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The New Recommendations for Sun Exposure
According to one study, up to three-quarters of Americans are vitamin D deficient, likely due to increased use of sunscreens. Why? Because the sun's rays trigger the body to produce vitamin D, which an increasing body of research suggests can reduce the risk of certain cancers, protect the heart, and even decrease your chances of catching a cold.

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UNT Health Physicians Named 2013 Top Docs
Friday, March 29, 2013
UNT Health Physicians Named 2013 Top Docs

Osteopathic manipulative treatment can ease low back pain
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Osteopathic manipulative treatment can ease low back pain

Coumadin Clinic teaches tactics, solutions for UNT Health patients
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Coumadin Clinic teaches tactics, solutions for UNT Health patients

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