expressing being out of state, country, or gone for conferences during the face-to-face dates, participants are encouraged to apply whether or not they can attend all of the face-to-face sessions and note their availability on the application. During the application process, these exceptions will be taken into consideration and the face-to-face requirements potentially modified if enough people cannot attend.

The UNT Center for Learning Enhancement, Assessment, and Redesign (CLEAR) invites applications for the CLEAR Course Design Institute 2016. Grants from $1000-1500 are available for accepted applicants who are seeking to design or redesign any UNT course that is currently part of the curriculum or a new course that will be taught beginning in the 2016-2017 academic year.

What is CLEAR CDI?

The CLEAR Course Design Institute (CDI) is a course design institute for anyone at UNT with an instructional role (full-time faculty, adjuncts, graduate students with teaching responsibilities, etc.) that is designed to: 

  • Provide UNT educators with the time and support, both financial and pedagogical, to design or redesign UNT courses that promote student learning and retention. 
  • Support UNT educators in the design or redesign of UNT courses according to the NextGen model, an outcomes-based model of course design. 
  • Facilitate a UNT educator community of practice that promotes the use of innovative pedagogical strategies at the university.

To participate in CDI, applicants must select a specific course to design or redesign. The course must be a part of the current curriculum or a new course that will be taught beginning in the 2016-2017 academic year. By participating in this CDI, participants will: 

  • Assess the selected course for significant factors that affect course design. 
  • Prepare goals and learning outcomes according to a three-level outcomes-based model for the selected course. 
  • Design assessments for the selected course that align with learning outcomes. 
  • Develop engaged learning strategies for the selected course that align with outcomes and assessments.

Financial support for CLEAR CDI 2016 participants will be provided in the form of grants, ranging from $1,000 to $1,500. Reception of grant monies is contingent upon the accepted applicant’s completion of required work and assignments and will be paid in two installments. See the next section for more about these requirements.

How does CLEAR CDI work?

CLEAR CDI 2016 is an eight week summer institute that combines the flexibility of online learning with the immediacy of face-to-face interaction to enable participants the time and space to develop their courses, interact and network with other UNT educators, and receive direct support from the CLEAR CDI team.

The institute is 85% online and 15% face-to-face. Participants will be expected to commit approximately fifteen hours per week over the eight-week period, with a break in Week 5. Participants will be expected to attend four three-hour face-to-face sessions (see the calendar below for specific dates) and one-on-one consultations which can be done online or face-to-face. The rest of the time will consist of asynchronous learning and interactivity via Blackboard. Required work will include completing a series of modules in the Teaching Resources for Engaged Educators (TREE) program, an online training series for UNT educators. The following table provides the timeline for CDI activities:





Week 1

June 6 – 11  


During this week, participants will be introduced to the overall structure and principles of the program, as well as the community of practice. Participants will also begin the work of shaping their ideal course.


June 10; 12:00pm-3:00pm

Face-to-Face Session

Participants will meet the CLEAR CDI team, as well as the other CDI participants. Participants will participate in an interactive presentation and work in groups. Lunch will be provided.

Week 2

June 12 – 18

Writing Student Learning Outcomes

This week will focus on developing a foundation for a course via measurable and attainable student learning outcomes.


June 13

First grant payment will be paid based upon the accepted applicant’s completion of the required work and assignments thus far.


Week 3

June 19 – 25

Developing Assessments

During the third week, participants will work on developing sound assessments that reflect the goals for their course.


June 24; 12:00pm-3:00pm

Face-to-Face Session

Participants will participate in an “educational technology speed-dating” event and work in groups. Lunch will be provided.

Week 4

June 26 – July 2

Promoting Active & Engaged Learning

Participants will be introduced to the founding principles of instruction in the NextGen model: engaged and active learning.

Week 5

July  3 – 9


During this week, participants will have the opportunity to take time off or catch up in the course as needed.

Week 6

July 10 – 16

Determining Classroom Instruction

Building on the foundation of student learning outcomes, assessment, and active and engaged learning, participants will work on determining and developing classroom strategies and practices that reflect what they have learned thus far.


July 15; 12:00pm-3:00pm

Face-to-Face Session

Participants will participate in an interactive presentation and work in groups. Lunch will be provided.

Week 7

July 17 –23

Bringing it All Together

This week will focus on bringing all of the elements of the NextGen model together to create a coherent and aligned lesson plan.


July 18

Second grant payment will be paid based upon the accepted applicant’s completion of the required work and assignments thus far.


Week 8

July 24 – 29

Final Week

During the final week, participants will have the opportunity to complete any remaining assignments and showcase their designs to the CDI community. Participants will also develop a support plan for their course design with their CDI consultant.


July 29; 12:00pm-3:00pm

Face-to-Face Session

Participants will share their designs with their groups and provide feedback to one another.

Apply Now

The deadline for application is May 1, 2016, 11:59pm. Applicants may be contacted with follow up questions. Notifications of acceptance status will occur by May 6, 2016. Applications can be found by clicking here.

If you have any questions about this application form or other questions about the CLEAR Course Design Institute, please contact the CDI Program Manager, Jenna Ledford at or at 940.369.7243.

Important Dates

  • May 1, 2016: Last Day to Apply 
  • May 6, 2016: Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status. 
  • June 6-July 29, 2016: CLEAR CDI will be conducted across these 8 weeks, 85% online and 15% face-to-face.